Welcome New Members

I remember Fortress America but never played it. One of our gaming group bought it but since we were all unfamiliar with the rules it never seemed to make it into the game rotation. Shogun was another of the Avalon Hill Gamemaster series and that was always a huge favorite with the group. Sorry for not posting a reply sooner. ~Linux0s

Does Av Hill have games on PC?...been a board game player since Tactics 2...the real grand pappy of them all...loved those games ..esp Stalingrad ..Desert Fox..always hoped they could put these jewels on PC...: :)
Hello everyone,
I played Civ1 and Civ2, then I spent a lot of time playing some other series until Gods and Kings caught my attention. I've been playing non-stop for a month and I have some modding-related ideas and questions, but I first wanted to say hi.
Hello. I did not know Civ(of any kind) existed, until I started playing it in a camp, which totally brainwashed me. Luckily, I had a 25$ Best Buy gift card, so I downloaded Civ 4(not enough $ for 5), and started playing it. So....hi.
Hello everyone,

I Joined this site over a year ago but never posted anything till now. I havnt played any civs in a while and just recently got back into it. I am very interested in modding, mostly unit graphics, and hope to contribute as much as possible. This is a great site for any civ fan and I am grateful. :thumbsup:

I have posted a question about making a single texture under Deliverator's tutorial converting civ4 units to civ5 units (post#124). I'm stuck :confused: and If anyone knows anything about this I would like to hear from you.
Hello, I'm new to the forum. I've been playing almost 1.5k hours on civ 5 and g&k (addicted). I have also played civ 4 and civ 2 extensively in the past. I played civ3 but didn't like it that much back then for some reason. Have also played civrev, but one can only play that so much lol... I like to play mp on steam with friends, so if interested feel free to message me here to set something up :).
Hello, I'm new to the forum. I've been playing almost 1.5k hours on civ 5 and g&k (addicted). I have also played civ 4 and civ 2 extensively in the past. I played civ3 but didn't like it that much back then for some reason. Have also played civrev, but one can only play that so much lol... I like to play mp on steam with friends, so if interested feel free to message me here to set something up :).
I'd want to play a game with you. My steam name is the same as my account name here.
Evening all,

New to Civ 5 (all Civ games actually) and I run on an iMac. Still learning but picking up a great deal of info from this site....

Hello, I'm new to the forum. I've been playing almost 1.5k hours on civ 5 and g&k (addicted). I have also played civ 4 and civ 2 extensively in the past. I played civ3 but didn't like it that much back then for some reason. Have also played civrev, but one can only play that so much lol... I like to play mp on steam with friends, so if interested feel free to message me here to set something up :).
I'm up for playing a game at 10 tonight. Just add me on steam and we're good to go.
Hey guys! New guy here! I just have to say that Civ5 is a really awesome game especially the mods that people make. :D
Hi I'm recently starting to play gradually "civ iv" and its pretty cool. I've started to have an interest for the concept. I had the possiblity to acquire the whole package of civ games up to also recently civ 5 and expansion and wanting to learn well on different strategies by reading your valuble posts...thanks:crazyeye:

Have fun everyone

Lil :goodjob:

I'm new! (But old in a sense - I used to play Civ1 when I was six years old and the game was new.) I've beaten Civ5 on Deity and thought that was all there was to it. The GOTM seems fun though, I'll be playing them - thanks for organising them and adding to the value of the game!
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