Who plays Magic?


¡Patria y vida!
Jul 11, 2005
up yours.
I do, but I don´t know who else does. Anybody willing to publicize his deck list, besides me?
I play V:TES, much better than magic. Multiplayer makes things far more interesting. I've played just enough magic to get fairly bored with it. I have a Rabid Wombat somewhere, once upon a time I'd borrowed enough cards to have a deck to go with it. No deck list though. Vampire/VTES deck lists I have plenty of.
Used to, but decided it was gay and quit...
Have a couple decks but don't play cause nobody else does, and playing myself is kinda lame. I was introduced to the game as a freshman in HS by a Junior who just moved here. He gave me cards and everything, and eventually I became interested enough and bought my own. Seems everyone thought the game was "uncool", and always asked why we were playing Pokemon, as if the word Magic was difficult enough for them to read.
Gayity to the max.

Have you ever played? Cause if you watch two people play, it certainly looks gay. Its one of those things that in order to appreciate it, you have to be directly involved.
I played Magic many years ago. This was my favorite deck because the concept was great. Silly mystical-ness. I now look back at Magic and wonder why I played.

4x Enchantress's Presence
4x Argothian Enchantress
3x Verduran Enchantress

4x Sterling Grove
4x Wild Growth
4x Solitary Confinement
3x Fertile Ground
3x Mirari's Wake
3x Kirtar's Desire
2x Living Wish
2x Words of War
2x Seismic Assault

4x Brushland
4x City of Brass
4x Karplusan Forest
2x Wooded Foothills
4x Forest
3x Plains
1x Mountain
I and my friends played it in elementary school, Grade 4-7 maybe. I remember having a green creature deck, and a kickass black/white knights deck, but I couldn't tell you exactly what was in them.

I can give an approximation of the latter, probably leaving out some enchantments and instants:

4x Serra Angel
1x Seraph
4x Sengir Vampire
3x White Knight
3x Black Knight
3x Knights of Dawn
4x Terror
4x Howl from Beyond
~8x other Knight cards, whose names I cannot remember
1x Jester's Cap
1x Jester's Mask
4x Strip Mine
2x Mishra's Factory
10x Swamp
10x Plains
Used to play, but I grew out of it. Along with Pokemon and Yu-Gay-oh. Magic was actually quite fun though.
Wow, I had no idea we had so many lazy, anti-intellectual homophobes here. Did you know that Magic is being considered for the (Mental) Olympics?
Stopped playing when the "new" design came out.
I should really ebay all my rares off.

hmmm as soon as I finnish putting up the large heavy car gates up.
I used to play this.

I had a nice Sliver deck (Queen/Christalline/Horned/Winged, etc.)
Also a "White heat"-based speed-deck
And a blue-green creature/control deck for multiplayer
If you're a lazy-ass homophobe, don't open this.
Spoiler :
Here's my main decklist, quoted from the Keenspot forums where I'm playing a game right now.

Land (25)
10 Island
15 Plains

Creatures (26)
3 Wind Drake
Wild Griffin (white Wind Drake)
Air Elemental (If you squint hard enough, it's a fattie.)
Prodigal Sorcerer (TIM!)
2 Tundra Wolves
Auriok Windwalker
4 Suntail Hawk
4 Mystic Visionary
2 Crossbow Infantry
Fleeting Image
2 Angelic Page
Aven Fisher (yes, a 2/2 for four mana)
Kabuto Moth
Mystic Penitent

Other spells (25)
Neurok Stealthsuit (It pretends to be Counterspell)
Indomitable Will
Serum Visions
2 Deep Analysis
Call To Glory
Angelic Blessing
Honden of Seeing Winds
3 Keep Watch (I've drawn six with this)
3 Unsummon
Mana Leak
2 Remove Soul
Glorious Anthem (the number of different cards is ridiculous by now)
Tatsumasa, the Dragon's Fang
Breath of Life

1 Sphere of Duty
1 Pilgrim of Virtue
2 Pilgrim of Justice
1 Urza's Armor
1 Blessed Reversal
1 Spirit Link
1 Cage of Hands
1 Fervent Denial
1 Quash
2 Aven Smokeweaver
1 Envelop
1 Psionic Gift
1 Syncopate
Yes, I know, it's a horrible mish-mash of cards, but the inconsistency wins me games when my opponents can't predict anything. In the words of Dave Price, "There are wrong answers. There are never wrong threats."
Right now I'm waiting for Dissension to come out so I can throw in four Azorius Guildmages.
Well, one of my 8 decks -I´ve got a thousand and several hundred cards, so I can afford those luxuries- is a red-black earth-breaker, with only 7 creatures, but there are some "insignificant" threats to those who manage to slip some spells through: engineered Plague -useful against Elven decks with 3 lands-, a Millstone, a Well of Discovery, a Seismic Mage for dumping useless cards & extra lands, a Rhystic Tutor, two Barbed Wires for direct damage, some double-use cards like Pillage, Befoul & Co., and, in case things get out of hand or I´m swimming in mana, a Tectonic Break.

The decision of leaving the Tempest, Urza, and Mercadian Masques packs out of Extended has left only one deck of the 8 available to me, but, as I play in non-DCI-sanctioned tournaments where it´s a free-for-all, who cares? we Argentinians don´t care about such petty half-official rules.
And we play multiplayer (Emperor, Guerilla, etc.) so we don´t have to worry about much.
I did play Magic the Gathering back in the day. I don't really remember specifically what cards I had in it, but I do remember it was a Blue and White Deck. Vizzidrix was one of the cards now that I think about it. But its been so long I barely even remember the rules.
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