Version 2.7 discussion

First of all;
Keep up the good work with ROM!!

Some quick thoughts about corporations;

Originally we have corps which reflect the real world. Like;
Mining Inc. (mining indust.)
Aluminium (metal/steel indust.)
Stand. Eth. (power/oil, etc indust.)
Civ. Jewel. (luxery goods, etc.)

If you add corporations please add ones wich add to the list above.
I was thinking about other real-world industries like;

Entertainment Industry (allready there a bit, like the Hollywood and Rock N Roll)
Trade Industry
Production Industry (all sorts of goods)
Information/ data
Service Industry

Maybe i'll work this idear out when at home tonight



Ow, and of course we cannot forget Global Crime/ Maffia ;)
For future era you can use some SMAC`s ( Sid Meier`s Alpha Centauri ) ideas - wonders, units, traits, improvements.

BTW. great mod Zappara, thx:goodjob:
:lol: It's not long ago when I was reading pedia from SMAC. Few things in current RoM are based on SMAC. On techs I do try to take bit more realistic approach but I'm still missing units/buildings/any stuff for all those 50+ new future techs. Once I know what stuff each tech can hold, I can start figuring out the tech tree order - All this is going to be very long task...

one thing I thought if you plan to do changes in the tech tree in 2.7

make religions theyr own tech alltogether, this would allow people to have control over what religion they found when using the only one religion per civ option

and if the tech is fairly cheap and branches off the tech that originally founds the religion it has no real change to the game itself
I have already considered this and I probably add just 1 new tech for early religions and it will be either Ceremonial Burial or Astrology and it will found Amun-RA. There is not room in tech tree for more early religious techs and I don't want to go through the trouble of editing the whole tech tree just for adding couple techs very early game.
This mod is SOOO great. Sadly, I am having lost interface issues.

A few requests.
1. Early bombers, perhaps available at the same time as early fighters. Graphics available.
2. Please include trench infantry and storm trooper (modern grenadier) changes from zulu9812's rome mod.
3. WWI motorized transport (trucks). Graphics available. Perhaps weak defend only, wheeled unit, carries 2 foot solders or artillery.
4. Allow any land unit that carrys foot solders to tow artillery as well.
5. WWII mechanized infantry (halftracks). Same attack and defense as infantry but move 2 and carrys 1 additional footsolder or towed artillery.
6. WWII tracked artillery. Same as artillery but move 2.
7. Please don't make UU's that aren't unique except in graphic. Make a generic heavy tank in CIV4UnitInfos, both name and description (UNIT_HEAVY_TANK) and use CIV4UnitArtStyleTypeInfos (ART_DEF_UNIT_HEAVY_TANK_M26) for custom graphics.
8. Please make uppercase unit names standard.
9. Please add the Shinto Religion, preferred by japan.
10. Several American civs should have RELIGION_MESOAMERICANISM as preferred.
11. Please add a way to convert coal to oil in a city. Synthetic Fuel Plant or Synthetic Fuels Inc. This was actually done in WWII.
12. Add more WWI and WWII leaders. Woodrow Wilson, Kaiser Wilhelm, Tsar Nicholas II, Hitler, Hirohito, Franco, and Mussolini.
13. Add more female leaders with more cooperative attitudes like Mansu Musa.
14. Add more leaders for civs that only have one.
15. I think trebs are a bit overpowered.
16. WWII fighters and later should be deadly to ships.
17. Early jets, like the Meteor, F-86, or the ME-262.
9. Please add the Shinto Religion, preferred by japan.
Look what I just found from CFC's download database: Modular Shinto religion for RoM 2.6 :lol: There's few others as well and looks like AAranda will be making more of them... Note that there will be some symbol issues with modular religions because gamefont files do not support modular format.

This week I did something for v2.7 that has been on to-do list since the initial release version... I combined all building, promotion and civic buttons to bigger button atlas files (just like BtS has) so the mod doesn't need to load each button file, just 4 button collections. This should speed up loading times on all screens which need to show those buttons.
Look what I just found from CFC's download database: Modular Shinto religion for RoM 2.6 :lol: There's few others as well and looks like AAranda will be making more of them... Note that there will be some symbol issues with modular religions because gamefont files do not support modular format.

I could not get the sounds for the religions to work modular either. I do have a couple of sounds for Shinto. I tried the mod out and there are some minor graphics problems with the icons and the Himeji wonder movie was missing. Other than that it works.
one thing i noticed, is that only spearmen get built quicker from having resources like Obsidian and copper, it doesn't affect archers or swordsmen or any later units at all.

Will this be included? So say, Macemen have a production bonus with Iron, and Riflemen with ammunition, sulphur, and so on?

is it possible to add terraforming tech (for change desert to plain for example) and sea towns like in an other mod (see genetic area for warlords)

Great work my dear !
Terraforming module you can find in my Gameplay Addon here.
Sea cities like it was in Genetic era i planning to add to next version of my addon. :)
Terraforming module you can find in my Better Gameplay Addon here.
Sea cities like it was in Genetic era i planning to add to next version of my addon. :)
If any religion should be added I'd make it Sikhism. It's the 5th largest in the world and even has a nifty symbol. Also, since it was founded in the 15th century, It wouldn't add to the already religiously cluttered Ancient and Classical eras. After that Vodun would finally give us a religion for tribal Africa. Then there's Asatru and finally Shinto. Don't get me wrong, I like Shinto as a modular religions though I wish AAranda had given their buildings the standard benefits. However, Buddhism already represents Japan and Shinto has only about 2.8 million followers, and is of little influence outside Japan. I think it is better as a modular, optional religion than one of the religions which need to be added into the Main game.
@ zappara
I know that in the past you tried or had (I forget) the terraforming aspect in your mod. I remember you saying that it was hard to make the AI use it properly. Since then have you learned more about modding to allow the AI to properly use this by any chance? I've seen several requests for this over the months surfing this forum and it continues to up here and there. Just wondering if its possible with your current knowledge of modding to put terraforming in the game and let the AI use it properly.
In new version of my addon I'll add some AI for terraforming. Computer'll terraform hard terrains like desert, tundra, march etc. In current version AI don't using it. My modding skill is basic/average and I can only add/modify simple SDK code. I think modding AI in Civ4 is very, very hard and i don't have skills to add new behavior for computer players.
13. Add more female leaders with more cooperative attitudes like Mansu Musa.
14. Add more leaders for civs that only have one.]

If you were going to add in another Aztec leader, I'd have to insist on Ahuitzotl who was the greatest military leader in Aztec history, the first ruler to be called Huey Tlatoani (Great Speaker; placing him above the Tlatoani of other cities), he presided over the building of the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan, greatly expanded the empire, and centralized power in Tenochtitlan, turning the Triple alliance into an Aztec-dominated Empire.

For the Mayans, if the Kingdom of Palenque is represented by Pacal II (Actually called Hanab Pakal II), then the other major Mayan state, the Quiche Confederacy, should be represented by thier legendary founder K'ucumatz (Feathered Serpent). The Quiche are one of the major powers which confronted the Spanish upon thier arrival and is also the source of much of our knowladge concerning the Maya including their creation myth contained in the Popul Vuh. However, if you wand to add a female leader, Lady Six-Sky re-established the Naranjo dynasty in 682 and is considered one of the great leaders of the Late Classic Period.
... production bonus ... Riflemen with ammunition, sulphur, and so on?

I like this idea, using ammo as a bonus to production, instead of having ammunition as a requirement for construction, for those times when sulphur doesn't spawn. :rolleyes: Or is that situation being looked into and rectified? :) Maybe a 5% production bonus per ammunition resouce, capped at 20-25%? And a larger bonus per sulphur? And to off set the bonus, make the Ordinance Factories a more expensive build, provide less regular hammers, or increased Unhealthiness maybe?

Also, along this line of thought, maybe a production bonus for aircraft with aluminum, a bonus for ships with iron?

Any chance of ever getting a "high grade lumber" resource (to put in forests obviously) that would increase the yield in hammers of that spot, as well as a bonus in production to Archers, wooden ships?

On the conversation of corporations, in light of recent events why not make an automobile corporation? Or two so they could compete! :D Require iron, rubber, oil, maybe another thing or two (I'll be honest, I'm just thinking out loud at this point ;) ), and dispense gold and culture in cities where they are present.

At any rate, just my $0.02, some great ideas being generated here. :goodjob:
Hi! I want to ask you if it is possible to implement in the next version the Fall Further viewing mode: units sight depends of terrain. In the forest an unit can not see much further. On hills an unit see further then on grassland, and an unit on hill can not see beyond mountings arround it. It seems to me more realistic.
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