What I Wish the Commerce Social Policy Was


Aug 30, 2010
954, Florida
Generating gold has always been my favorite past times in every civ game, so you can understand my disappointment at the weak and neglected Commerce social policy. Right now the policies are too split between navies and commerce, without blending them together properly, as well as being absolute pants in pangea maps. Here's my ideas:

COMMERCE - it's fine as is, as it works well with spamming merchant specialists/customs houses in the capital.

TRADE UNIONS - Now gives +25% gold from trade routes, working equally well with roads or harbors.

NAVAL TRADITION - changed to FEDERAL BANKING. Changed to give +1 happiness per market, bank, and mint. This change also makes the happiness policy more in line with the other ones in other policy trees.

MERCHANT NAVY - changed to CORPORATIONS. Now gives +3 production to coastal cities, +3 food to non-coastal cities. The line of thought is that landlocked cities provide excess production to coastal cities, and coastal cities provide excess food to landlocked cities.

MERCANTILISM - switched with the FINISHER, as +1 gold per specialist is more in line with a midtier policy than the finisher.

PROTECTIONISM - changed to give +1 gold per worked luxury resource. This was the only policy that wanted you to trade with other civs, everything else was only concerned with domestic trade. The really odd thing is that protectionism in the real world typically means you keep your goods in your borders and NOT trading with other civs.

FINISHER - switched with MERCANTILISM, as the strongest effect in the tree should be the finisher IMO.
I think the devs are too afraid to buff Commerce as money is the most overpowered resource in the game and i don't think they want to change the names of their policies either, nevertheless your suggestions are interesting.
I like some of these changes. However, I still think that it should have a lot more focus on improving your navy. Maybe naval tradition also gives the naval supply promotion. Protectionism gives Blitz.
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