Whats the closest you've ever started a game near a natural wonder?

Not four but two cities (one of them settled recently), there is Babylon on east and has similar colour.

Four archers - you forgot to notice that this is entire American army, also nothing special.

Two workers - let me guess, Liberty?

Iron - remember, it requires Bronze Working, not Iron Working. If for some crazy reason he wants to beeline it :p it is Mining -> Bronze Working. Also he has Archery, Pottery, Calendar and Wheel. Hmm, six technologies by turn 47... Eight turns per tech... Given American scouting range + the plenty of map he discovered, I guess he got at least one tech from ruins. I sometimes got two techs from ruins during the first 15 turns of game :p

+3 gold is absolutely nothing amazing. 79 gold also - in proper circumstances it can be achieved easily (ruins, barbarian camps etc).

I played one multiplayer game (everyone on Immortal difficulty) where one guy had six cities, positive happiness, big army and plenty of gold in Classical Era :crazyeye: And he was playing as Arabia so no early bonuses + in ancient era he conquered human neighbour Japan :crazyeye: yeah I played with him many times and he was the best Civ5 player I have ever encountered but - impossible is possible :crazyeye:

Thanks for that explanation, especially the fact that it is two cities not four - need my eyes testing! Also I forgot that the tech tree is different in BNW (I'm used to G&K).
Game 1: You have 4 archers, 4 cities, 2 workers and have discovered iron by T47? Wow!

Only two cities. The other two where Babylon which I will rush shortly. 2 workers were stolen. And I went liberty so my hammers were pretty good to pump out the archers. Difficulty is immortal.
Hows this one? Maybe not as close as others, but also an amazing Petra capital:

Spoiler :
On the legendary Earth map mod, Japan is probably one of the best civs to start as because you spawn right next to Mt. Fuji. Great for early game, it pretty much ensures a religion, decent culture, and income. Not to mention there are many atolls nearby, which work with the culture buff of Bushido.
On the legendary Earth map mod, Japan is probably one of the best civs to start as because you spawn right next to Mt. Fuji. Great for early game, it pretty much ensures a religion, decent culture, and income. Not to mention there are many atolls nearby, which work with the culture buff of Bushido.

So Spain gets rock of gilbraltar?

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Started recently only 6-7 tiles from the Fountain of Youth with Babylon. That was an easy game :) Also actually never seen it outside a CS before, and only one time before during the last year as I can recall.
Lake Victoria 5 tiles to my east and Kilimanjaro 5 tiles to my west and I am Byzantium. Settled on top of Gems with 5 gems nearby and plenty of jungles. Had a hard time figuring out what Pantheon and bonus belief to take.

I once, as Poland, managed to settle my capital next to Mt. Kilamanjaro. I can't remember how close it was, though I can't imagine it having been more than about six tiles away since I crossed a river to get there. (The city site was on a hill, so that was a pretty incredible start - 5 turns to grow, 5 turns to build a scout, and a significant early culture boost!)
Have you guys forgotten about this thread -It's Spain btw (You move your starting settler 2 turns East and you have the GBR and 6 fish nearby. There is also a Mount Kailash on the other end of the island so that is a free 1500 gold you have access to.
Makes for the easiest Diety game ever! :D

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