• In anticipation of the possible announcement of Civilization 7, we have decided to already create the Civ7 forum. For more info please check the forum here .

Welcome New Members

What happened to Dales Zone for the BTS Road to War? Has his team done anything for the Civilization V?
Hello Civfanatics, I have been lurking around the site for quite a while now trying to get ideas to help improve my game. Got hooked by Civ III and it was only earlier this year that I got Civ IV, I have only played Vanilla and have never invested in the expansion packs or downloaded any Mods. I have to say though that BTS and Warlords look interesting.

I am hoping to pluck up the courage to ask questions but I still feel so much of a novice when I read other players posts that I genuinely feel intimidated by some players knowledge, daft really.

Anyway really enjoy playing Civ and lurking round the forum.
I've played cIV a couple of years (whenever I had time), and about a year ago (when it was first launched to mac) I started to play ciV. The forums are rather familiar to me as well and I've especially enjoyed the strategy articles. I'm comfortable playing emperor (in civ 5) although I wind up playing domination more often than I'd like to. Also too often I find myself playing babs which is a bit cheating, even after the latest patch. I try to get rid of both of these bad habits! Have fun playing!
Welcome all of you!
I am hoping to pluck up the courage to ask questions but I still feel so much of a novice when I read other players posts that I genuinely feel intimidated by some players knowledge, daft really.

Don't be afraid to ask questions; even if you are, lurk around the stories/strategy forums, there are tons of different players playing differently and you can look at how they succeed!
Hi folks. A lapsed C3 and C3C player, I'm going back after a fling with Steel Panthers: World at War, Rome: Total War, and Europa Barbarorum. What brought me back was the realization that C3C suits me best for playability, challenge, realism, and historical feel. This time I really want to find out how to win with some regularity at Emperor and higher. Looks like I came to the right place. Cheerio and happy gaming!
Have been a civ user since the original win version - have always enjoyed the game but never really been involved in discussions etc, am now retired perhaps a good time to start
It's been a while since I posted here in the welcome thread...

Hi all,

Been a Civ fan since Amiga days and had a wander through this site many times before. Also played Civ @, 3 and 4 and have just got Civ Rev on the iPad.

Thinking about getting Civ5 but with work, a wife and family, time usually is in short supply, hence getting the iPad Civ!

Glad to be back in the Civ universe though!
Have been a civ user since the original win version - have always enjoyed the game but never really been involved in discussions etc, am now retired perhaps a good time to start

Hahaha I really like the wording here. I have a feeling you did not mean it this way, but where I'm from a "user" often refers to a person addicted to a drug. I feel like a civ user, too, some times! It's so addictive!

Welcome all of you!

Don't be afraid to ask questions; even if you are, lurk around the stories/strategy forums, there are tons of different players playing differently and you can look at how they succeed!

Agreed - Do not be afraid to ask questions. I have learned a TON about the game by reading these forums. What's the worst that can happen? Some person that you'll never meet will think less of you? Ask away, there are plenty of really great people around here willing to answer.
I may be a newbie to the forums, but believe it or not, I've actually been a long-time lurker........for about half a decade in fact! :D

Been into Civ II ever since I was in high school and I haven't looked back.......still got the MGE version today(I also recently purchased 'Test of Time' as well.)
Hey everyone

I spent many childhood hours working my way up to Deity class with Civ2, and now, after a long leave of absence, I have found Civ V and Civ:Revolution to be worthy successors to what I for many years regarded as the greatest strategy game of all time.

Am now struggling with its iPad incarnation - love the mobility factor and is a great way to kill time, but the game's AI is depressingly simplistic which makes it tough to beat as it really stacks all the odds against human players from the start - and often not in a way that it's possible to overcome.

Anyway, looking forward to sharpening my blunt skills.
thought i would stop in and say hello.
and thanks.
lots of very good info here. maybe i'll finally beat IV on deity and can move on to V:king:
Just dropping by to say hello. I have no idea where I am or what I'm doing here, but that's not unusual for me!!:) I googled to find out how much RAM I have and got this website. I guess I'll just scout around and see what I can see. Later!
Just joined after searching for a Vista solution. I use to relentlessly play Civ2. I bought Civ 4 in 2006 and found it too difficult. Here I am 5 years later to give Civ 4 another try! Confused with all the patches, particularly since they wouldn't down load directly from the game's link. Vista incompatability was a barrier, but after a Google search I found a solution selecting WindowNT rather than WindowsXP in compatability mode.
Ahoy Guys,
i am also new here and just wanted to say hello.
I am from Austria and relatively new to the game. Started playing Civ V in July and like it very much.
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