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Who will be the vice president of the major candidates.

Fred Thompson on McCain's ticket? That puts Nancy Pelosi two very old heartbeats from the Presidency.

Perhaps if the Republicans win that's the way to go?
I'm seeing McCain and Obama ads being ran in my state. Possible oman? The primary isn't for 2 or 3 weeks.

The McCain ad talks about him being a social and fiscal conservative. They're trying to reach conservatives.

The Obama ad I don't remember what it said. It was in black and white. How ironic.
The Obama ad I don't remember what it said. It was in black and white. How ironic.

It wasn't the will.i.am and Jesse Dylan music video, was it?

That took me by surprise when I first saw it, since it's not from the campaign at all... but it's a nice uplifting piece which is an excellent contrast to many anonymous negative ads we've seen over the years.
Fred Thompson on McCain's ticket? That puts Nancy Pelosi two very old heartbeats from the Presidency.

I just threw up in my mouth.
i saw an obama ad today, he is the canidate of choice for Al-KayDuh.

i am actually excited about voting for clinton on the 12th.
If Billary wins the nomination, I'm sure her running mate will be Barrack Hussein Obama.
Well, lets evaluate what the Vice President is supposed to do for a campaign. You want your VP to do one of two things

a) Provide geographic balance, or help carry a pivotal state. Thing would make politicians from the west, Florida, Ohio and Missouri popular.
b) Shore up a policy weakness in the candidate. John McCain, for example, will prob. want a candidate with some established conservative cred. Obama is going to want somebody with some Foriegn Policy or Executive experience, etc.

So, by looking at those two, I don't see how a Hillary/Obama union is really beneficial to either party. Neither New York or Illinois are states that the democrats have to worry about, and I don't really think that the two complement each other very well.
To add to downtown's point, you also don't want someone that could do you harm, which may leave Fred Thompson on the outside looking in, given his campaign resume from the past year.

Additionally, you don't want a VP candidate to overshadow you. Which could leave Obama outside, unless there was some deep party divide that had to be bridged. Which, regardless of the Clinton and Obama partisans roaming around, I don't think will be needed come convention time.

Plus, two senators on one ticket? Ewww.....
I won't vote for Billary unless Obama is on the ticket.
It wasn't the will.i.am and Jesse Dylan music video, was it?

That took me by surprise when I first saw it, since it's not from the campaign at all... but it's a nice uplifting piece which is an excellent contrast to many anonymous negative ads we've seen over the years.

Actually I saw it again today. Plus I saw a different one for Obama. They're starting to increase the ads being run. The black and white ad was more about a message of hope and how Obama went to law school to educate himself, but instead of cashing in for riches after graduation, he went into service for Chicago defending the rights of the lower class poverty stricken. Most of it was in black and white, with a few color pictures here and there about who supported him. But just about the whole commercial was still photos, not video. There was a Republican (i believe from the Illinois Senate) speaking about him in an interview style saying of how he was able to reach out to all parties and inspire them in order to get legislation passed.

The other ad was much better. It was in color and was much more presidential and inspirational. I prefer this ad.
A Senator and a Congressman on the same ticket? Eeeww....

But given his location and his portfolio (not to mention his relative youth), it could be a good pick.
My thought is that it would be McCain/Huckabee, as McCain needs someone conservative enough to balance out his liberalism. On the other side, Edwards would be a perfect VP candidate for the Dems, but would he want to run for VP again?
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