• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Welcome New Members

Hi everyone! I've been playing Civilization since Civ 1. I just broke down and bought Civ 5 Gold Edition a few days ago. Since I haven't played in a while, I'm starting out at Chieftain until I get my Civ legs back. Meanwhile, I'll look around, lurk, and ask around when I need some help. :) I'm looking for some strategies and info on the various civs. I don't want to start out asking silly questions but I sure won't mind some tips! :D Thanks in advance!
how do i create a thread?. I'm new here and completely lost. I want to ask other experienced modders how to edit the game play. What I want to do is edit the great scientist bulb strength. 8 turns of science is too strong imo. Making a mod or editing the game itself, doesn't really matter to me. I use a mod where the specialist slot is back on the library. Getting the great scientist itself doesn't bother me, it is the strength of the bulb. I'm teched out by turn 400 on standard speed, diety immortal or emperor. Thanks in advance for any help.
Hello CivFanatics!

A long time forum reader here that just registered. I'm really playing Civ only since CivV. But CivI was one of the first PC games I saw before even having a computer and then and now I am fancinated by the game. :)

So.. nice to be here.
how do i create a thread?. I'm new here and completely lost. I want to ask other experienced modders how to edit the game play. What I want to do is edit the great scientist bulb strength. 8 turns of science is too strong imo. Making a mod or editing the game itself, doesn't really matter to me. I use a mod where the specialist slot is back on the library. Getting the great scientist itself doesn't bother me, it is the strength of the bulb. I'm teched out by turn 400 on standard speed, diety immortal or emperor. Thanks in advance for any help.

For modding support, go to the Civ5 - Creation & Customization forum: http://forums.civfanatics.com/forumdisplay.php?f=393.

Below the long list of Subforums you will see a button called "new thread". From there it's pretty straightforward.
Greetings all!

I have loved both the original Civilization and Colonization (which I still fire up from time to time) but skipped everything between them and Civ 5 BNW expansion. Now that I'm back in I've spent countless hours playing.

I just stumbled across these forums a few days ago and already the advice and strategies here have been incredibly helpful. The only downside is that thanks to these forums, Prince level (which I had been playing at since I started BNW) has now become too easy and boring and I've had to up the difficultly to King ;)
Greetings Civsters!
I am a 60+ fugitive from Starcraft. Warcraft, and Age of Empires. I had been playing Battlefield 3, but I was missing the strategic element. So, I have been playing the Total War War series, and will continue to play them.
Given the sales, I decided to give Civ a try again. I bought Civ 5 + Gods&Kings + BNW + Continents expansion. The last time I tried Civ was back in Civ 2; I did not care for the killer stack strategy. So, I passed on Civ until I heard about Civ 5 which I heard had a stacking limitation. So, I bought the game.
The game is fun and addictive. After a day of work, I put on my headphones and go to another world with nice music and colorful graphics. There is a lot to learn, but I'll just keep playing. For a turn-based game Civ 5 is not as clunky as I thought it might be. With Civ 5, I can relax.
- Victor Strategos
"You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation."
Hi everyone!

I've been lurking on Civ Fanatics for a few months and finally decided to join.

I played a lot of the original Civ back when it first came out but have not played any others until Civ V. I have been playing it for over a year now and consider myself hooked (if not technically addicted). I have been playing mostly on the Emperor level but that has gotten too easy so for my last 5 plays I have been on Immortal. Since I've won 2 of my first 5 play throughs I think this will be a good level to help keep it more interesting.

I've also been working on the achievements, especially the winning as all different civs ones. So far I have 23 more civs to go. Being currently unemployed has given me a lot of time for Civ :)

I don't care for the scenarios, so I guess I will never complete all of those achievements. I do like the more obscure ones and recently got British Invasion and Rock the Casbah in one game. Also in my most recent win (as England) I got gifted a Norwegian Ski Troop and sent it to the ice to get the achievement associated with that. And in that game I got the one for having 100 happines/turn (managed to get up to over 130 actually). Makes for a little thrill to accomplish these little goals.

I'm an active member over at boardgamegeek (as 'rocksnrolls'), and hope to contribute here as well.

I'm killerno, 29, from Paris.

Obviously fan of Civ since the 2nd game.
I am part of a french civilization forum (civfr if I can name it) and I am involved in the french version of the GOTM for Civ5.

I use some tools I found in this forum and I am here to say a big thanks to all the people involved in these different projects.

Hope to see you soon on the forum.
Hello! I've been lurking for the past few months and finally decided to join in on the conversation.

Civilization is not my first love, though I have played it on and off over the past few iterations (beginning with Test of Time, which to many of you does not count :D). Total War is where I cut my strategic teeth, and though I love it so, the depth is just not the same as with Civ. Also, none of my friends play it, and I can play Civ with a baby in my arm. So, there you are. Every once in a while, I'll pop in the original Shogun to brush up on my oversimplified Sun Tzu quotes.

I am overly fond of creative techniques and innovating my way to victory. That said, you probably won't see me very often on "speed-run" threads. Maybe Deity Challenge threads, lamenting in the ashes of my never-really-that-great civilization. We'll see. Thanks for the already provided tools of victory this forum has produced for me, and here's to sharpening the sword with many failures. :wallbash:
hi i just joined today i tried to install CIV IV on my Dell laptop ii said my version of Windows 7 was not compatible any suggestions?
Hi, I'm Ladu, a 23 years old guy from Canada.

I started to play the Civ series with Civ V and I really enjoy it. I'm now a huge fan.

I really like this forum, there's a lot of good stuff to explain game concepts and ease the learning of the game.
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