What do you wash your face with?


Sep 27, 2006
And how clear is your skin? Do you have acne/wrinkles?

Do you use lotions/moisturizers?
Do you find they really help control oil/dryness?

Do you find the people who wash their faces Less Often or who use only water have better skin?

Have you tried any foods/natural products to wash your face with?
(some popular ones are honey, lemon juice, vinegar or olive oil)

I have recently become suspicious that the skincare business is a hoax, selling us soaps to dry out our skin and then lotions to replenish the very moisture and elasticity that they take away!

What are your thoughts/opinions on the subject of skincare?
And how clear is your skin? Do you have acne/wrinkles?

Do you use lotions/moisturizers?
Do you find they really help control oil/dryness?

Do you find the people who wash their faces Less Often or who use only water have better skin?

Have you tried any foods/natural products to wash your face with?
(some popular ones are honey, lemon juice, vinegar or olive oil)

I have recently become suspicious that the skincare business is a hoax, selling us soaps to dry out our skin and then lotions to replenish the very moisture and elasticity that they take away!

What are your thoughts/opinions on the subject of skincare?

Some acne wash, even though I don't have any. Hey, it works :D
Honey works suprisingly well - if I'm noticing a pimple starting to build up, I wash my face well, stick some honey for a bit, wash it all - pimple starts to go.

Other then that I use stuff I'm given
I use soap, whatever is cheap.

I don't have acne (although I did; everyone does in high school...), and I figure I'll probably have wrinkles because I squint and laugh a lot.

I don't talk about washing my face with other people, so I really can't make a comparison; those who tend to not wash themselves aren't people I can tolerate talking to for any extended lengths of time anyway.

Perhaps skin care is a hoax; perhaps there's something to it... I do think that people would have to use some sort of soap to get rid of excess dirt and bacteria that collects in the pores, although I have yet to see the need for moisturizer on my own face.

Although I do think that washing too often does tend to have a drying out effect, soap or no soap.
Irish spring with aloe. I'm to old for acne and to young for wrinkles.
I use some sort of acne scrub and facial cleanser but I don't think it works. People say that my face looks better when I use it but I don't notice any change at all :cry: .

But it isn't all that bad so I'm hoping it'll clear up when I'm older. :goodjob:
I use some cheap ass facial soap and water.
I use my own seed.

For you however, jamielor, I'd recommend durian mush with some agave nectar and raw organic grapes squashed into it.
I have very dry skin so I tend to stay away from washing it with soap or anything of the like or my skin will start to dry out and crack and turn whitish ...
I use orange stuff when I remember to buy it and regular Dr. Bronner's bar soap when I don't. I wash my face every morning, and any night I've worn makeup that day (rarely).

I usually break out a bit when I'm PMSing, but less when I'm using the orange stuff. I don't have wrinkles.
Why sulfuric acid of course, and only after shaving, then I like to top it all off with a huge glass of lemonade and let it drip down my neck. Why, what do you use? Soap? Hah!
big ol' bar o' soap
And how clear is your skin? Do you have acne/wrinkles?

clear, free of acne/wrinkles, but woefully dry

Do you use lotions/moisturizers?

yes, quite frequently

Do you find they really help control oil/dryness?

it lasts a good six to seven hours, then I need to reapply

Do you find the people who wash their faces Less Often or who use only water have better skin?

I'm not sure, everyone around me has better skin

Have you tried any foods/natural products to wash your face with?
(some popular ones are honey, lemon juice, vinegar or olive oil)


I have recently become suspicious that the skincare business is a hoax, selling us soaps to dry out our skin and then lotions to replenish the very moisture and elasticity that they take away!


What are your thoughts/opinions on the subject of skincare?

as long as it isn't obsessive, I'm fine with it

my answers in red :)
My beard with shampoo and the rest of my face with soap. I think the last time I went to the store it was Irish Spring if you really want details.
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