Welcome New Members

Hello Rsimon,

The best way is indeed sending the admins a PM. However you're still not able to send PM (need 5 posts and 5 days member). The best way to do now is to use the contact us options. It's at the bottom of the page in the red bar. Next to Forum Rules and Chat Room.

It may take a while before your name get changed (if the admins agree to it) so have a little patience.
Hi everybody. I have played Civ IV for a while and love it. It was my first Civ game, and I definitely plan on buying Civ V. I have visited this site for a while, and thought I should join.:)
Hi !!! Civi folks

This is a first of a kind experience for me, for being an avid strategy gamer (Sid Meier's Railroad Tycoon Series) around 8-10 years back and now currently due to career obligations & lack of time, I chanced upon Civ IV & before installation of the same - for my two sons, aged 10 & 9 respectively - I just thought of trying to get the actual details, I chanced upon your site & I'm simply overwhelmed by the same...

Hats off to you guys for having done a Gr!8 job !!!

Continue the good work & excuse me if I don't post my GOOD WISHES ON A REGULAR BASIS, but all the same I shall keep all of you in my prayers & make sure my sons do the same, both when they recite the ROSARY at 8 pm everyday as well as every single instance, when they play the game...

Bye !!! folks, take care...
Hi folks:
I am newbie to this group. My exposure has been to Civ4 and have thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I want to commend on how well the site is moderated and the patience with which even the veteran memebers, answer the questions of the newcomers. I had always wished that the espionage option could be made to work better and the time and effort of veterans like Trojan Sheep, Lord Trillian and Wolf to name a few of the many, are exemplary.
With Civ5 not having espionage, I hope this BRAINS TRUST will continue to have an interest in developing these mods. One request of these geniuses who genuinely love this work, is to make your Super Spies Mod for Civ 5, both a stand alone and as something that can be attached to the other mods that will surely follow.
Thanks in advance and keep up the good work
Sincerely ... Kuppai.
Hey Everyone, my names Bob.

I've played Civ on and off since the first one had come out and I love it. I'm a huge fan of Real-Time Strategy Games though, Age of Empires, Rise of Nations, etc.

I'm also a huge, huge, huge sports fan. I've played most sports in my life from the time I was little until just graduating high school 2 years ago.
Hello all!

I'd never played any of the Civ games before and I've recently started playing BTS and then mod games I've downloaded such as Rise Of Mankind - A New Dawn, Fall from Heaven 2 and The History of the Three Kingdoms, which are all amazing mods!

Not sure why I never played Civ before in the past...I guess I thought it wasn't my kind of game, but then I tried it and wow!...I got so hooked!

Now I have a few months to just play, play, play until Civ 5 comes out, which now I'm really excited about. Any games that have such a great mod community like here are surefire winners and I really hope the mod experts will be able to do alot with Civ 5 too!:)
Hello!!! So great to find that sites like this are around been off net for awhile and hope to be around to enjoy the advice and info that will help make the game more interesting. May the tides of war favor you!!

The name isn't actually Z3.141593_5G, but Zpi_5G. 3.141593 being the decimal equivalent of Pi, and I had the feeling no one would use that in their user-name.

I knew about this from some of the Civ 3 mods but never checked it out till now.

I just got internet back in the last 7 months after on connection for about 3 years. :goodjob:
I got a 2007 gateway that is broke that I used to play Civ 4 and Silent Hunter 3 on, and that will be fixed in the next 2 weeks. :):goodjob::D
I have been using an old Dell from 2002, and have been playing the hell out of Civ 3. I did design mods resources and the like, but had them and a lot of other things stored on an external drive that crapped out on me. :sad::cry:

This is the picture I plan on using for my Avatar when I get the chance.


  • 11 - Wackiki Wabbit_0001+2.jpg
    11 - Wackiki Wabbit_0001+2.jpg
    41.6 KB · Views: 52
Hi, I'm Centurio and I'm new here! I came for the waters and stayed for the city (by that I mean I originally registered to get some tech help...)

I've been playing Civilization pretty much all my life, though I've never been particularly good at it. As one may guess, my favorite civilization is Rome, but I also like the Ottomans and Byzantines and Germans, and sometimes the Aztecs!

So, hello! I want to start things off on the right foot.
Hi everyone my name is wamedh ,i'v played almost every civilizations game from 1 to 4
but i loved the first one,acually i found this site by Coincidence,and again hello to all of civilizations fans
Hi! I just joined this site. My nickname is "Fife" so I decided to use it
Hello all,

I have played civilization for more than 15 years since CIV1.
I am almost 30, and when I tought I would have much more time to spend due to work, I found CIV4 colonization, its just to great, all the micromanagement and strategies...

Keep up the good work!

Greetings fellow civ fanatics. Long time player and lurker on the forums, I decided to make an account and try to participate in the discussions a little.

Can´t wait to see what Civ 5 will be like. In the meantime I´ll try to improve my feeble Civ4 skills ;).
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