What are the chances of getting a Science GL when your the first to discover a tech?


History junkie
Dec 9, 2005
Fairfax county VA, USA
I just want to know what the percentage is and if being a scientific civ helps.

Sometimes i get 3 in a row and other times none until the industrial ages.

Anyone know the %?
Don't know any percentages, but I do know that scientific civs do have a slightly higher chance of generating scientific leaders.
I believe it breaks down to a 5% chance for a "Scientific" civ, and 3% for non-scientific civs, which basically breaks down to a 1 in 20 chance vs a 1 in 33 chance. But, remember, just like with military great leaders it is completely random, and they can also come in clumps; and, oddly enough, the best SGL luck I ever had was with the Portugese (a non-scientific Civ) in which I got two ancient-age SGLs... you know, getting the Oracle AND the Temple of Artemis can be a pretty nice combo!

And I've gone from beginning to end with the Scientific Ottomans and not seen hide nor hair of a SGL. They can come in clumps and they can come not at all. But those are the odds. (And I *DO* think Scientific civs can generate an SGL from their free new era tech if they are the first to it by way of that trick. Which would in practice increase the SGL chances for a Scientific civ even more.)
Too random. I turn off SGLs in my games.
Son_Of_Dido said:
(And I *DO* think Scientific civs can generate an SGL from their free new era tech if they are the first to it by way of that trick. Which would in practice increase the SGL chances for a Scientific civ even more.)
I'm not saying that this is definitely not true but I've never seen this happen. I've played stacks of games with HoF submissions in mind and thus had SGLs switched on and never had the good fortune to have this occur. I have had many SGLs for the Philosophy free tech (and even had a double SGL for Phil and Republic once :cool:) but I've not had them for ToE free techs or new era free techs. Has anyone had either of these happen?

5% and 3% are the correct probabilities BTW.
W/ HoF considerations in mind I have turned on SGL's and gotten a ridiculous number of them. Makes me want to give a 20k culture victory a shot agian.
Tone said:
I'm not saying that this is definitely not true but I've never seen this happen. I've played stacks of games with HoF submissions in mind and thus had SGLs switched on and never had the good fortune to have this occur. I have had many SGLs for the Philosophy free tech (and even had a double SGL for Phil and Republic once :cool:) but I've not had them for ToE free techs or new era free techs. Has anyone had either of these happen?

5% and 3% are the correct probabilities BTW.

Hmm. Perhaps I am mistaken then.

(You know, your mentioning it reminds me, for some reason it seems when I get an SGL it is much more likely to happen with Philosophy or the free tech that comes with it than at any other time/with any other tech.)
Son_Of_Dido said:
Hmm. Perhaps I am mistaken then.
Maybe, but maybe not. I'd thought I'd just use your post to ask if anyone had seen it happen.

In some ways I find it strange that I've had SGLs for the free tech from Phil but not from the ToE freebies. It could be to do with the part of the cycle when the techs are awarded (i.e. during the build phase and maybe the SGL roll is only made when beakers are recalculated) or maybe I've just been very unlucky. Then again I can remember playing several games in a row where I researched every tech beyond Ancient Times up to the SS launch (excluding scientific civ freebies that I traded for) and never saw an SGL so I'm possibly just on a very long streak of bad luck and that new age SGL is just around the corner:) As DBear says, the variance is very high with these things.
So there's no issue of difficulty level then. Interesting.

DBear said:
Too random. I turn off SGLs in my games.

Random is putting in mildly. :( In an Emperor game as Babs I had a queue of three SGLs in my wonder city waiting to rush. In my two recent games as Iroquois on Demigod and Deity I ain't seen nary a one all game long.

Can't help suspecting the existence of a highly secret algorithm that determines if you need one or not. If you do, you don't get. (j/k):D
archimandrite said:
So there's no issue of difficulty level then. Interesting.
Apart from the fact that on the higher levels:
-techs are more expensive for us;
-the AI gets a production bonus that will enable them to research more effectively by getting libs, markets etc much faster;
-the AI requires less food to grow population and thus increase their base commerce much more quickly;
-the AI-AI trade rate is more favourable to them so that they will be more likely to be researching a new tech and also more likely to have traded resources that enable them to employ less specialists.​
All in all this means that on the lowest levels an experienced player will soon be getting an SGL opportunity every four turns whilst on the highest levels it's so much more difficult to get those monopoly techs and also it will probably take more than four turns to get them. I think that this is enough of a difference for me!;)
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