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What Are You Reading, Again?

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A Room with a View- E.M Forster
The tales of H.P Lovecraft
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring

Then I recommend the three Engines of Light books I've mentioned above.
Googled for it, and yes they do seem very interesting. I need more hours per day. Pandora's Star and Fallen Dragon are quite bulky books, and PS is just the first part, there's also a second. Still, can't hurt to keep em in mind next time I swing by a store.

Thanks for the heads up :)
You're not going to want to wait for Judas Unchained after finishing Pandora's Star. I know I couldn't.

I also tried to read the Night's Dawn Trilogy, couldn't get into it. I might give it another go in a few months. but I really enjoyed the Pandora's Star series.
Sigh. So many books, so little time. ;)

I would really not give up on ND-trilogy. I remember it starting of a bit sluggish, but once it gained speed I couldn't put it down.
Yeah, I'll probably give it another shake. I like Hamilton, he's a decent writer. I think reading the Commonwealth Saga first spoiled me.
Just finished: Freakonomics. Highly recommended!

Currently reading: The Guns of August. It's a non-fiction novel about the first month of the first world war. So far, extremely good.
Currently reading: The Guns of August. It's a non-fiction novel about the first month of the first world war. So far, extremely good.

It is probably one of my favorite war books of all time.
Just started reading On the Road to Kandahar by Jason Burke.
Milton: A fresh and balanced introduction to the poet's life and works -David Daiches

One of my dumpster treasures. Copyright 1957, so it aint all that fresh if truth be told.
"Nights Dawn" is probably the best space opera ever, the solidity of the quality is just unbeatable. Though there are unfortunately some slow parts in it.
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Survival of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life -Charles Darwin
The Roaring Nineties - Joseph Stiglitz
Guerilla Tactics by Che Guavara
Just finished Up Country by Nelson DeMille. It's the sequal to The General's Daughter, but I haven't read that book. I don't feel bad cuz I saw the movie. :) Anyways, decent book.
I discovered I still have no real interest in the Pacific War after reading The Pacific War Companion. To make up for it, I'm rereading Titanic: Triumph and Tragedy by John P. Eaton and Charles A. Haas, as I've had a strange resurgence of interest in the subject.

As a bonus, I discovered I was using the book to hold several of my old comic drawings. Which was nice.
Just finished World War Z by Max Brooks (it sucked)

Now reading The Orphan's Tales: In the Night Garden by some chick (it's pretty weird)

Also reading various essays on the phil. of language.
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