Will there be Rhye's and Fall of Civilization 6?

Aug 10, 2012
RFC was/is a great mod for Civ4, but it is a shame that RFC for Civ5 was cancelled. Not even a non-official version was released (non-official as in not made by Rhye), the closest to it being a compilation of mods in Steam. If I get Civ6, I hope there is a mod like that.

BTW, I would like a map large enough to handle Amsterdam and Brussels at the same time without having to make Europe larger.
...I don't know

EDIT: ...and yet I comment again. Damn it, what is wrong with me today...
Rhye's for Civ5 was cancelled because the modding possibilities of Civ5 were far too limited compared to Civ4. We don't know anything about modding in Civ6 yet.
BTW, I would like a map large enough to handle Amsterdam and Brussels at the same time without having to make Europe larger.
I agree, as a Belgian, I also want Antwerpen and Brugge, two historically important cities on the map.
RFC and FFH2 made cIV even more awesome. My two favourite mods by far. :love:

Their lack made Civilization 5 that much poorer. :sad:

I do hope that we'll at least have RFC make a return for Civ VI. Hopefully it will be a lot more mod friendly. :)
I think Earth maps in general were more dull in Civ 5, as the maps became huge traffic jams, as two archers took more space from an peninsula than a whole city. And cities were way too powerful gun turrets one- or two-shotting whole units.

I'm very happy about the unstacked cities of Civ 6 as the battles are probably spread out more.
Yes it really means something that so many people still remember that mod after all these years!
I really really hope we get another version in civ 6!

However expanding europe is simply a must on a rhyes map. If europe was "big enough" than the rest of the world would be humongous.
I didn't play civ4. What were the elements of Rhye's mod? Earth map, historical starting dates, plagues, revolutions? All those things were created in separate mods at some point of civ5.
I didn't play civ4. What were the elements of Rhye's mod? Earth map, historical starting dates, plagues, revolutions? All those things were created in separate mods at some point of civ5.

I have to admit it was kind of cool. It's been a LONG time but as I recall civs would appear along a somewhat historical timeline. I'm sure someone else has all the details but I recall it was really well done, like Fall From Heaven.
I didn't play civ4. What were the elements of Rhye's mod? Earth map, historical starting dates, plagues, revolutions? All those things were created in separate mods at some point of civ5.

Very special earth map where some places had tons of tight resources and some had unremovable unimprovable jungle. Europe was expanded to fit more civs (Portugal, Spain, France, England, Rome/Italy, Germany, Vikings, Russia, Greece, Netherlands, Ottomans are a lot to fit).
Starting dates where you would adopt the game situation left to you from previous turns, including flipping citites.
Most of all unique historical victory conditions. Like Arabia had to control 3 holy shrines and historical area (middle east, north africa and spain) by a certain date, as well as spread islam to a certain % of the world. Where instead for example a civ like Inca had to collect lots of gold and protect south america from european settlers. Or India had to found 5 religions and have the largest pop in the world.

Also certain scripted historical events and respawn of old nations if another unstable civ occupies their core territory. Expansion penalties for settling cities outside of your historical area (= portugal settles Brazil and Spain rest of America for example). Human player can bypass it if he is brave and has a stable empire but keeps the AI going to the right locations (and player too most of the time). Also cities had the proper names for the nation and tile where it was founded.

Lots of details like this put together in one nice mod :)
I didn't play civ4. What were the elements of Rhye's mod? Earth map, historical starting dates, plagues, revolutions? All those things were created in separate mods at some point of civ5.
Was there ever a mod that allowed spawning new civs that weren't in at the start of the game? That was a key feature of Rhye's to simulate things like American independence or the rise of other empires that weren't existent during antiquity.
I didn't play civ4. What were the elements of Rhye's mod? Earth map, historical starting dates, plagues, revolutions? All those things were created in separate mods at some point of civ5.

Off the top of my head:

Earth map
Historical start dates, and the possibility of previous destroyed civs to reemerge
Historical (Dynamic) City names
Historical Dynamic nation names based on government type
Unique Historical Victory conditions
Revolution, including Civil war, tied to the new game mechanic stability, with its own Civics branch
Dynamic Civ Leaders, Based on year (So America Started with Washington, Moved to Lincoln, Ended with FDR)
I'm pretty sure there was a fair chunk of Custom AI in there as well
Neither Civilization V nor Civilization VI could support this style of game, I would say. Which is why Civilization IV remains the best civilisation game for me; it deals with world-spanning empires, not with medieval fiefdoms and holdfasts, scalewise.

RFC is basically the world's history. Civilisations rise and fall when they did in history, events (plagues, wars) happen when they did in history, the AI behaves as its civilisation did at that time in history... It's not so black-white, of course, but look here.
Neither Civilization V nor Civilization VI could support this style of game, I would say. Which is why Civilization IV remains the best civilisation game for me; it deals with world-spanning empires, not with medieval fiefdoms and holdfasts, scalewise.

RFC is basically the world's history. Civilisations rise and fall when they did in history, events (plagues, wars) happen when they did in history, the AI behaves as its civilisation did at that time in history... It's not so black-white, of course, but look here.

Because of the 1upt? You also don't know how Civ 6 actually plays and you're making this assumption.

I find that Civ 5 to be more than capable (from game mechanics themselves) to support this. Especially since in Civ 5's late life span we've seen mods such as Vox Populi which have really made the game so much better, stack on thop of that the RFC mechanics and I think it would totally work.
One unit per tile is a very big factor, yes. Earth maps don't work on the required scale. VI worsens this by adding districts.

Yes, we don't know, technically, but I saw this coming long before Civilization V was released as well, and I found myself being proven right.
One unit per tile is a very big factor, yes. Earth maps don't work on the required scale. VI worsens this by adding districts.

Yes, we don't know, technically, but I saw this coming long before Civilization V was released as well, and I found myself being proven right.

On what grounds? RFC failed because of modding limitations, not because of 1upt.
Right then, show me an Earth map in which all those European nations can comfortably fight wars and control a few cities, that would run on most PC's - so not really GEM territory - and that, as such, doesn't turn the rest of the world into a huge void of nothingness.

A random picture.

How are you going to simulate all of Europe when you can hardly fit in one city per civilisation, especially accounting for districts? How is anyone going to wage a war against Italy, for example? How is the Netherlands supposed to have an army? Or Portugal?
Right then, show me an Earth map in which all those European nations can comfortably fight wars and control a few cities, that would run on most PC's - so not really GEM territory - and that, as such, doesn't turn the rest of the world into a huge void of nothingness.

A random picture.

How are you going to simulate all of Europe when you can hardly fit in one city per civilisation, especially accounting for districts? How is anyone going to wage a war against Italy, for example? How is the Netherlands supposed to have an army? Or Portugal?

Use a Giant Earth Map? We had one in Civ 5 (I believe Ynemp had one) :lol:
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