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Which historical lunatic are you?

I am Caligula, I was hoping for Nero, or maybe Stalin, but I guess he will do.
I am:

Made Bishop of Agagni by Pope Formosus, you became Pope yourself in 896 by putting your immediate predecessor, Boniface VI, to death. Your reign lasted all of fourteen months. However, you firmly assured your place in history by putting the rotting corpse of the aforementioned Formosus on trial in the splendidly named Synod Horrenda. Naturally, Formosus was clad in full papal vestments. Having dug up the stinking remains once already, you proceeded to have them found guilty, reburied, re-exhumed, relieved of the three fingers of the right hand used in consecrations and finally thrown into the Tiber. All ordinations performed by the luckless Formosus were annulled. After this delightful display of gratitude, you were promptly strangled, paving the way for an increasingly short-lived series of successors and the reinstatement, dereinstatement and rereinstatement of Formosus' Papal deeds.
I guess I spoke too soon.
I'm Caligula!

Link didn't work.
You are Joshua Abraham Norton, first and only Emperor of the United States of America!

Interesting . . . I had my answer be "no" to all but one question, and look at who I am!!!
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