Version 2.3 feedback

I keep getting a CTD immediately upon this turn. Can any one figure out the problem? Thanks!


  • Abyssia.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Can you code Garrisons to be the same as Barracks for the purpose of building Heroic Epic? In my last game I kept putting it off and when I went to build it, all I had were Garrisons and the Heroic Epic was grayed out due to lack of Barracks.

Not really a bug, but would it be possible to scale the number of wonders/national wonders per city based on game length and/or map size? I love playing 3000 turn games that last weeks and it would be nice to be able to build maybe 1 or 2 more of each, if possible.

One of my favourite MODS, thanks again!!
v2.31 patch didn't fix that CTD bug but the good news is that today when I updated BUG mod in RoM from v3.0 to 3.5 version and made few other changes the CTD bug disappeared. Seems that the cause was for that crash bug was some sort of conflict between BUG and Revolution mod components. I'll be running more tests but v2.32 patch should be ready soon... merging new BUG mod caused number of new glitches that I got to find and fix first (most fixed already).

Between all those hundreds of messages, this was the particular one I was waiting for for over 3 months now.

THNX Zappara!:goodjob:
Thanks for the greatest mod I've ever seen!

Bug report: RoM v2.3.1, Vista 32bit Ultimate

Bug #1 (most serious): CTD next turn - see save file.

Bug #2 (very serious): I'm unable to build Refinery (and get Oild products :(). I don't have it in the list of buildings - see same save file.

Bug #3 (minor): Name of constant instead of user-friendly string - see picture attached.


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Just tried this mod, and I'm very impressed, its tons of fun.
A couple of questions:
a) Why are cottages just so damn strong? Cottages are the best things to put on almost every tile, massively outclassing other improvements. Windmills in particular are utterly outclassed by cottages.
b) Given the various bonuses for normal improvement (uber cottages, uber farms, waterwheels and mills build into forests, etc.) water tiles become incredibly weak. Building on the coast is pretty useless. And rivers just become way too important.
c) The AI doesn't seem to be able to handle the revolts, particularly the the very early game, the initial food bonuses lead to cities outgrowing their happiness and health caps, and the capital cities of many AI empires splintering.
d) I'm playing the Demographica Mediterannean map, tons of fun, but one issue playing as Greece... no horses in Macedonia? There are no horses anywhere near Greece, so hundreds of turns in I still have no horses. Also, the French start (with 3 grains, and stone, bronze and horses) seems insanely strong - playing as France is a total walkover. And I am mystified as to why Arabia starts in ~modern day Romania. Was this supposed to be Turks, at least (they'll end up settling around Istanbul).
I'm getting XML errors on loading the new version. Vanilla BTS, latest patches works fine. I recently did a little change on a certain .exe file, since my DVD drive regularly refuses to acknowledge my Civ 4 (Complete edition DVD). Should I get the disc to work again (I hope so...) I'll let you know if this (and the genuine .exe) solves the problem.

Else, is it possible that an edited .exe file causes trouble while loading mods if it runs vanilla fine?

And completely (un)related, any idea what I could do to fix that DVD/ DVD drive issue?

Thanks loads in advance.

Am running Vista w/o Service Pack (blame the patching bug), and have unsuccessfully tried to manually install the XP XML parser...

Alright, reinstalled, everything clean, original, latest patch still xml crashes on initialization. Any ideas?

I mean, Vanilla BTS really sucks after having had the pleasure to play zappara's mod.
Here's current update notes for v2.4:

Spoiler :
Version 2.4

- Changed: Forge buildings cost halved (120->60) to help AI players (if building takes more than 30 turns to built, AI player most likely will not build it)
- Changed: Slave market cost halved (so it won't be more expensive than Forge)
- Changed: Artist Guilds adds +1 happiness if city has dye resource

- Added: Barbarians have now own unitartstyle

Mod components
- Updated: BUG mod to v3.5
- Fixed: CTD bug from modern age (though with AIAutoplay mod component there seems to be CTD issue if start game directly on modern era and let AI play your turns from the start, crashes at 20-30 turns)

- Added: Marsh
- Added: Peat Bog (swamp) feature on Marsh and Tundra
- Changed: Jungle and Forest may appear on Marsh plots
- Changed: Fallout unhealthiness increased from 0.5 to 0.8

- Changed: Rice may appear on Marsh and Peat Bog plots
- Changed: Potato may appear on Marsh
- Changed: Fur may appear on Marsh plots
- Changed: Oil may appear on Marsh and Peat Bog plots

- Changed: Cottage no longer get bonuses from roads and railroads
- Changed: Hamlet no longer get bonuses from roads and railroads
- Changed: Village food bonus 1->0, no longer get hammer bonus from roads and railroads
- Changed: Town food bonus 1 -> 0
- Changed: Mine gets now +2 hammers from railroad (was no difference between roads and railroad)
- Changed: Shaft Mine gets now +2 hammers from railroad (was no difference between roads and railroad), can now be built directly after you discover Steam Power
- Changed: Farm can be built on marsh plots, gets small chance to discover food resources (same effect as with mines)
- Changed: Watermill gets +1 food from Replaceable parts and +1 hammer from Electricity
- Changed: Groundwater well can be build on marsh plots
- Changed: Goody huts may appear on Marsh and Peat Bog plots
- Changed: Bunker can be built on Marsh plots
- Changed: Waster refinement factory can be built on Marsh plots
- Changed: Fort can be built on Marsh plots

- Changed: Agricultural tools no longer enable irrigation
- Changed: Canal systems enables irrigation

- Added: new Mediterranean (120x40) map by wcis
- Added: Eurasia (200x80) map by Bohemus
- Added: Huge Earth 18 civs (124x68) map by JEELEN
- Added: Mars map with 12 civs (80x57), original map by GarretSidzaka
- Added: Mars Colonization map, no preset civs and starts on Future era (AD2055)
- Added: Colonization scenario (America map), 12 preset civs, start year 1500, 3month turns
- Added: Australia & New Zealand huge map (114x80)

- Added: Espionage unit group

- Added: Spy promotion lines
- Changed: Fieldsman I-III gain bonuses on Marsh terrain

- Added: Dropship (helicopter unit with paradrop ability)
- Changed: Spy is now in Espionage unit group
- Changed: Worker units can drain Peat Bog
- Changed: Brigantine upgrades now to Iron Frigate instead of Frigate (unit stays available longer)
- Changed: AH64 Gunship upgrades to Dropship
- Changed: Modern Paratrooper upgrades to Dropship
- Fixed: Arabian Rifleman buttons work again (animations swapped)

- Added: Asian Trireme
- Added: Galleon for China
- Added: Asian Galleon

- Added: Better BTS AI pedia to RoM Concepts
- Added: Super Spies pedia to RoM concepts
- Added: Advanced Scoreboard pedia to RoM concepts (instructions how to customize it)
- Added: Unit Naming pedia to RoM Concepts (specific instructions still only in BUG Mod Help-ENG.chm help file)
- Added: Autolog pedia to RoM Concepts
- Updated: Maps & Scenarios in RoM concepts
- Updated: Civ Changer info in RoM concepts
- Updated: Archer Bombard info in RoM Concepts

- Changed: All mapscripts have been updated to terrain changes (Marsh now included)

- Added: new water and terrain textures
It's going to be v2.4 and not 2.32 since I got to upload whole mod again. So the planned civic changes will go into v2.5 then. I got few more things going into the next version so those notes aren't final. I decided to add new terrain feature after all after I had added new terrain (Marsh) - so there will be now really unhealthy swamp plots as well though you'll be able to drain those swamps once you discover tech for it. I've generated some 20+ maps so far with these new terrain features to test them and I'm liking it :)

I managed to fix my Colonization scenario as well on last weekend (spent some 20hours modding RoM :lol:) and I'm converting some new maps for RoM and looks like there will be about 10 new maps included (20 total then?).
When is this master piece gonna come out? Maybe a completely new version would also solve my weird XML problem. It didn't turn up with 2.2 btw.
Looks promising!
Had a chance to think about my GP suggestion? Should I try to develop a tech sheet and detail the stuff? Would make RoM more than unique!

I've been waiting for this for months!
I didn't get what was the DAMN problem that was causing the DAMN CTDs.
But, I don't really need any explanation, hehehe. I just need RoM 2.4!
Would you be willing to change the on-th-map appearance of bauxite ore? It wouldn't have to be drastic, just enough to differentiate it from aluminum. This would make it easier to convert maps to ROM.

That aside, I'm liking the 2.4 changelog. I'll miss my supremely powerful cottages, though. :(
Changed Civics in 2.5!!!


I want to kiss you, but to preserve my masculinity, I won't :p
hey zapp been awhile since i been awhile since i played..just downloaded version 2.4 and hopefully get to play it...but wifey insists i play everquest2 with her all the time and just got spore so civ is taking a vaca for now..just had a min to check the forums and saw 2.4 so downloaded and figured i'd just say hi to all and hopefully soon she'll allow me to play again
2.3 CTD (happens every time I reload the save).
Shame, I'd worked my way up to 2nd place (Hittites controlling all of Turkey still in the lead) and was about to start breaking out armor.

*edit* save too large to upload normally.


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emperor diff
huge tectonics map
temparate medium sea
marathon speed

sorry about the makeup of this txt i use wordpad to punch in observations while playing

oh and i had a ctd in the modern age aswell.


caravel to sloop and brigantine too big a jump. All ships listed

below are light ships exept the galleon MoW and the SotL. i would

suggest as to that the difference isnt so big.

current suggestion

sloop = 7 to 5
brigantine = 10 to 6
galleon = 10 to 7
privateer = 14 to 10
frigate = 16 to 12
Man O War = 20 to 16
Ship ot Line = 24 to 20

The AI uses privateers to attack ships they cant win from like

frigates. Its far better to avoid combat and defend and blockade

trade routes. I dont know if the AI can be tought this, i dont know

if you meddle with the AI.

with cult driven war you get free influence when a privateer

attacks your coastal patrol ships since they always! attack
which btw gives away which culture uses those privateers :)

iron frigate needs sulfur however a (normal) frigate doesnt

trireme to sloop is only 20 gold hence also above list.


spies can discover tribal villages so you can get the gold without

having to kill the barbarians

sewer system -20 spy def but "helps thwart spies" ?

counter espionage always succesfull and for 20 turns too strong

imo. on marathon speed.

detected spies just travelling through a country cause relations

hit this can get big


I got 300 gold from 2nd goodyhut i discovered!

As has been suggested before cottages are too strong compared to

other improvements, I would think farms and mines would be the way

to go until the renaissance.

I was able to build the national courier system twice

swordsman to light swordsman +1strenght seems a bit useless to


glassware for observatory and alchemist shop is pretty harsh uyou

have to be lucky to have salt, make salt more common?

some cavalry units are missing logical flanking bonus against some

siege units

You removed the unhappiness for private healthcare wont the

Contacting/emancipation give the same prob

Some options for airmissions are hidden for units that have lots of

missions to choose from like the airstrike (S) against units.

attack multiple times per turn for ships initative

graphical glitches triangles (see screenshot) i have seen this with

other units aswell, not only modded units like the medic from the


A-bomber before manhattan project as well as all other nukes.
in other words you dont need the Manhattan project to build nukes.

opportunity fire too big effect imo;
with my 3 cannons guarded by 2 gren and 1 riflemen in a forest i

was able to bombard the enemy stack of 10 riflemen 2 cav 1 cannon

and 1 grenadier to being useless to attack me. Later on with medic

you can negate the effects, however i still have to see the AI use


a upto 4.4 dmgd riflemen got dmgd 61% by my cannon but net loss was

1 point of strenght thats about 25%. I dont understand those dmg

reports. ???

also shooting with cannons against ships on the coast less give

less dmg than reported

cant bombard enemy units in friendly territory altough you can

attack them. This seems wierd.

jeep with a siege tower animation while attacking a city

unit specific malussus are negated by promotions or too boosted by

promotions, in other words not much specialization for different

units. a wide range of promotions is available to all units. should

be more restriced like barrage only for siege and archers etc.

logistics should need mech warfare because you can now build mobile

arty with logistics only. It just seems a bit strange

airbase give xp to air units but not helicopter units

casino very expensive compared to other buildings. Not all cities

are production powerhouses. Yes i do specialize, i try :)

long rev time up to 8 turns, can this be tweaked with techs or

buildings? like police station etc

emancipation comes to soon should be tied to industrialism imo

Permanent Alliance:

(first experience with it btw)

spamming each turn resourses i already have

one turn completion of research when asked what to research.
At peace 1 turn completion when researching the same tech. At war a

couple of turns (AI builds units instead of tech)
cant ask ally to change gov'ment?

vassals trading resouses we both have

each turn my partner gives a resource i already have can this

behaviour be stopped?


switching of civics when at war, always go for old civics could it

be a way to prevent this to make a newer "wartime" civic with the

same bonussus as the previous but better. Or make a way to not

return to old civics once you choose a new one. Ideally would be to

have sets of civics rather than pick and choose. no emancipation

with sacrifice cult etc.

capturing ships and make them a privateer :D

is it possible to not make gov'met change during war and have war

exhaust dissipate after war

sea colonies :) like in the visa mod! that would open op a new grab

for territory

would it be possible to build something similar to the suez canal

perhaps as a chain of forts with the appropriate tech of course?

v1 to guided missiles upgrade
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