Welcome New Members

For people who like turn-based strategy but thought that Civ5 didn't really do it well enough, they may want to give Warlock: Master of the Arcane a go. It has just been released and it seems to do the tactical combat and 1 unit per hexagon better than Civ5 by most accounts. Also, there is Elemental: Fallen Enchantress which has a bit of a different focus and uses squares, but it's still in Beta 3 and there's still Beta 4 to go - the game won't be released for a few months yet at the earliest.
Im new here,but have been a big lurker for some time.
I am a gamer,love Civ3,and recently just got back into it,as the games I am playing are starting to get stale(world of Warcraft)
I am REALLY into mods,and would love to learn how to make a great game even better!
Not really a great player,as I play on the easy settings,but I enjoy every second of it.
My copy of conquests will be here tomorrow,and I cant wait!!
Hopefully,I can learn from all you guys,and come up with some mods,and scenarios!
I am GrumpyGamerLP. I love civ and civ-type games, rts, tower defense and city building games. I also recently started a Youtube channel where I do let's plays of these types of games.

I like posting in forums too. I always have. It's fun to make friends and acquaintances.
I love Civ-games and I follow civfanatics since Civ3 (waa about 10 years !)
I finally decided to register and I want to participate more activly to the community.
It will not be easy for me since I'm French ... you know what everybody says about language skills of French people :lol:
Wow over 508 forum pages of introduction as of the time of this post.
I am a 31 year old guy who has been playing computer games for about 24 years now. I feel old :lol:
Even now I still play Civ 1 in the dosbox.

My personal favorite leader to play as is Stalin. I just love playing the Russians.
My name is Paulyus!
The very first time I played Civilization 1 when I was about 11 years old back in Lithuania on my friend's dad's computer. It was a 40mhz pentium computer. First time me and my friend started it I was totally mesmerized by the view of continents and ocean. Building cities, creating units and communicating with other cultures was immensely appealing to me. I was hooked forever. I can't tell you how many thousands of hours I spend replaying original civilization. Followed later by numerous other civ games and expansions. I however am now 32 and haven't played it for many years but I guess I am back at it again. With D-fend Reloaded and DosBox - ahh nostalgia. Much simpler than living in this world...
Anyway...thanks to all of you civ fanatics for keeping this center running and still being able to find all the resources for reliving the past. :)
I need some help... i am in war with napoleon, and he seems to b backstabbing me quite often, his armies are around mines, in terms of strength.. going to war doesnt help me in any way...:confused: so any suggestions, should i go to war or solve by some diplomatic way :mad:
Hello all you brilliant people! I/m new to this site but not new to Civ. I am extatic to be part of all the world leaders :D

I have found some civ5 music that can be played via vlc player. If you have installed via steam, then follow this path:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization V\assets\Sounds\Streamed\Music

I gather that everyone already know about this and I just thought that it might help.
The music is incredible!
Hello, everyone. It actually took me a little while to find this thread (and 508 pages! Wow!). I've been lurking on these forums for about six months, waiting to get a new computer so I could get CiV. Well, I have. I played Civ3 a lot when I was younger, found Civ4 reallly awesome even though I never owned a copy of it, and have found CiV to be quite satisfying. In real life, I'm currently switching between college student and trail crew worker, but there's certainly time for CiV between those things.
I love Civ-games and I follow civfanatics since Civ3 (waa about 10 years !)
I finally decided to register and I want to participate more activly to the community.
It will not be easy for me since I'm French ... you know what everybody says about language skills of French people :lol:

Bienvenue au club ! lol :D

I started the series with Civ 3 back in the day and I guess that is when I registered on this site in 2003. I used to play a lot of Civ then but went off to college and took a long break. Was just surfing today and realized it's been 9 years! And this is my first post...

I have been playing Civ since the original game debuted in 1991. I remember having to call into work the day after I bought the game and tell them I couldn't make it in (I had stayed up all night playing the game!). Now that I am retired, I have a lot of time to play. :) I have been a big fan of Sid Meier's work -- including his non-Civ games (Master of Orion, Master of Magic, etc.), but the CIv series, especially CIV I, are his masterpieces. I am currently playing a CIV I game today.
Hi all,

Started playing CivRev in 08 and really loved it, joined and never posted. Now I'm playing CivIV and looking at CivV, so I figured I'd say hi to all. Really enjoy all three, and love the variety.
I got civ rev and thought it was ok, but I got Civ 5 about a month ago and I love it. So far i've managed to win every victory and I've experimented with a number of civilizations. I hope I can get some advice, reccomendations, and general information on civilization from this forum.
I was introduced to Civ through my sister who got a discount on Civ 4 complete addition.
I quickly became obsessed and am patiently waiting for gods and kings! :drool:
More than 10 years after my registration I think it´s time to say hello everybody :D

You may say, I´m not the quickiest, but things have to be carefully considered.
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