Why the hell isn't Shaka Zulu in this


Jul 7, 2012

Like really... The only african nation besides eithiopia to ever take it to Europe. The Zulu nation dominated central Africa. This is a travesty.

Also, I understand these native american tribes BUT iroquois over Apachi? Really?

The Apachi destroyed the united stats military for years. Beat them down so bad that today the US military is trained by Apachi tribesmen.

Sad man. Industrial level technology and they still got beat down by Apachis because of their kill in combat.

Some unique units I would have loved to see.

Remove zero. It's stupid.

Replace with Kisho Ninja. Renaissance level infantry, 200% damage vs castles, 3 movesment, immune to counter attack. melee. Can move after attack.

Apachi Dagger wielder: Medieval era unit infantry. 3 movement, unhindered by hills,jungle, rivers, forest. can move after attack. Much higher combat strength then the knight which it replaces.
okay yes I understand what your saying with Zulu as I also think they should be in the game. The Kisho ninja you put forward probably isn't in the game because the Samurai is the era before that and having both would make Japan very powerful for a long consecutive time plus the idea you put forward seems really overpowered. As for the Native Americans yes putting in the Apache would be nice to see also as a more warfare based civ. Although I think they probably chose Iroquois as Hiawatha as he united 6 nations and was an advocate of peace making and as a result is considered as one of if not the most influential native americans in history. Therefore they may have chose a civ to balance against the more war focused ones (Germany, Songhai, Japan) :)
I think you are slightly overstating the Zulu's historical importance, but regardless, the most likely scenario is that they are waiting to release them as a DLC. They are a fan favorite, and game companies do like money.

I would also like to see a southwestern US tribe, either Apache or Navajo would be cool.

Like really... The only african nation besides eithiopia to ever take it to Europe. The Zulu nation dominated central Africa. This is a travesty.

Also, I understand these native american tribes BUT iroquois over Apachi? Really?

The Apachi destroyed the united stats military for years. Beat them down so bad that today the US military is trained by Apachi tribesmen.

Sad man. Industrial level technology and they still got beat down by Apachis because of their kill in combat.

Some unique units I would have loved to see.

Remove zero. It's stupid.

Replace with Kisho Ninja. Renaissance level infantry, 200% damage vs castles, 3 movesment, immune to counter attack. melee. Can move after attack.

Apachi Dagger wielder: Medieval era unit infantry. 3 movement, unhindered by hills,jungle, rivers, forest. can move after attack. Much higher combat strength then the knight which it replaces.

OMFG a reply:

Kisho ninja? Really?
Not only is it moving like a horseman (OK, generally 1 movement less, but still has MAA) it is immune to the big equalizer in combat (as well as being a key factor in ranged combat), counter attacks. In Gods and Kings (which let's face it, is what developers will be focusing on content wise from now on) where combats last much longer. This unit would be able to attack, bring a unit down to 1/3 or 1/2 HP, then when the other unit attacks back next turn, take maybe 1/4 damage or 1/3 while it is left almost dead and then the Ninja can move onto the next target and attack fully thanks to the japanese UA.
200% against castles? So now it's a horseman, a melee unit, a ranged unit AND seige.

Why not add on the ability to fight like an Ironclad to round off the package.
I get the flavour, and I like the idea. But putting them all together... bad. What would they replace in the medieval era? the only thing really left is either the Knight or the Pikemen. Seems how both are a fairly integral part of japanese history...

OK, knight, not so much...

Apache dagger: So the downside on this unit is the slightly slower movement... which is almost completely obscured by the mobility this unit has. As well as being stronger than all other units around?

Now you Jaguar warriors on steroids, with the Inca UA to boot.

I know most UU are supposed to make you crap yourself on sight (lands. from Germany not so much, but when there are twice as many of them as you... brrrrr....)

I'd agree though, I'd love to see Zulu back in game. UU replacement for spear or pike (probably pike...) with a bonus to flanking.

The Zero is a great idea, just because fighters are useless in game well...
Civ 5 tries to represent civs throughout the ages. Look at germany:
UA based on early history as warring tribes, the thorn of Rome
Land: Germany as a dozen different city states, each able to raise an army quickly
Panzer: WW2, need more be said?

Like really... The only african nation besides eithiopia to ever take it to Europe. The Zulu nation dominated central Africa. This is a travesty.

The Zulus were a short-lived warband in southern Africa who won a grand total of one significant battle against the British and were pretty comprehensively beaten in the war as a whole...

Replace with Kisho Ninja. Renaissance level infantry, 200% damage vs castles, 3 movesment, immune to counter attack. melee. Can move after attack.

Why would you import a fantasy unit from a Total War game? Isn't Civ already historically inaccurate enough for you?
I want more mondernish civs. wheres canada and australia?

I would like to see one of these, but at the same time I figure there would be issues balancing them. Both would be good candidates for a Great War Infantry replacement UU, but what after that? Any UB would probably have to come too late to be of any real value without being massively imbalanced, and I personally can't think of any especially good second UUs (especially UUs that aren't in the same era as the GWI). Perhaps you could give them both UIs, but again, I have a feeling those would come too late to be of real use.
The Zulus were a short-lived warband in southern Africa who won a grand total of one significant battle against the British and were pretty comprehensively beaten in the war as a whole...

The Zulu people still exist to this day in modern south Africa, there are many Zulu languages that are still spoken and there are around 10,000,000 people who are ethnically Zulu around to day. Also they could be implemented very differently than any other civ already in giving the player more options. Which on its own i think its enough for the Zulus to make a reappearance.
that is true of any number of ethnic groups...doesn't really mean they are civ worthy. read the wiki page for "zulu kingdom"...it's really not that impressive. They are only famous because they beat the British in one battle (due mainly to british overconfidence...and then they were subsequently crushed). The only really valid argument for including them is that they are a fan favorite.
The Zulu people still exist to this day in modern south Africa, there are many Zulu languages that are still spoken and there are around 10,000,000 people who are ethnically Zulu around to day.

Including the South African president, indeed.

Also they could be implemented very differently than any other civ already in giving the player more options. Which on its own i think its enough for the Zulus to make a reappearance.

As an ethnic group they exist, but they were never a civilization. When we play the Maya in Civ V, we aren't playing as ethnic Maya living in 21st Century villages in the Yucatan - there was a Maya civilization, and it's that that the civ represents. The Zulus could never even have city names (even the Huns at least have one city to call their own) - all the Zulu cities in past games were named after battles.

Anyway, I think I recognise the username of the original poster, and it's a regular - that quite aside from the apparently deliberate historical inaccuracies in every section of the original post (not to mention the obligatory insert of fantasy units taken from other games and given overpowered stats) is enough to mark this as a troll thread.
Doesn't a civilization have to be significant in some way to be included in the game? If having 10 million people and being famous for one battle is enough to be added to the game, there is a long list of more worthy civilizations than the Zulus.

Also, OP is clearly a troll.
Moderator Action: Please don't call someone a troll.
all the Zulu cities in past games were named after battles.
Really? :lol:....... why on earth didn't they just get a list of village names or the individual tribes. The Zulus must of named there villages.

As an ethnic group they exist, but they were never a civilization.
I don't think it maters much that they weren't really a civilization considering every civilization starts of in prehistoric times and the game has allot of "what if" history in it ( what if Alexander the great invaded America and so forth ). Also the Polynesians and Arabs are more of an ethnic group than an actual civilization. In general allot of non civilizations are in civilization.

Doesn't a civilization have to be significant in some way to be included in the game? If having 10 million people and being famous for one battle is enough to be added to the game, there is a long list of more worthy civilizations than the Zulus.
Point taken, they didn't build great wonders or large cities. However i think it should come down to game play and not history. History should be an influence but not a driving force in the choice of civ. In the Zulu i think there would be a chance for a civ with fast infantry and ignoring ZOC (to represent Shaka's horns of the bull tactics) which would separate the Zulu from other any other civ.

Also Africa needs a new civ, even if it is the Zulu (id prefer the the kingdom of the Kongo, frankly anything to make the TSL earth maps more uniform and spread out)
The Zulu people still exist to this day in modern south Africa, there are many Zulu languages that are still spoken and there are around 10,000,000 people who are ethnically Zulu around to day. Also they could be implemented very differently than any other civ already in giving the player more options. Which on its own i think its enough for the Zulus to make a reappearance.

Now I see there is someone who knows their stuff on here. You are exactly right, sir. "The Zulu were just a warband." What a joke that is. One hundred thousand strong or more, in their little warband. The guy that said that would be crapping in his pants if a Zulu Impi was running up on him. Hell who wouldn't, these guys could run 50-60 miles a day. Run at speed, you'd never get away. So, please folks try to have a little respect for the Zulu.

There is the Zululand University, around since 1960.


Bring the Zulu into CiV! :D

Zulu Impi, movement three, and a flanking bonus of some sort, due to their speed and Buffalo Horns formation. They should replace the pikeman not spearman. IMO.
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