Where is Victoria?

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The captain that took you through the most dangerous waters or the captain that looked good standing at the helm when the wind was at your back and the seas were calm...

The captain that defended the land back home or the captain that created lands around the world so that the "sun never sets". :rolleyes:
And btw, England has been an empire since the 1300's. Centuries before Elizabeth. You'd better not say that the Welsh and Scots were not their own kingdom or you might wind up with some angry kilt-wearing folks on the forum here!

We'll have to agree to disagree here, whilst i am fully aware that England, Wales, France, Scotland, Ireland, Scandanvia were all geographically/politcially/legalisitively/financely linked in many intricate ways since 1066 (and before), I still personally think its more of a Kingdom then an Empire until, say the Union, 1707 i believe.
Now I'm going to go on and on about this. BUT I'm reading the manual and it says that the Unique trait is based on the leader's "special ability".

"Sun never sets" is the unique assigned to Elizabeth. I wouldn't normally argue about this but if anyone should have that unique ability attached to, it's Victoria. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_empire_on_which_the_sun_never_sets

Civ IV took a massive step forward in recognizing Victoria but now it's just taken a step back.

I demand an answer.

The trait is for the civilization, not the ruler. Like somebody said before... Look at the french traits among others. They try to cover different period of the Civ history with a mix of Unique unit/building and trait and leader to represent them.

I just don't get it.... How come so many people start whole tread on such topic (Like the one about hitler/japan) based only on the fact the the manual used this word instead of that word.

Like Firaxis was trying to put some subliminal messages in the manual about Victoria not being a great ruler or hitler not being one of the most significant figure of german history.
We'll have to agree to disagree here, whilst i am fully aware that England, Wales, France, Scotland, Ireland, Scandanvia were all geographically/politcially/legalisitively/financely linked in many intricate ways since 1066 (and before), I still personally think its more of a Kingdom then an Empire until, say the Union, 1707 i believe.

Actually, the 'first British Empire' came into being under Elizabeth I, at least according to wikipedia:


However, since Britain wasnt unified during Elizabeth's reign, 'English Empire' would have been a more accurate term.
I cant think of any major naval victories that the Royal Navy won to claim mastery of the atlantic and north western european waters during the reign of Elizabeth I. Definately not against an armada of Spanish ships and allowing Elizabeth to gain a foothold in the race for colonies. In no way was there any rebuilding of the Royal Navy under her father Henry VIII that led to Elizabeth I commanding the largest European fleet during her reign (after definately not sinking all those spanish ships). Nope she didn't have much to do with the Naval supremecy of the British Isles.
Although the Sun Never Sets is a reference to Victoria's reign the foundations were laid by the Tudors. Therefore, it is not wholly innapropriate for a game where you have one undying leader for ~6000 years.

See above. I was fine with Elizabeth until I read the manual. It's just not right. It's like having "Achaemenid legacy" as a trait but having a non-Achaemenid leader for Persia. Doesn't make sense.

Or "Ancien Regime" with Napoleon as leader? The special abilities are not attached to the leader, stop thinking in Civ 4 terms.
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In the past the 'Why isn't my Civ included in Civ 5' threads have become places to troll about, thus we have been closing them.

Moderator Action: I guess i see enough tr
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In the past the 'Why isn't my Civ included in Civ 5' threads have become places to troll about, thus we have been closing them.

Moderator Action: I guess i see enough trolling here -> closed. olling here -> closed.
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