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What does it take to get a "friend" to DoW?


Aug 15, 2012
I have never to been able to get another civ AI to DoW with me, well ok one time but it cost me a fortune. The thing is DoF AI civs will ask you to DoW another civ with no bonuses like gold or resources, and they only ask once. They should ask once, then if you decline and they really want you they should ask again and offer up some enticements.

Now, if I want a DoF civ to go to war with me it is nearly impossible to achieve, what is the trick? Maybe the circumstances just haven't been right for me? Curious to know some of your experiences Civ Fanatics!

I have gotten them to do it occasionally. Sometimes right away, sometimes they will give the same "Sure but let me take 10 turns to prepare" line you can do.

I don't think you can list exact requirements.
I think they need to not already be in a war with someone.
I think they need to like you more than the other civ.
I think they need to not feel threatened BY you.
I think they need to be willing to be at war in general.
I think they need to not already be in a war with someone.
I think they need to like you more than the other civ.
I think they need to not feel threatened BY you.
I think they need to be willing to be at war in general.

Interesting perspective...how would one go about determining the last three? I don;t think the diplomacy sharing is comprehensive enough to make informed decision on good info or even misinformation. Certainly opens the door to the possibility of more intrigue being brought into the whole game experience :)

I think the best reason an AI civ can have to join you is that they were planning to go to war with the other civ anyway. Your proposal could lower the threshold for actually doing it.
So I think the AI civs use the same reasoning as many human players.
I dont know either how they determine it. Many Times i have had DOF with someone, they have denouned the guy i want them to go war with and clearly hate them. Still when i ask them to decalre war on them they say there is no way even if i offer them money. Then few turn later they declare war on them anyway.
Somethings I picked up:
The friend need to have a much stronger army than the AI you want to war against.
The friend doesn't like that the AI in the first place.
It's better if the friend is close to the enemy AI.

Go to the diplomacy trade screen and ask how much they want to DoW a certain AI, that kind of gives it away how much they want to war against them. If it's an extremely low amount like under 100 gold, they'll probably DoW right away if you ask.
If you hear of a friend getting ready to DoW someone you want to attack, they sometimes won't agree to a joint attack. But if they DoW before you do, you can almost always get something in a trade for you also to declare war. Sometimes even 1000g or more.
It does seem to help if you've jointly denounced another Civ. An AI that truly hates its neighbor will be much more willing to go to war.
If you hear of a friend getting ready to DoW someone you want to attack, they sometimes won't agree to a joint attack. But if they DoW before you do, you can almost always get something in a trade for you also to declare war. Sometimes even 1000g or more.

Now that is interesting. I have never considered offering my war mongering services as a trade! I have always offered my resources in trade for a DOW from another cov. Very interesting, I wish I had read that post yesterday...it would have changed the course of history!

Thanks for that post, it was incredibly valuable and will add to my world dominating experience!

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