Very unlikely/obscure/never considered by others civs you'd enjoy in the game


Oct 23, 2013
Title. This thread is specifically devoted to those cultures you'd enjoy seeing in civ games, but you know their chances are extremely low and extremely few people seem to consider them. I think separate topic for them is a good idea, because in any regular "what civs would you..." they are obviously going to be utterly overshadowed by those regular dozens suggested civs everybody thinks about, arguments if Italy should be in, does Belgium exist, how to split India, would Tibet and Judea civs lead UN to condemn civ7 etc, you know mainstream usual stuff.
Basically you make a case for some cultures that you think are considered super niche suggwstions.

My contributions

A separate civ for Islamic Egypt, named after one of its imperial dynasties (alternatively you could introduce modern Egypt via Muhammad Ali but then you have that damn civ name overlap issue).
Islamic Egypt is an obviously separate civilization, identity and succession of empires, which has 95% nothing in common with ancient pagan Egypt and which is very different from Arab civs of Arab Peninsula/Levant/Iraq/Syria. It just annoys me that its 1400 years of magnificent history are always overshadowed by ancient Egypt. Also a ton of awesome leaders to choose from.

Albania, Albanians. Just such an exotic culture and language with history unusual for Europe, also Muslim European civ. Also an incredible candidate for a leader (Skanderbeg obviously). Never considered because of its supposed tiny importance and anger over too many European civs already, but Albanians have played disproportionally huge role in the Ottoman Empire (which is also interesting to me, as an unusual way for people to leave their mark on history).

Chechens, Chechnya. Legit impressive for its size (1,5mln Chechens in the world now) culture existing for a very long time, from a very unique and very exotic cultural group. History full of fighting well against impossible odds. Exotic, interesting, distinctive, dramatic possibility. Rather unlikely because of its obscurity and political separatism outrage, which I personally don't respect at all in this particular case.
A separate civ for Islamic Egypt,
I agree that the ancient egypt and the muslim one are very differenti entity, but despite that I don't will mind if both have the name Egypt. And one be alternative leader to another, maybe also doing other very different civs with the same name as Persia with one ancinet leader as Ciro and other medieval leader as Khosraw.

I think it is too small to be a civ, I thing they fit better as a city state. The Europe is already overrepresented. From this side of Europe I should pick Romania as civ, or even Yugoslavia as a civ.

Chechens, Chechnya
I like the Chechenya idea, maybe this game can do more islamic civs in Europe, maybe also do Andalusia.

Now I will give some ideas:

1-Haiti, They fight and won the might Napoleon during this war against slavery, the only sucessfull slavery revolt who implement the first black republic of the world and also was an empire for while (because they conquer all Hispaniola including the Rep Dominicana side).

2-Toltecs, some in this forum will argue they aren't a good pic because they are mythological, but I disagree on that.

3- Seminole, lead by someone of the black Seminole comunity as Negro Abraham or John Horse. Because I believe is very amazing a native tribe as the Seminole accpet scaped slavery in it's boards and even put they and leaderance positions. I think Fireaxis can use this opportunity to do Seminole lead by a Black-Native american.

4-Ahmednagar Sultanate, follow the concept of Blacks outside Africa, we can get a leader of India, a tiny sultanate who enslaved and tranform Malik Ambar in a Sultan.

5-Palmares, it was a Banto kingdom in nowadays Brazil, we called it Quilombo. It's dure almost 100 years and had 2 great leaders, Ganga Zumba and Zumbi. The Zumbi death day is nowadays a holyday in Brazil. 25 november.

6-Andalusia, as said before, I believe this game can have more Civs from Europe who was muslim, that should be made a great scenario with Charlemagne and the battles to avoid the conquest of France by muslim forces.

7-Dahomey, from all Slavery kingdoms they are my favorite because his unique unit, the Amazon Warrios (Ahosi). And I think they can have some slavery ability as be able to sell population of his own citys for luxury resources. The selled people don't lose it's faith.
This was on my mind when I was rambling about wildcard slots (thanks Miami!), so I am glad you put it together and that Henri imported a number of suggestions that have occurred to me from reading his threads.

I would personally hope Andalusia and an Islamic Egypt would not be too unlikely or obscure, though I acknowledge obstacles ahead of both.
The first one that comes to my mind is Olmec. I'd really love to see them in the game, but I know the chances are almost zero. If they really want to insist, they can put on a semimythological leader who perhaps never existed and who almost nothing is known about. I know this is not the best way, so Olmecs will continue to be represented as city-state or minor civilization.
Maybe not the Olmecs it-self, but maybe the Olmecs-Xicalanca can appear lead by 3Deer.

Olmecs xicalanca lived in Olmecs lands for while, than they intermixed with Xicalanca population, who was a Maya group. Than the Olmec-Xicalanca move from Olmecs lands to central mexico, lived in Teotihuacán for while than they move to Cacaxtla as last city of it's unique culture where it's leader paint him self with black dye to be proud of his blackness.
The ones I have not seen supported by any other people are:

> Hmong civ, native people from the hills of southern China and northen SEA, millennial militar and cultural resistance againts the mightiest chinese dynasties. Famous by their guerrilla tactics, use of crossbows and unique customs.

> Carib civ, expansive sea and riverine raiders feared by others natives and the spaniards, mercenary for the british, french, dutch and portuguese. Despite capture others peoples they also accepted and mixed with african slaves and fought againts the colonial powers in the Caribbean.

There are many others that for me are seriously underrated like Manchu, Somali, Chimu, etc. But still get some support once in a while.
There's a big hole we haven't talked too much about: Central Asia. Central Asia is possibly the worst represented region in all of Civ. In Civ 6, we have Samarkand and Scythia, but if there will be more civs I'd rather have more from this area than splitting up other civs (as long as they're treated better with their leaders). I'd like to see more Tashkents, Almaties, Bukharas, Astrakhans, and Khivas.

If you're wondering about their bonuses, they would have something to do with trade (because of the Silk Road) or with a pastoral economy.
There's been suggestions about the Timurids but I feel like they burned to the ground too fast before they really got anywhere. Although, if they appear in Civ 7, I'd still be happy.
Oman. Long independent from the Caliphate. Was a maritime power for a couple centuries. Majority of the population follows Ibadhi Islam which is a very interesting mix of orthodox and radical, in comparison to both Sunni and Shi'a Islam, positions.
There's a big hole we haven't talked too much about: Central Asia. Central Asia is possibly the worst represented region in all of Civ. In Civ 6, we have Samarkand and Scythia, but if there will be more civs I'd rather have more from this area than splitting up other civs (as long as they're treated better with their leaders). I'd like to see more Tashkents, Almaties, Bukharas, Astrakhans, and Khivas.

If you're wondering about their bonuses, they would have something to do with trade (because of the Silk Road) or with a pastoral economy.
There's been suggestions about the Timurids but I feel like they burned to the ground too fast before they really got anywhere. Although, if they appear in Civ 7, I'd still be happy.

I would like to see Islamic Persia featured, which though problematic would nonetheless represent some of Central Asia. In particular, the Samanid Empire out of Samarkand or Bukhara would be a great candidate for Islamic Persian revival. That said, it was kind of brief in the grand scheme of things and would run into the Persian/not Persian/still Persian naming issues Krajzen alludes to with Egypt, though cultural discontinuities are not analogous between Egypt and Persia. The Samanids could be connected with the Safavid Empire through a leader from each, but it would be very odd to merge them with Classical Persia.
There's a big hole we haven't talked too much about: Central Asia. Central Asia is possibly the worst represented region in all of Civ. In Civ 6, we have Samarkand and Scythia,
It's still more than the Mahgreb got. :p

I don't really have many civs that's really never been considered by others to appear but I guess these do seem the most unlikely that I would want for Civ 7:

1.Samoa- I've seen so many people who want Hawaii or the Tonga for the token Polynesian civ, and barely anyone that says Samoa.

2. Benin- The reason why Benin is here is because I don't know how likely it is to appear. I possibly see the Ashanti, or another group of Nigeria to appear before the Benin kingdom.

3. Tlingit- I've seen them mentioned several times but I'm not sure how likely we are to get a PNW tribe. Even if we do I think the Haida might have a better shot.

4. Haiti- I think it's a long shot that they get in, but maybe the most likely post-colonial nation of the Caribbean if they decide to go there.

5. Armenia- I've seen Armenia mentioned before, but barely, and honestly I think they might be the most likely to appear on this list, unless we get Tamar and Georgia again.
If we look to Central Asia history whatever they are classical empires, khanates or islamic persianates the average lifespan is around two centuries anyway.
For me the solution for Central Asia are these two:

> Hephthalite
Represent Central Asia´s classical to early medieval history, Huna dynasty covering Bactria, Sogdiana and the Tarim basin. Bactrian speaking leader. Population of diverse beliefs including Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism and Nestorian.
Their in game focus is land trade routes with some mechanics to gain from every religion in your cities.

> Gurkani
Covering the history from late medieval to modern era, originally Turkic persianate representing proper Central Asia but also Afghanistan and Hindustan. Early leaders would speak Chagatai language. Sunni Islam as state religion.
Great conquerors and monument builders, Zamburak as UU and famous constructors of observatories, forts, mosques, mausoleums and palaces.
There's Morocco in Civ 5. But Morocco, Tunis, Tripolitania or Algiers should be a consideration too.

Armenia is a pretty popular alternative to Georgia. If they appear again it'll be with David the Builder.

Sikhs would be interesting and also help with the Central Asian hole. Their ability might have something to do with unique Gurus appearing each era like Colombia's generals.
There's Morocco in Civ 5. But Morocco, Tunis, Tripolitania or Algiers should be a consideration too.
True there is Civ 5, but it is pretty empty in Civ 6. To be honest I'd prefer a Berber/Numidia civ instead of an Islamic one, which could also be considered unlikely as well, though I think it's more doable than the ones that have been mentioned.

Armenia is a pretty popular alternative to Georgia. If they appear again it'll be with David the Builder.
I mean it's pretty much the only alternative to Georgia, at least in terms of a Christian centered nation in the general area.
Finland. The country motto "Sisu" (Fight at 100% no matter the odds) would be an interesting Civ Nation bonus. Sauna as a Unique Building, Ski Soldiers as a Unique Unit. Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim should be the Civ Leader.
Albania, Albanians. Just such an exotic culture and language with history unusual for Europe, also Muslim European civ. Also an incredible candidate for a leader (Skanderbeg obviously). Never considered because of its supposed tiny importance and anger over too many European civs already, but Albanians have played disproportionally huge role in the Ottoman Empire (which is also interesting to me, as an unusual way for people to leave their mark on history).
Considering how successful Skanderbeg was against the Ottomans (and how successful he was in Italy), I believe he should at least become a Great General. Though, I'd much rather see him actually leading an Albanian Civ.
Finland. The country motto "Sisu" (Fight at 100% no matter the odds) would be an interesting Civ Nation bonus. Sauna as a Unique Building, Ski Soldiers as a Unique Unit. Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim should be the Civ Leader.
I think samurais had that ability in one of the last couple civ games
For an additional Mesoamerican civ, the Purepecha (Tarascans) would be a great choice. They were and are renowned for their metallurgic skills and the kingdom of the Purepecha rivalled the Aztec empire in their prime. A more industrial/commercial design would contrast with the Aztec and Maya nicely.

Totally support Al-Andalus, the Gurkani, and Islamic Egypt/Misr.
I mean, after all the noise I made about them I'm not sure the Purépecha count as "never considered by others" on CFC anymore XD.
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