What did you guys think about Phoenicia in BNW?

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Mar 27, 2013
You know,Phoenicians were 100% about trade routes,even they wikipedia page have a photo with their trade routes.
This is the right place to post this isn't?
I think it would be awesome, but they already have Carthage. At most, maybe they would touch up on Carthage's UA to reflect it, but probably not. I'm seeing Portugal and Indonesia as more likely candidates as new trade teams. But if they did add Phoenicians I'd be thrilled.
Well, if harbors have anything to do with foreign trade routes, like the do domestic ones, Carthage is all set
I believe it's been discussed in this thread already:


We can always have a Phoenicia speculation thread like the one for Indonesia and Israel. :p

Anyhow, personally, I think the chances of Phoenicia are low - we already have Carthage, and the Phoenician city-states make very nice city-states. Not to mention it's in a crowded area, although given the civ series' Eurocentric focus - which does include a focus on Near Eastern civs, given that it's perceived as relevant to European history - that's not too much an issue.
They are my top choice to make one of the remaining spots!

The problems are, as people have said, Carthage partly represents many of the Phoenician cities. The others are city states, Tyre, Sidon. These are reasons we're already unlikely to see the Khmer and Mali (deservedly I think) return.

Does anyone have suggestions for leaders, UA, UU, UB's?

For a UA, I was trying to think of some system that would give them a monopoly on a certain resource. Much like they had with the purple dye, which was their major export. If the Phoenicians have the most improved of x resource, other civs would be unable to trade theirs...haven't really put to much thought into it though.

UU: Bireme ? It was an early, effective, version of the trireme..but how could it be represented in-game to be useful? Give it some sort of strength bonus when it is covering/protecting a sea trade route ship...again, I haven't thought these through. :)
I would give them the ability to build cargo ships at agriculture and have bonus gold from luxury resources on trade routes.
They could have a UI related to dyes and dyemaking or something.
These are good ideas,so bad that Cartage have their city names. Their UA could have something to do with the alphabeth and more profit from trade routes maybe.
The problems are, as people have said, Carthage partly represents many of the Phoenician cities. The others are city states, Tyre, Sidon. These are reasons we're already unlikely to see the Khmer and Mali (deservedly I think) return.

Indeed, Carthage's UA is even called "Phoenician Heritage".

Still, city-states can change, city names can change, UA names can change. It's just a matter of devs feeling it's worth the effort. In this case, they probably have other candidates that drew their attention.

If Poland's inclusion shows us anything, though, it's that if you want a civ included, keep dredging it up. That engenders the idea that it's popular, regardless of whether or not more than a vocal minority want it. Squeaky wheels get oiled and such.
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