• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

What's your excuse for missing work going to be?

The coming semester won't start until nov 1st, so I'm counting on the official release date... should give me a whole weekend for non-stop play. Also, I'm toying with the idea of borrowing a laptop from a friens, so I can play on my way to the university (which is like 2 hrs via train ONE way). That should give me some time to play ;)
call it vacation

then once that is over, bring the laptop to work and play during breaks,lunches, during the car pool

do what you can to make 24/7
Just tell them that the bad aunty(that you absolutely hate) has passed away, or you are suffering from deep depression.
Demonic possession. Wait, I'm a programmer...they already think that's going on. "Boss, the voices are exceptionally loud today, there's no way I could possibly think...hello? Must be a wrong number. Hey, get out of my...HELP!!! AAAAH! No, it was a wrong number. Who are you looking for again? ... No, I don't think I'm here right now, but I can leave a message for myself and get back to you when I get in."
I'm so sorry, i am a junky and i feel ashamed as a citizen of (Insert you country here)
I got AIDS with cancer) so I got to clean my body from various parasites for a week, ya know, boss, after all 85% of people carry parasites in their body.
Or I'll say I'm trying new FF - THAT he can't deny and have to mark miss as a respectful absence.
troytheface said:
not sure when the game comes out in so far as day of the week, but i think i will wait and play on Halloween and have a Halloween Civ attack party.

Wait to play?!? And you call yourself a Civ fanatic? :eek:

The day I come home from work and it's in the mail I'll start playing before I even eat... and the next day I'll almost certainly be sick.... I feel a malaria attack coming on right now!:D

Good thing my boss doesn't know Civ from a hole in the wall, so he can't put 2 and 2 together :mischief:
Dragonlord said:
Good thing my boss doesn't know Civ from a hole in the wall

Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), my boss was the local producer on C3C here.
Im unemployed and just dropped college, so I can play all I want (but maybe I shoudnt). Anyway, my pc is just not going to be able to handle civ 4, so Ill have to stick with C3C for now.
(im bringing my laptop to work with me so I can play AT work, shhhhh)
I don't need any excuses, I'm taking thuesday and friday off next week, and plan to play CIV4 the whole weekend with two mates doing the same thing! I've told my girlfriend too, so she wont be bothering me..... ;)
It's not work I'm worried about - it's the wife and infant baby at home! Can't call in sick with them...
warpstorm said:
Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), my boss was the local producer on C3C here.

Fortunately (or maybe unfortunately) we've got a new release of our game coming out this week, so it's a perfect time (or not depending on the bugs we introduce in the patch :)) for me to take next week off. At least here, taking a whole week off to play Civ isn't taken as anything too weird. I'm just glad I haven't moved in with my girlfriend yet (that's coming in December). I told her to expect not to see or talk to me all next week. Her 6 year old son seems pretty interested in the game, so I might be able to hook another civ addict. :)
Philips beard said:
I don't need any excuses, I'm taking thuesday and friday off next week, and plan to play CIV4 the whole weekend with two mates doing the same thing! I've told my girlfriend too, so she wont be bothering me..... ;)

If Civ IV is anything like Civ III there were be plenty of time waiting between turns to spend some quality seconds with the lady... :goodjob:
Possible excuses for blowing off work/school/family/own funeral/etc. to play Civ4:

10. You ran out of dental floss.
9. Someone tied the shoelaces of your left shoe to the shoelaces of your right shoe; every time you try to step outside, you fall down.
8. You haven't discovered "Commuting" yet.
7. "Our close borders spark tension."
6. One word: decapitation.
5. You're actually the Evil version of yourself from an alternate dimension. (Hint: growing a goatee makes this excuse more plausible.)
4. You're just a bad influence anyway.
3. You're a little tired, after running into a burning building to save a baby the night before.
2. You were there; everyone else missed it because of Daylight Savings Time.

And the Number One excuse for blowing off work/school/family/own funeral/etc. to play Civ4:

1. I ran out of gas. I had a flat tire. I didn't have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake! A terrible flood! LOCUSTS! IT WASN'T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD!!!
My wife ran out of town with Ghengis. She emptied the treasury, and stool a bunch of workers. Then she convinced Ghengis to marry her, making her the new queen of Mongolia and she marched upon my cities. Did I mention she took our settler?

(P.S. Settler means kid)
Gono-Herpa-Syph-Clap with projectile vomit and explosive diareha :vomit:

That should buy me at least a week.
(although I will get weird looks at work when I come back, they should avoid my cube, so I can play on the laptop!! :devil: )

"I love it when a plan comes together!"
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