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Wolf's Civ III

wolf_brother said:
The standard civ3 game has wayyy too many europeans. The portuguese and the dutch were the two least important, so they got the axe.QUOTE]

I disagree, the game could have more European nations in the game..Also the the Dutch and Portuguese were important then and now. Besides what did the two new civs that you added did?? Just got themselves removed from the face of the Earth, other then that nothing. Still I want to try this mod and will download it soon, if i like it all i got to do is put back the Dutch and Portuguese...Thats the great thing about this game, you can take Civs out and put some in.
Hooraah! Good ideas+ good realisation=ideal mod!
Sry about that. I looked over all the files and to me at least it looks like the Silk Road was the only wonder that i missed the splash for. Here's the patch for it, sorry about the trouble. I hope you enjoy the mod.


And I assume you're talking about the Companion Infantry? It's a 3/2/1 upgrade of Swordsman, which is a 3/1/1 in this mod.
Oh it looks impressive ! hmm the design comes with the MOD or it just your GraphicMod ?
It really looks like an Expansion Pack for civ3 , what's different between all those Goverments ? There are just too much , hehe .
the Cyberspace is funny , lol !
I liked the MOD .. dL'ing.

btw .. there are resources added ?
It looks great, especially for a first mod (did you say?)!

I love the mech units! :clap:
It dropped me out when I tried to build Social Darwinism. Error, missing file "Wolf's Civ III\text\Pediaicons.txt\ WON_SPLASH_BLDG_Darwin" :cry:

I found Social Darwinism in the "Civilopedia.txt" but not in the above. Help. I need to find fix so I can finish my game:crazyeye:
:mad: gjbkawegj;weabti32buip234htiyuo23y780t 5r08623tg8r7023weg

Everytime I look at this thing I get so upset at myself for releasing it when it still had all these issues. Ugh.

Here, just copy this into your PediaIcons.txt file, its inside the Text folder in the greater mod folder.

art\wonder splash\Theory of Evolution.pcx

I am so sorry about all the **** this thing has given all you guys that have downloaded it and tried to enjoy it but couldn't due to my ******ation. I just want you to know that the IInd version is planned to be out on the forums by the end of the month, I'm finishing up balancing issues. It has all the issues from this mod fixed plus new techs, govs, units, etc etc etc. As well I've tried to add more realism to it, but mostly I can promise you that there shouldn't be any more issues like this.
@wolf. I really like this mod. its simple and plays well... which i like. my one complaint is that the world map tends to slow down a bit by the early middle ages. May i suggest implementing +1 pop cost to settlers to slow expansion down and maybe increasing their cost slightly? also, i havent checked yet, but it seems like some nations have way too many cities. i know that in Rhye's mod 5-6 cities is a lot, but in your game i had10 cities... in england! haha. but yeah, i was doing really well and had ireland, those islands north of scotland, and the netherlands packed with cities, and like 5 wonders in london. but yeah, it just slowed down when i tried to use my region spec. advantage and go crusadin'! i think these slowdown problems can be easliy fixed... any ideas though?
The world map is infamous for slowing down considerably, especially if you're playing with all 31 civs. While I have thought about changing the price of settlers in order to slow down expansion I didn't want to interfere with the random map games, which don't have these problems. As well I don't want to change the game too terribly from the original, and changing the cost of settlers would be a big one. However if you truly feel that this is an issue feel free to go ahead and change things yourself in the editor, just please save it as a different file as it would no longer be my mod at that point.

As far as cities.. well for one congrats on doing so well as england. Usually when I play I see them pick up one of the early wonders (usually colosus) and than after that nothing. Secondly the number of cities you should have depends on what region of the world you're playing it. Europe I've noticed usually has roughly 2-6 cities in Europe*. Asians gets well over 10, sometimes as many as 20. Africa gets roughly 8-15, depending on how early Europeans and Asians start to colonize the remainder. The Middle East is a pretty small area so unless you go to war expect only a handful of cities. And of course the Americans should have basically everything** settled by the time first contact is made between the continents.

*This isn't counting the half-dozen or so worth nothing villages the AI sprinkles across Siberia just because it's unclaimed territory.
**By this I mean everything with the exception of the Amazon rain forest and Alaska. Also note that if it's settled that doesn't mean much if you have the power to reach and take it. American civs usually lag between 2-6 techs behind the others.
I noticed the graphics are similar to those of Call To Power. Did you use CTP as a sort of consult? Also, several of the "new" governments are from CTP, like Technocracy, Theology and Virtual Democracy.

Other than that, this looks pretty good.
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