• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

What's your excuse for missing work going to be?

MarcAntiny said:
If Civ IV is anything like Civ III there were be plenty of time waiting between turns to spend some quality seconds with the lady... :goodjob:

Hehe, thanks God it's still a TBS game! ;)
Well im a student and right now the Teachers in BC are on strike lol so my days are wide open :goodjob:
I'm a freelancer, working from home, and can do as I please... I'll just tell my editors I'm taking a month off. :D
I should be getting the game on a friday in mail which happens to be the day I have free from studies so I got 3 days of civing from the day i get it, yey! :D
I'm gonna go round my mates house on the friday it's released, set it up, get an on line game going, and play till i've had enough. If that stretch's into Monday/Tuesday (i say if!!!!) then i will be ill with a terrible afflication, i like the bird flu idea.

I wonder how much money will be lost on that one day by absent staff!
Conveniently, my current job is coming to an end, and it will probably be a month or two before I have a new one. :)

No hurry on that account, right? :cooool:

- Sirian
oxonian2001 said:
And the Number One excuse for blowing off work/school/family/own funeral/etc. to play Civ4:

1. I ran out of gas. I had a flat tire. I didn't have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake! A terrible flood! LOCUSTS! IT WASN'T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD!!!

You've been watching too much Blues Brothers, friend... :lol:
This could be one for the more important peeps in their job.

I am quitting until i get my payrise.

You get a load of civ and some more money.
Sirian said:
Conveniently, my current job is coming to an end, and it will probably be a month or two before I have a new one. :)

Serendipitous coincidence, that. :mischief:
Bah. I have critical events occurring at work during the week of the 25th - otherwise I'd be taking the 26th off at least. I still may take some time off the following week if Civ IV ends up being as good as it's looking to be.
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