why is happiness so important?


Nov 10, 2005
when my citizens start changing from content to happy, i don't see what the benefits are. and what would be the benefits early on, like the first twenty turns of the game?
If you've got more unhappy citizens than happy, the city will go into civil disorder. The city will produce no production, science, culture, or commerce until you fix things, either by increasing the luxury slider or creating some entertainers. If, on the other hand, you've got more happy citizens than content ones, your city will celebrate "We Love the King Day," which reduces corruption. Hurrah.
Shillen said:
Content to happy? Are you playing civ4 or civ3?

civ3. i found out after posting my questions that i was in the wrong forum. you guys have a massive forum here, so i hope you can understand a new guy's--to the game and the forum--confusion. but since they all informed me of my mistake, they've also aswered my questions (sort of...still confused on some stuff), so i will continue to view answers and make replies to the first 2 questions i've poseted on your civ4 forum here. any subsequent questions i will--sadly, as there're like 230 people on forum civ4, opposed to about 5 on civ3--post my ignorance on civ3. my apologies
I know he was talking about civ3, but is there a "We love the king" day in Civ 4? I haven't seen one :)
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