What's the largest city you've had?


Sep 22, 2010
I think I've had a size 12 city, which I'm sure is not too impressive. I remember the devs saying that it would be very difficult to work all the tiles available to a civ (39?). What's the closest you've come?
I had a size 22 Rome on a OCC culture win. It had three fish near it, a bunch of cows and alliances to 5 or so Maritime cities.
I managed something like a size 24-25 Babylon while going for a Science Victory last time I played. Going down the Patronage SP line and bribing half a dozen maritime city states to ally is just insane amounts of food lol...
Got Rome to size 21 without really trying. I did have a granary and a hospital there, and a couple of maritime alliances, so that must have done it.
It was in the 30's with... India of course (and lots of Maritime CS, hospital, and medlab) ;)
I had a 36 or 38 (can't remember which) it was my first game as Rome in a OCC.
Level 35, Athens with Greece on Earth and Huge map settings. My 2nd largest was level 32 with France.
With Siam and lots of maritim city states: size 38 and still +32 Food! If you play till turn 500, a city with size 50+ is possible.
Spoiler :

I had a 25 city, and a number of other cities not far behind (15-18 I think) ... and the ONLY upgrades I had in the cities were for generating gold or science (so library, university, public school, research center, market, bank, stock exchange). But I was allied to 5-6 maritime city states who provided all the food I needed (I didn't even bother to have farms, just trading posts for more money!)
So far, just 20 citizens in my largest city (New York) in my current game. Only game I've played past rennaisance though. Still getting used to the best way to improve times and such. I had a system down for Civ IV, but in this one I'm having to check every tile to decide which improvement is best.
22 on an OCC with India, win that with france bombarding for last 7 turns until utopia finished
About 28ish with Ghandi in a food-heavy spot.
Could have been in the mid-thirties had I remembered the 'manual specialist control' button earlier :facepalm:


(Wha? No :facepalm: smilie? Seriously?!)
43 with India by 1500 AD. This was an attempt to get a large city, not an attempt to win.
City size is limited only by global happiness, food supply, and time.

There is no hardcap.
Curently my highest city is St. Petersburg at 36(1934). My closest enemy is 31 but interestingly all the CS's are also lvl36 - I wonder if this is a cap, or that the CS's keep pace with the current highest city in-game ?
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