Windows 7 New Laptop Civ4 CD Wont intstall


Jul 7, 2008
Just bought new laptop a few days ago. Went to install the game with first CD and it gets to almost the end of loading and then just say did not install properly. Did not even ask for second CD. Did I forget to install some other programs first? I have installed this on my desktop many times before so I know it works. Thanks for your time.
So Ive tried again. I load the cd. Its comes up to install. Starts installing. Get almost to the end then says

Sid Meier's Civilization 4 is not installed properly. Please re-install and then retry the Sid Meier's Civilization 4: Beyond the Sword installation.

But I can get past this part.
I upgraded my Windows Vista to WIndows 7, installed it with WIndows 7 perfectly.

maybe you should try download the newest Direct X? May make it work, but I doubt it!
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