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Video of Palin speaking at her church

I thought all new Palin issues were supposed to be tacked onto one of the other threads now.
I'm halfway through the video and it just looks like a standard church. She just talks about "you guys are good Christians, I see God in you, you guys are going to be lights for God, God will give good things to Alaska, random Bible verse," etc.
Synopsis or explanation of what we're looking at it for would be nice. I do have other things to be doing with my time.
Synopsis or explanation of what we're looking at it for would be nice. I do have other things to be doing with my time.

LesCanadiens said:
I'm halfway through the video and it just looks like a standard church. She just talks about "you guys are good Christians, I see God in you, you guys are going to be lights for God, God will give good things to Alaska, random Bible verse," etc.

Yes, I sees that you said such things. I was wondering if there was something at the end of it or a point to watching such sermoning.
Synopsis or explanation of what we're looking at it for would be nice. I do have other things to be doing with my time.

Why? Because she's the nominee for vice-president. Synopsis? I am deliberately NOT making any comment. I am interested in the comments of others. If the US election is not sufficiently important to you, then by all means give it a miss.

If I didn't consider it worth watching, I would not have posted it. If you have any comment, I am interested.
Are we going to make a thread for every speech she does or what?

My comments on the speech? ZZzzzzzzzz ZZzzzzzzz ZZzzzzzzz
It it just a standard "hey I'm doing things for alaska and you and I are all good christians" type of speech. BUT there was a small part where she asked the service to bless the soldiers in Iraq and that they were performing a holy duty over there. Now to me this is just insanity. Currently I believe the Iraq War should continue/we shouldn't pull out, but to call the mission holy just strikes me as insane.
If you believe the soldiers are accomlishing "good" and you are Christian then there is noting wrong with saying you are do the work of God or some such. They would say the same thing about food drive or homeless shelter workers.

The more pathetic these "attacks" become, the Obama death spiral accelerates just so much.
If you believe the soldiers are accomlishing "good" and you are Christian then there is noting wrong with saying you are do the work of God or some such. They would say the same thing about food drive or homeless shelter workers.

The more pathetic these "attacks" become, the Obama death spiral accelerates just so much.
Why are you bringing up Obama?
Thanks everyone for your comments so far. While I see mostly indifference, I find this speech important. Maybe it's just me, but i would still like to know what people think.

As for the request for a transcript, I believe it's important to see inflection and tone of voice, to gauge the real impact of the words.
Why are you bringing up Obama?

Because the more pathetic these attacks become the more it affects his electorial chances. Which is sad because Obama specifically forsaw this and told his supporters to refrain from such things not just because he is a decent guy but because he also knew the political fallout of such baseless and shallow attacks.
1) How is this an "attack"?
2) Dubai, are you an Obama supporter?
1) How is this an "attack"?
I have linked to a speech by Palin. I have made no comment other than "I think this is worth watching." I too would like to know why this thread is considered an "attack."
2) Dubai, are you an Obama supporter?
I am an American citizen, and a veteran, living and working in the Persian Gulf. Been here since 1997. I am currently undecided as to whom I will vote for. I have no problem ending a sentence with a preposition. It's a stupid rule.

I offer this video as relevant information. I consider it important. Most resondents so far do not agree. I appreciate the comments. Thanks to all who respond.
Oh, when its talking about Obama's preacher, its fair game.

But when Palin is calling the Iraq war a holy mandate from God, then it's an "attack"

Palin hasn't got anything on Obama's preacher who cried " God **** America."
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