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"Who wants what" overview


Jan 16, 2008
Hi everybody and sorry if this has been asked before...

A lot of times (ok, sometimes) I have extra resources that I want to trade and I'd really like to see if any of the AI's actually is willing to trade for it without having to click on...each...AI...one....at...a....time. I recall from BtS that this was available in the Dimplomatic view (I think), but I can't find that anywhere in the new Civ5. Am I blind or am I stuck having to click on each civ to see if anybody wants what I have for trade?

thanks in advance!
go into steam workshop there is a mod called trade opportunities - there are a few mods that let you see this stuff, i think infoaddict might do it also but i could be wrong.
The thing I dislike with mods as solutions is they don't count in your hall of fame.

InfoAddict I know didn't work in vanilla for that. Your victories are not recorded. Have they amended this in GnK?
i usually just check what my economic advisor has to say

edit: actually i misunderstood your post. the economic advisor doesn't help in this situation
Why should you get HoF/achievements if you "cheat"?

But you can already find out whether you have any resources the AI doesn't; it's just that you can currently only do this by opening the leader screen. Which is time consuming, especially if your computer doesn't like the leader screens. So how is it 'cheating' to access information that is already available in the game, just by an easier and less time-consuming route?

This kind of information has been readily accessible in some sort of diplomacy window in previous versions of Civ. It's about time they added it to CiV without forcing people to use mods.
I hate the HOF system, there is no way for it to detect playing a mod and using a cheat. I choose to play with mods because it is how i enjoy the game, and to be treated like a cheater is just wrong.
CivUP has a feature that allows you to access a "who wants what" type of screen directly by clicking on the Resource icons at the top of the main screen. It even adds a new one with a diamond icon that show how many resources you have duplicates of. If you're worried about "cheating", CivUP doesn't alter the gameplay in any way; it just adds ease-of-information type changes.

Other things I enjoy about it are:

-being able to see how many turns until border growth from the main screen (it places a verticle pink bar alongside the turns-until-population-growth bar on the city nameplate)
-having unit promotion icons above the units
-converting Ranged promotions to Melee promotions and vice versa on applicable upgrades.
-being able to see the tech you are currently researching without needing to use the dropdown box on the top left (it replaces the blue science value with the tech being researched and the # of turns left to finish)
-it similarly replaces the pink culture-per-turn with how many turns left to open the next Social Policy

No, I don't own stock in CivUP, but I do enjoy it alot.
That feels like a cheat

That would depend on what fighting in “Open” and “Rough” terrain is meant to represent. Does it mean that a unit is trained to use its weapon in that terrain or that the unit is trained to maneuver and strategize in that terrain? If it’s the former, then converting the promotions would seem like a cheat. If the later, then it wouldn’t make sense that a group of, say, Mongolian Horsemen trained to fight in Open terrain would suddenly become clueless about how to maneuver and strategize because their swords were replaced with bows when they upgraded to Keshiks.
shaglio: Regardless of the rationale, this is not the way the game is meant to work. I wouldn't call it cheating, but it most certainly is not the method that the game is written to be played, and thus comparing Hall of Fame numbers between RAW and RAI would really be apples and oranges.

This is certainly not anywhere near the same as a simple mod that provides information already existing in the game.
I wish infoaddict could also track how many units each civ has. I am not sure what to divide the army size by, to get at least an idea of how many units they may have.
shaglio: Regardless of the rationale, this is not the way the game is meant to work. I wouldn't call it cheating, but it most certainly is not the method that the game is written to be played, and thus comparing Hall of Fame numbers between RAW and RAI would really be apples and oranges.

This is certainly not anywhere near the same as a simple mod that provides information already existing in the game.

But you DO agree that it isn't necessarily a cheat.

CivUP’s counterpart, VEM (or GEM for G&K), completely alters the way the game is played with new/changed units, tech, and mechanics. I would not consider a game played with VEM or GEM to be comparable to one played in the standard, unmodded Civ 5. But with all the non-game-altering things that CivUP has to offer, I wouldn’t consider the one aspect of converting Ranged & Melee promotions to be game-altering enough to make it incomparable to standard, unmodded Civ 5.

. . . And it DOES provide a solution to the OP's issue of wanting to know who is willing to buy what resources from you.
I hate the HOF system, there is no way for it to detect playing a mod and using a cheat. I choose to play with mods because it is how i enjoy the game, and to be treated like a cheater is just wrong.

Wait your HOF keeps track of your wins with infoaddict?

Mine didn't.

Party why I stopped using it, and also because the info is way too detailed, especially military, it seems to give humans too much advantage of precisely timing when to attack/open a 2nd front. Whereas with the War advisor, you can sort of tease out what is happening based on what he is saying.
That would depend on what fighting in “Open” and “Rough” terrain is meant to represent. Does it mean that a unit is trained to use its weapon in that terrain or that the unit is trained to maneuver and strategize in that terrain? If it’s the former, then converting the promotions would seem like a cheat. If the later, then it wouldn’t make sense that a group of, say, Mongolian Horsemen trained to fight in Open terrain would suddenly become clueless about how to maneuver and strategize because their swords were replaced with bows when they upgraded to Keshiks.

Actually, fighting melee and fighting ranged are significantly different from each other. Enough that you would need to use different strategies and tactics, even in the same terrain type.

Just off the top of my head, using a sword requires you to ride in close to your enemy, hoping that he isn't using a bow himself. If he is, you need to find a way around him, or to him fast enough to negate his ranged attack.

Once you have a bow, it's a matter of making sure there are no melee troops (or even other ranged ones) getting close to you while you take aim.

Throw in the trees with jungles/forests, and it's even more of a difference. It's harder to use ranged weapons in a forest/jungle, because there's so many more places for an enemy to take cover. You're better off using a melee weapon, but you still need to get close enough to hit them, especially if they have ranged weapons.

So yeah, being able to carry those promotions over is a cheat, regardless of how you look at it.
CivUP uses the Trade Opportunities mod, so if you don't want all the extra CivUP stuff and just want the must-have-IMO trading interface, then the Trade Opportunities mod is for you. It amazes me that something like this is not in the base game, it makes trading so much quicker (especially as the Netherlands, where trades go down every turn).
Actually, fighting melee and fighting ranged are significantly different from each other. Enough that you would need to use different strategies and tactics, even in the same terrain type.

So yeah, being able to carry those promotions over is a cheat, regardless of how you look at it.
True stuff, but if promotions are a byproduct of how experienced and batttle-tested a unit is, then couldn't he concievably be given another promotion to compensate? Veteran troops who know what they're doing on the battlefield may not be automatic experts with new weapons in hand, but they should be better than a newly-trained soldier. At least let you re-promote some of your used XP when you upgrade a unit.
CivUP uses the Trade Opportunities mod, so if you don't want all the extra CivUP stuff and just want the must-have-IMO trading interface, then the Trade Opportunities mod is for you. It amazes me that something like this is not in the base game, it makes trading so much quicker (especially as the Netherlands, where trades go down every turn).

Is it saved game compatable? Thanks in advance
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