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Warning to MSN Messenger users

one of the first things I did when I got my new pc was disable and remove as much of MSN and Messenger as I could find ;)
Originally posted by Adebisi
Not like it's a big deal...

Thunderfall could use it to id all your duplicate hotmail etc accounts and tack down your multiple og ons.
Originally posted by Lefty Scaevola

Thunderfall could use it to id all your duplicate hotmail etc accounts and tack down your multiple og ons.

that would only work if your dl email address was hotmail or they were running msn messenger:scan:
Gee, what a surprise, Microsoft's attempt to spy on... I mean add a new wonderful web feature has a security hole. :)

Good old trusty AIM, the first of the IM's, and does not yet horribly abuse my trust.
Wise question by ren
Um, may I ask why?
Simple, i'll just talk about one of them. When you have a 4 people conversation going on MSN, it's generally appreciated that one person types at the time. Then if you see what the others are doing then you can type/or not. Elementary, dear Watson.

Anyway I do use MSN myself too. And I'm still using an old 4.0 version. Beside that, I also use MSN Tweaker plus. So I can set lot of security options. One of the cool features is also the offline talk :) Nevertheless I admit it's quite surprising that Microsh** has not won the Big bro award this year...
This kinda pisses me off!:mad:

But like it matters if people know who my friends are, right?
And my e-mail address is easy to guess anyway so I get enough junk-mail I'm sure a little more won't hurt?
I like messenger since its better than ICQ and I like to know when someone is typing. Also I very rarely get any spam on my hotmail address which is great. :goodjob:
yeah MSN is greater (and trust me, it's a pain in my heart having to admit that), and for once I can't criticize a MS product. And true, I never receive spam mail. The only "foreign" mails, i.e. not from one of my contacts, are sent by... MS staff themselves.
On the other hand with ICQ, since the day I was "forced" to get it (all my friends wanted me to have it), I only had 4-5 spams per day, like 'hello, my name is Lara/Sara/et... and you can see me at www.blondeb***.com or something like that. Grrrr. So actually I run ICQ once a day to see if i have offline messages. Oh that reminds me about that feature. If MSN could store offline messages like ICQ/Yahoo, that would be great.

Note: Adebisi, you can use email notifier, a small background prog that checks regularly your (numerous/single) mailbox(es). Plus it's a freeware...
Originally posted by Adebisi
I'll still use MSN messenger as it's a superior client. Trillian doesn't show wether the person you are talking to is typing a message. That feature is invaluable.

yes it does:p
Originally posted by GenghisK
Bah, anyway, it's only at the 0.7something version. And it will never be as complete as each IM. Trilian sucks, at least for now. Stubborn guys ;)
0.722 = Honest about the status of the product.
MSN 4.0 or whatever it is = honest about the amount of security holes in the product.
I don't know about you guys but I do not want a website knowing what my MSN name is or all my friends. I have more respect for my friends than to keep using a security accident waiting to happen. ****, it already did! I followed the link from the link provided by storm and ran Windows Messenger (the XP MSN) and saw everyone's name on my MSN contact list appear. I guess if we all stick our heads in the sand we will not notice Microsoft screwing us and it will be ok. Blah..........

Trillian for me and screw AOL, I don't need it. I feel sorry for people in the position that have to us a certain IM b/c of work. Sorry guys.

Also, you can see when people are typing in Trillian if you are chatting to someone using MSN. The only problems I have are joining in multi-person conversations, which I hated to do in MSN anyways.
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