Welcome New Members

Hello everyone, I have recently purchased Civ V and got absolutely demolished in multiplayer so I decided to come here and learn as much as I can! Thank you for providing such an excellent resource to the Civ community.
Hi people!

My name is Max and is my first post here.

I am brazilian and like a lot when the Brazil Civ was add in Civ 5.

I have been playing Civ since so much time for now, and i am here to see new how to play this game in multiplayer, which is one of the hardest experience online ever.
... although not new to the forum!!

Hopefully a simple question. I took the plunge at Christmas to download the Civ V Gods and Kings from and installed by Steam and have been trotting through my first run through.

After reading the various posts, today I decided to buy the Brave New World expansion pack. I was expecting this to be added as an option (ie two versions) in my Steam library but in fact now when I log in, I am presented with BNW.

I can get back to my Gods and Kings campaign by loading up a saved game. However, is it now impossible to start a brand new Gods and Kings game? If it is possible how to you locate it?

Cheers Alan
Not impossible. On the main menu, you will see a DLC menu option. Click that, de-select BNW, return to the main menu and setup a new game that is just G&K.

You will have to make this same option when you restart the game.
Hi all, been on and off this forum over the past few years, mostly lurking in Civ4 forums. Just bought Civ5 with BNW so I've started coming here to learn tips and tricks from the masters. Cheers!
Hi all,

I am very new to Civ games in general - I bought Civ5 and BNW late last year and it's my first game in the Civ series. After logging over 100 hours, and starting to be really challenged by the game while moving up the difficulty levels, I've started visiting the forums to read and learn from more experienced players.

I've really enjoyed the game so far (and it's motivating me to read up the histories of the civs I'm using).
Hi all,

A quick hello from myself! I purchased Civ V last year and clocked up quite a few hours worth of play. I've now decided to return to the game and purchased Brave New World and the other dlc I was missing. It's great learning the game again! I'm an ex mmo player so this is a nice change for me.

Anyway, I'm from the UK and have been PC gaming for many years now.
Hi everyone,
greetings from germany!

Fumbled over this page while looking for a solution for a bug ;-)

Nice to finally stop lurking (registration took a while), I've always loved this place and finally joined because I wanted to discuss a few things about BNW.

I've been playing Civ from the beginning - II remains my eternal nostalgic favourite, III my personal nemesis. Complete CIV and CiV editions recieve, though quite different, equal amounts of love for different things. (I left I out because it was more teacher than game. A highly respected, eternally influential one.)

Oh, and my user name is missing an 'e'. Sorry about that, my tablet took it. I have a difficult relationship with android keyboards.

I played Civ some twenty years ago for a while. Unfortunately I was tricked into testing Gods and kings by my 11-yearold son. Now I´m hooked again...:crazyeye:
Hello to everyone,

finally I can join you in discussions about my favourite game (I was lurking for a while).
I played since Civ1 and went through most of them.
I actually sleep only 4-5h a night before going to work sometimes because I keep telling myself: "Just one more turn".

So, let the adventure begin.
Hi, long time lurker here...finally got the interest to join and become part of the community, since i began creating my first mods for Civ5.

I've played civ1 and civ2, then went directly to civ5.

Thank you for accepting my request to join.
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