Video problems


Nov 9, 2005
Dublin, Ohio
I am haveing problems with my game.:mad: When the opening movie comes up it flashes on and off and so does the sound. Also, when i buld a wonder, a video comes up about the wonder and when that happens to me, it plays about a milla sceond of sound and then my game totally shuts off. WHAT IS WRONG WIT MY GAME?OR COMP.?:confused:
There are problems with intro and wonder movies. Try turning the movies off for now until the patch is out, latest ETA is end of month.

To turn movie off, edit the CivilizationIV.ini file in My Doc\My Games\Sid's Civ4\.

Change the value NoMovies = 0 to 1.

This is not a fix for your problem, just a temporary solution.
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