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Whats the point by spreading own corporation to the other nations?

Yes. It's the reason why I haven't been able to spread my corporation to other civs in my current game: they're all mercantilists. State Property prevents any corporations in your cities, whether they're theirs or yours.

Thanks, but that's not exactly what I meant (I'm pretty good at explaining what I mean badly ;)). I meant: can you expand you corporations, when you yourself are running mercantilism (and the target civ isn't)?
For corporations, you must plan ahead. Build courthouses everywhere, of course, and plan on adopting Free Market as well. Look at your resources, and plan your research and Great People accordingly. As people have said, make sure you have a HQ city planned out with gold multiplying buildings already. Found every corporation you build there, unless they compete, in which case think about which one you will spread more--get that corp in the city with Wall Street.
Often I will try for both a food corporation and Standard Ethanol since I end up needing the oil. Standard ethanol will only be spread to a few high production cities which crank out tanks and planes, while Sushi and Cereal will be everywhere (that has a courthouse). So that will be the one in my Wall street city, along with any other corp I manage to found.

I meant: can you expand you corporations, when you yourself are running mercantilism (and the target civ isn't)?
Personally, I like the fact that spreading corporations is not a no-brainer in the same way spreading your religions was/is - in a sense they did with corporations what vanilla Civ4 did to REX - you need to evaluate consequences of your actions instead of just spamming executives/missionaries and seeing your income grow.
Depends on the map type. In my first BtS game I played on a very watery map. I only had two cereal resources but lots of seafood. Unfortunately (this being my first practice game) I made the mistake of spreading Cereal Mills to all my cities (for a quest), making Sid's Sushi too expensive.

"In my first BtS game". You realize that I hate you, don't you? Where I live you won't get it until the 25th.
Öjevind Lång;5709739 said:
"In my first BtS game". You realize that I hate you, don't you? Where I live you won't get it until the 25th.

I'm very, very sorry for you... You're life must be meaningless right now.:p

Good luck waiting, those five days won't matter too much anyway, compared to the time you'll enjoy the expansion!
The thing about spreading your corporations to other civs is... You get the cash and they get the bonus (In the case of Mining Inc. it's +4:hammers:, I think), right? That doesn't sound so good, as I'm usually very reluctant towards helping my rivals. :p

This depends, it can grant a lot more hammers than that...
This depends, it can grant a lot more hammers than that...

And also, if the AI you're spreading the corp to doesn't mind the corp, he may continue to spread it himself, saving you the hassle of paying for the spreading of it. I'm not too sure how enthusiastic they were about Mining Inc. though. Someone needs to look into this further.
Note it is possible to have 4 corporations in the one city if you do not take Mining Inc., and you pick one of the food/standard ethanol ones. With Mining Inc, you'll get 2 at best.

There's a great synergy in having all 4 of those corporations, because they all generate :culture:.

In fact, I'm working on the "Corporate Culture" strategy between these corporations in this thread:

The Fantastic Four: Corporate Culture Powerhouse

i started spreading my corp, but as the commerce went up in the HQ-city i had to pay enourmous amounts of maintenance in my cities, felt like i didnt earn money on it at all... can someone explain how the corporations work, i didnt really get them... :)

The inequality of :gold: and :commerce: has already been discussed, so I won't even touch that.

If you want to make a corporation profitable, you must control its Corporate Headquarters and must also spreading it to other civilizations' cities.

For every Corporate Office in the world, that corporation's HQ grants +5 :gold: to the city it is in. (Wall Street and the other gold % buildings increase this to +15 :gold:)

It's not quite as profitable spreading it only to your own cities because every city with a Corporate Office incurs a large amount of corporate fees (as maintenance) and can easily be between 20 - 40 :gold:!

Eozenig said:

So, unless you have all the right buildings and are running all the right civics, building a Corporate Office in one of your cities may result in a net loss of :gold:.

Spreading to another civ's city, on the other hand, grants you the +5 :gold: without the maintenance fees. Furthermore, the other civ gets hit with the maintenance fees, which may be hefty enough to tank their economy if enough Offices are founded without sufficient benefit.

Check out more on Corporations and some of the strategies in this post:

Can corporations only be spread by a executive? Or do they spread like religons?
Can corporations only be spread by a executive? Or do they spread like religons?

Yes. They can only be spread using executives - there is no auto spreading. These executives can be built by any city which has the corporation.

Also, there's a cost for the incorporation of each corporation into a city. So to spread a corp you need to pay the 100hammers for the executive and then some sum of gold (more than 100).
I built Mining Co. in my capitol, but I don't have the option to build executives. I went into worldbuilder and gave myself some executives, but they don't do anything!

Civiliopedia says there are no prerequisites besides the corporation. Is this a bug? It's a damned annoying one.
So the maitennance for a single corp in a city is over 20 gold!?!?
So the maitennance for a single corp in a city is over 20 gold!?!?
It was for two of them.

Maintenance cost for one corp is based on city population and number of resources used by it. The screen you see was for a 20 size city and two corps using five resources together.
This depends, it can grant a lot more hammers than that...
No, I think +4:hammers: is the maximum it grants to the city. Mining Inc. uses four resource types, so I guess you get +1:hammers: per resource type available in the city.
No, I think +4:hammers: is the maximum it grants to the city. Mining Inc. uses four resource types, so I guess you get +1:hammers: per resource type available in the city.

Corporate bonuses are cumulative depending on each instance of a resource and thus virtually unlimited.

For example, 4 Iron would result in +4:hammers: from Mining, Co.

It is for this reason BtS allows trading for resources you already have access to.
No, I think +4:hammers: is the maximum it grants to the city. Mining Inc. uses four resource types, so I guess you get +1:hammers: per resource type available in the city.

12 Hammers extra per city in my current game when I had just founded it. I expect this to increase.
the maintenance cost is actually MORE than what you see on ur city screen. Remember inflation! Inflation is at 150%-200% when you have corporations. Meaning for every corp in your influence, a 10 gold maintenance charge (with courthouse) is equivalent to 25-30 gold cost to your empire. The benefits it brings is so pathetic imo that this 25-30 cost is not worth it. Imagine = 5 gold even in your wall street city is equivalent only to around 15 gold!

State property therefore becomes a MUST have CIVIC late game since you keep that 15 gold in your treasury.

There is something wrong with this concept.
remember that a bonus to research could actually allow you do increase gold on the slider. same with culture increases. think about the opportunity cost.
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