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Which book are you reading now? Volume XIII

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Do any of you binge read? - I seem to go through a cycle where I will get bored of reading halfway through a book, not pick a book up for months and then i'll read half a dozen in a month, before the cycle repeats.

It might be something to do with an obsessive personality (I tend to focus on one thing for a period then change focus to something else).
I don't really binge read but I do read in spurts. I don't really read more than one book at a time for whatever reason but I will start a book, stop, then come back to it weeks or months later and continue reading.
America's Favorite books 2018 Edition
America’s Best-Loved Novel will be chosen by viewers like you based on The Great American Read top 100 books list. The top 100 books were chosen through a survey of Americans conducted by PBS, The Great American Readand a polling service (more on that selection process below). The books chosen could be from anywhere in the world as long as they were published in English – the only requirement was that they be fiction. From beloved world literature to contemporary bestsellers, the list contains a broad range of novels, authors, time periods, countries, genres and subject matter.
Bolding mine.

  1. To Kill a Mockingbird
  2. Outlander (Series)
  3. Harry Potter (Series)
  4. Pride and Prejudice
  5. Lord of the Rings
  6. Gone with the Wind
  7. Charlotte’s Web
  8. Little Women
  9. Chronicles of Narnia
  10. Jane Eyre
  11. Anne of Green Gables
  12. Grapes of Wrath
  13. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
  14. Book Thief
  15. Great Gatsby
  16. The Help
  17. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
  18. 1984
  19. And Then There Were None
  20. Atlas Shrugged
  21. Wuthering Heights
  22. Lonesome Dove
  23. Pillars of the Earth
  24. Stand
  25. Rebecca
  26. A Prayer for Owen Meany
  27. Color Purple
  28. Alice in Wonderland
  29. Great Expectations
  30. Catcher in the Rye
  31. Where the Red Fern Grows
  32. Outsiders
  33. The Da Vinci Code
  34. The Handmaid’s Tale
  35. Dune
  36. The Little Prince
  37. Call of the Wild
  38. The Clan of the Cave Bear
  39. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy
  40. The Hunger Games
  41. The Count of Monte Cristo
  42. The Joy Luck Club
  43. Frankenstein
  44. The Giver
  45. Memoirs of a Geisha
  46. Moby Dick
  47. Catch 22
  48. Game of Thrones (series)
  49. Foundation (series)
  50. War and Peace
  51. Their Eyes Were Watching God
  52. Jurassic Park
  53. The Godfather
  54. One Hundred Years of Solitude
  55. The Picture of Dorian Gray
  56. The Notebook
  57. The Shack
  58. A Confederacy of Dunces
  59. The Hunt for Red October
  60. Beloved
  61. The Martian
  62. The Wheel of Time (series)
  63. Siddhartha
  64. Crime and Punishment
  65. The Sun Also Rises
  66. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime
  67. A Separate Peace
  68. Don Quixote
  69. The Lovely Bones
  70. The Alchemist
  71. Hatchet (series)
  72. Invisible Man
  73. The Twilight Saga (series)
  74. Tales of the City (series)
  75. Gulliver’s Travels
  76. Ready Player One
  77. Left Behind (series)
  78. Gone Girl
  79. Watchers
  80. The Pilgrim’s Progress
  81. Alex Cross Mysteries (series)
  82. Things Fall Apart
  83. Heart of Darkness
  84. Gilead
  85. Flowers in the Attic
  86. Fifty Shades of Grey
  87. The Sirens of Titan
  88. This Present Darkness
  89. Americanah
  90. Another Country
  91. Bless Me, Ultima
  92. Looking for Alaska
  93. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
  94. Swan Song
  95. Mind Invaders
  96. White Teeth
  97. Ghost
  98. The Coldest Winter Ever
  99. The Intuitionist
  100. Doña Bárbára
I just finished Frederick Douglass; Prophet of Freedom because it was on Obama's book list. This has led me to The War Before the War which deals with some of the same issues.
War and peace is the most favoured non anglo book there? (Other than the baobab one)
Why? Have they actually read it? :)
Tkamb seems a bit of a politi-insert, no?
No flowers for algernon seems casual.
No poe? W. Irving? Even Lovecraft (due to the mythos).
Maybe it is more of a "what books can you name" thing :)
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Tkamb seems a bit of a politi-insert, no?
I don't think so. From my teaching experience, TKAM's popularity has a lot more to do with its well-drawn characters than with its - somewhat squishy - political message.
I believe it is a popularity contest where anyone can vote. It shows what Americans as a big group like to read.
not as bad as I expected, there's many good books in there
Apart from Atlas Shrugged and 50 Shades of Grey, the list is a pretty decent mix of popular novels, classics, and "serious reading".

Reading a book I got for Christmas, Union Made: Working People and the Rise of Social Christianity in Chicago by Heath W. Carter. I'm not too far in to it, but it seems interesting if a bit dry. A friend recommended it because his professor wrote it.
Reading some Aristotle; on the psyche. Book 1 is an overview of other philosophers' claims. Iirc book3 is quite interesting, cause it deals with the notion of position/movement.
Like every other book written, this too is not as boring as heidegger :)
Apart from Atlas Shrugged and 50 Shades of Grey, the list is a pretty decent mix of popular novels, classics, and "serious reading".
You forgot to mention the Left Behind series- it's in at #77. That'll be the old Evangelical voting bloc, I guess. Even PBS can't quit escape it.
I can't forgive ASoIaF being called 'Game of Thrones'.
It's tragic.
I blame him for greenlighting the show in the first place.
I blame him for greenlighting the show in the first place.
I think he thought he could keep up with his writing and the money was too enticing. Getting very much richer now outweighed writing. Which would you choose?
Blame Martin for not finishing.
Eh, at least we got that glorious slew of South Park episodes.

‘wiener, wiener, wiener! wiener, wiener, wiener, wiener, wiener…’

An overview of the history of the greek stone columned temple. By tony spawforth. Not sure if he is a reputable scholar; i borrowed the book from the local library. Contains general info, including lists of sites of partly surviving temples, photos and volumetrics, as well as some quotes by ancient visitors to the monuments.
An overview of the history of the greek stone columned temple. By tony spawforth. Not sure if he is a reputable scholar; i borrowed the book from the local library. Contains general info, including lists of sites of partly surviving temples, photos and volumetrics, as well as some quotes by ancient visitors to the monuments.

Hes a professor at Newcastle University in the School of History, Classics and Archeology. http://www.andrewlownie.co.uk/authors/tony-spawforth
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