What's the most annoying thing about Civ1?

Alex Johnson said:
If you chose No Sounds then the bug kicks in and the game slows down a few thousand percent. Always chose a sound system and then either A) turn off your speakers or B) select no sounds in the game menu during play, not at the configuration menu.
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it took me years to find this out myself ~2 years ago. ;) :sad:
CivPartisan said:
Balance of units totally tics me off. How can a phalanx defend against a battleship and destroy your battleship?
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What about diplomats on mountains?
happened to me X times at king or emperior level.

i try to explain this to myself that a diplomat is something like james bond with a minibomb (a.s.o.)
phalanxes may play the role of terrorists (a.s.o.)

let's say:
if you play empereor or king level nothing is easy (if not repeated with savegame cheat...)

and in this case this old-fashioned-looking game is very well-balanced... ;)
Hey Goldberg,

Even with DOS graphics, I always thought the spy chick was pretty cute. I have to say though that the top hat on the Diplomat really doesn't give it much of a James Bond feel.

I also think there is a lot of truth where the civs you make peace with will keep dumping units on your squares near the city. Usually, once the computer player gets set up -- either that little James Bond Diplomat jumps in and steals from you or there is a major change in diplomacy. I truly hate that.

Who can get enough Civ I though...honestly.

Gundus said:
Here's what I think:

In peacetime:
The AI players will walk onto your mined and irrigated squares
without hesitation _if your city is not using them_. They will
still be at peace with you when this happens though.

If your city is using that improved square they will not be
so eager about occupying it. But sometimes they do, and then
they're no longer at peace with you and will start
attacking your units (or occupying your undefended cities).

The exception to this is when they come by sea. Then they
just dump their units at a location next to your city and
just sits there pretending nothing happened. This is really
After the dump they may also start a parlay. In any case the
peace still holds (unless the parlay results in a declaration of war).

I guess the AI's like to have a unit next to one of your cities
at all times so that they can start a parlay any time they want

You can do the same to them. You can jump from ship on an occupied square, and you can walk on an improved but unused square.
In my opinion, the most annoying things are always the ones that could have been avoided if only I played better and were more concentrated. I give you an example: in my current game I was terribly angry because my second city (Barcelona) finished the production of settlers before the population rose to 30 000 (size 2)... as any fanatic knows, this means that the city was lost and replaced by one lousy settler unit...

It's just my fault there's nothing wrong with the game! Well, maybe a warning message just one turn before the completion of settlers would be a little more friendly and would certainly save me a lot of worries.
(At high difficulty levels) Necessity to dedicate all available effort to expansion in order to get nice level of civilization development. The internal development cannot compete with expansion in effectiveness, and you're forced to expand if you wish to defeat your enemies and/or get a nice overall score.
Somehow the ability to kill multiple units in a stack outside a city makes strategic sense to me. What I can't stand about Civ1 are the graphics - and I'm not usually that vain when it comes to computer games.

But I still think that Civ2 is a vast improvement over Civ1. This is not necessarily the case with Civ2 and 3, in my opinion. *SvenSlayer hides from expected flak.*
Actually, the only graphic complaint about Civ I for me would be the units. I always thought they should be bigger...but I don't really care about having more than 16 colors...

Ya, Civ II has good graphics...but it's ISOMETRIC...Civ I is 2D...and the gameplay, feel, and movements are different as a result. I prefer the overhead view for this game because I can see it better...With Civ II, graphics, although better, get lost behind one another. Also, because Civ I chooses to contain the graphic in a square, the changes to "Sentury, Fortify and Go" seem easier to see.

But don't feel bad SvenSlayer, someday you will see the light and sing in harmony with the true Civers...the Civ Ones: the choosen ones.

"We shall create an empire that stands the test of time"

Let us pray for SvenSlayer...so that he too may have artisans and craftsmen add a wonderful addition to his Castle.


I found 4 - 31/2" Floppies the other day, and copied them in Windows 98SE and installed Civwin.

The annoying thing for me is guessing the answer to the Technology Question that occured around 3000BC. I don't think I have the Tech Tree for that game anymore. But it plays fine even in 1152x864 mode, although it looks smaller than it did before, and the other two panels on the left side of the map and info, don't fill the screen. I just made the main game screen that much bigger and moved it over. Still the silly game askes that question in every game, and I guess I will have to guess, and play Civ II or Civ IV. (I have Civ III also, debating whether to install that or not again.)
Currenly on Warlords!

Silly Question, but I guessed correctly first time around again.
Oh, I use to have ms-dos Civ also. Still might, but not sure. When Civ I is mentioned I think of Civwin the first Windows version.
In Civ4 you can't improve your palace. :sad: Why, oh why?

I tried Civ1 again the other day - surpasses everything else of its time.
In rough order of annoying-ness:

  • overflow on build page 2 bug (impossible to build structures unless wonders are previously selected when lots of wonders are available)
  • instant advice bug
  • map pollution/corruption bug
On the topic of units being disproportionately effective, my pet example is when I lost 2 BATTLESHIPS to a barbarian leader.

In the end I decided that the two were of the same latest design with modern control systems, and the barbarian leader had the sort of mobile phone that can scramble advanced electronics.

My brother maintains that when a set of 3 phalanxes brought down a bomber, that they must all have climbed on one another's shoulders and prodded a senstive bit with their spears.

My pet peeve about Civ 1? Well, it might have been not being able to play it on my laptop, because it runs so slowly, but maybe I'll give the "sound bug" solution a go.

It might have been having the militia units look like snake goddesses.

It might have been the limit on the treasury.

BUT, the hands-down winner was clear once I had played Alpha Centauri. There you could tell unit A to go to location B and it would USE THE RAILWAY. I would really, really, like not having to take units along a railway one bit at a time - if you tell the units to go to destination X, then will set off in the most direct line, over mountains and swamps, even when you've got a railroad linking the source and destination. This causes more wasted time than any other feature in the game, and it applies to all units in all games. You can't even make them take a road. <gnash teeth>
A number of them:

1. Things like a single militia unit kiling three vet riflemen behind city walls and then taking automobile.

2. Shield support cost for units & the dreaded food and shield support for settlers (when not in despotism).

3. AI roams around your land and plops cities as close as possible to yours.

4. Settlers taking a population point to build.

5. AI wanting to trad techs but won't let you know what they want in return.
On the topic of units being disproportionately effective, my pet example is when I lost 2 BATTLESHIPS to a barbarian leader.

In the end I decided that the two were of the same latest design with modern control systems, and the barbarian leader had the sort of mobile phone that can scramble advanced electronics.

hehe, good one! Creative.

Welcome to the forum!

BUT, the hands-down winner was clear once I had played Alpha Centauri. There you could tell unit A to go to location B and it would USE THE RAILWAY. I would really, really, like not having to take units along a railway one bit at a time - if you tell the units to go to destination X, then will set off in the most direct line, over mountains and swamps, even when you've got a railroad linking the source and destination. This causes more wasted time than any other feature in the game, and it applies to all units in all games. You can't even make them take a road. <gnash teeth>

Interestingly, from an AI programming point of view, a zero MP terrain is difficult to deal with. When I was studying path calculation while writing Pocket Civ, one article cited Civ 1 as being flawed by design for having zero MP terrain (RR's) which causes the otherwise efficient A* algorithm to break down...

I learned early in my playing days to avoid GoTo in Civ 1. :sad:
and I reckon we still do not have Pocket Civ that would be an EXACT replica of CivDOS. Right ? I appreciate efforts made to create Pocket Humanity but my understanding is that it's quite different from the original civ 1. Honestly to say I would prefer Civ2 with overhead view for Windows Mobile 5.0. Isometric view is not so good but would do the job.

Anyway for some reason we do not have anything for PocketPC.
No hit and fire points (like in Civ2) and no much reason to switch to monarchy (Pyramids shortcut to Democracy makes it even worse - I mean I always build them as it's the best strategy for developed civfanatics but the game flexibility suffers).
When I get to a year and the game freezes... And no matter what when it gets to that year or turn no matter what saved game I reload it does the same thing. That annoys me.
When I get to a year and the game freezes... And no matter what when it gets to that year or turn no matter what saved game I reload it does the same thing. That annoys me.

I'm unfamiliar with this issue; could you provide more detail?
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