Who else has already bought a new PC in anticipation of Civ V?


Dec 26, 2008
I was one of the crowd who was excited but disappointed at the release of Civ V because I knew I could not run it on my current PC's. Of course I've wanted a new PC but owing to the fact that my job is not high-paying, I just hadn't seriously though about it.

The announcement of Civ V made me salivate for a new PC. I began looking not just to buy, but only in preparation of saving for one. I actually found a system that was everything I was looking for and realized that through careful budgeting I'd be able to purchase it now.

So I'm typing this on a new Asus 3.2 GHZ (dual-core but more efficient at nearly every task than quad cores) and I'm extremely happy with my purchase. Windows 7 is running like a dream and seems to bring everything that was actually good about Vista without the bad. Now I'm eagerly awaiting more news on V because I know I'll be able to run it with room to spare.
not buying a new one, but i am planning a series of upgrades between now and the fall. I'm still rocking XP >.<

grats on your new PC!
Next tuesday I order my I-5 Quadcore machine with 4 gigs of ddr3 1600mhz ram ;) When it arrives I will be putting win 7 on it and throwing in my psu and 8800 gtx. Though later this year I will get a new psu to power those new nvidia dx11 cards and will move my 8800 gtx into the crossfire slot to run as a dedicated physix card for other games.

My only thing I can't figure out is weitehr I should go with the Free water cooling upgrade. (its a contained unit so no maintenance) or stick with air cooling. I've never had a water cooled pc so am a little apprehensive.
I'll probably make an upgrade or two, but no new PC. I'm in pretty good shape already with my dual core and 9500gt.

Sounds like you'll be in good shape ASUS is one of the best.
I forgot to mention the best part of my new machine. It has 8 gigs of Ram right off the bat and the case/motherboard are designed for expansion. If at some point I need to rock with a new NVidia card, there's definitely room.
I got a new 4gig hp touchsmart windows7 running pc for Christmas so I'm good to go.
I'm hoping my AMD Athlon X2 5400 Dual-Core with 4 gigs of RAM and a NVIDIA GeForce 9100 video card will work all right.

I think the video card might be key, it's not great.
Well, I will stick with my old computer and Civ 4 for the next 2-3 years or so. It really is a massive waste of money and resources to buy a new computer every other year. The computer industry is pretty sick and wasteful! :mad:
I'm good to go computer wise with my Quad Core 18 inch HP laptop.

If they come out with a serious kick butt netbook later this year that can run Civ 5 well I may have to take a look. ;)
Next tuesday I order my I-5 Quadcore machine with 4 gigs of ddr3 1600mhz ram ;) When it arrives I will be putting win 7 on it and throwing in my psu and 8800 gtx. Though later this year I will get a new psu to power those new nvidia dx11 cards and will move my 8800 gtx into the crossfire slot to run as a dedicated physix card for other games.

My only thing I can't figure out is weitehr I should go with the Free water cooling upgrade. (its a contained unit so no maintenance) or stick with air cooling. I've never had a water cooled pc so am a little apprehensive.

Why wait for nVidia, ATI already has 4 dx11 cards at different price points...oh ya and they kill any current nVidia cards too. That is my only upgrade a nice mid range ATI XFX HD 5770 :p

Why wait for nVidia, ATI already has 4 dx11 cards at different price points...oh ya and they kill any current nVidia cards too. That is my only upgrade a nice mid range ATI XFX HD 5770 :p


Because nvidia always beats out ati on both pricepoint and performance. Not to mention you can only run dedicated physix with nvidia cards. Seeing as how I have one already that is perfect for this usage. Also I don't buy midrange cards, I will be getting the top end card.
They have already stated that Civ 5 will run on everything from a dead-slow crappy laptop to high-end gaming system much better than Civ 4, or even Civ 3 managed. Only reason for brand-new high-end is if you want to try to crank out graphics all the way up. Otherwise, no need to buy a new system; at least that's what they are saying.

Because nvidia always beats out ati on both pricepoint and performance. Not to mention you can only run dedicated physix with nvidia cards. Seeing as how I have one already that is perfect for this usage. Also I don't buy midrange cards, I will be getting the top end card.

Well I guess if you really need a physix capable card that is ok, though there are few games that really take advantage of that, but if you want the best card there is, that is ATI right now hands down, and not by a small margin either. And even if nVidia release some new hardware soon that temporarily takes back the top spot that will not last long as ATI's cards have been our for months now and there next lineup is not far away either. But buy what you like that's a market ecomony.

And Tom is right I'm sure Civ5 at release will run fine on any midrange card on the market.

Makes no sense buying a new PC now considering how quickly hardware prices decline Better to wait until a week before the game is out.
Anyway, I have scheduled a ram and video card upgrade for this summer/fall but it doesn't have anything to do with Civilization.
I currently have 2 gig ram and a 320 MB GF 8800GTS. It's still enough for most games but my video memory is becoming a bottleneck.
No chance.

Why run an expensive arms race with developers trying to constantly upgrade an expensive PC with a comparatively small screen, when most games are nicely playable on the big screen in my living room from a box that won't be out of date for another 3 - 5 years yet?

The gigahertz race for PCs is long since over. It's a harder sell to persuade anyone to upgrade now -- in fact, lots of people are upgrading to slower machines for some purposes (phones, iPads, and the like).
I really dislike this wasteful, spoiled habit of buying a new computer every few years because you always want the latest. It is a waste of both money, resources and the environment. I think a computer should last something like 10 years.
I think a computer should last something like 10 years.

If you're going down that road, why not make it 100 years?

Moore's law has been pretty much correct so far, so that's the sort of time scales people should be looking at to stay on top of new releases.
If you're going down that road, why not make it 100 years?

Moore's law has been pretty much correct so far, so that's the sort of time scales people should be looking at to stay on top of new releases.

And what says you always have to stay on top of new releases? If you have a perfectly working computer that is a few years old, you just get rid of it because you need to have all the latest tech geek stuff? What a wasteful living... :mad:
If you just learn how to replace your components you can keep the same computer forever. Replace the graphics card here, then maybe a power supply, and when it starts to get really old just buy a new motherboard or processors, small changes at a time. Keeps it affordable and up to date enough to play whatever you want.
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