Wolfshanze Civ4 BtS Modpack

I never had that problem- often those ironclad battleships won me games.
Looking forward to next version of this
I never had that problem- often those ironclad battleships won me games.
Looking forward to next version of this
It's getting closer to completion... slowly but surely.

I'm nearly done with ethnic diversity... pretty much all the unit graphics have changed for diversity... so looks will have a huge improvement when released... mostly along the lines of what others have done with diversity mods, though I'm sure I'll have a few things a little differant.

It's also done in "BtS" mode, so there won't be much too look at in the Civilopedia (you won't see 20 differant "Pikeman" entries for example). The only way to see the diversity is either in-game for each nation in the civilopedia (Germans will see German units in the Civilopedia), or (of course) seeing your opponents in-game on the map (but that's the whole-point).

The "What's differant other then looks" Dept:
For gameplay, we have new units... not much, but enough to fill holes...


Early Tank
Heavy Tank

Ironclad Cruiser
Ironclad Battleship
Protected Cruiser
Pre Dreadnought
Destroyer Escort

Early Fighters
Early Bombers

Hitler (Germany)
Hirohito (Japan)

Well, actually just "flashier" nuke explosions

I think that's it off the top of my head... mostly an improvement in graphics (diversity), units to fill what I thought were holes in the timeline and a couple of animated leaders that should already be in the game, but aren't... so I threw them in.

Except the addition of a few new units (listed above), gameplay is not altered from the basic BtS version of the game. I wanted to keep the feel of the gameplay the same, while filling holes and sprucing up the ethnic diversity. I'm not out to make the "biggest" mod, or the one with the most new units or changing the way the game plays (there's lots of folks making more major changes then me)... I just wanted some diversity and a few new units where I noticed the biggest holes.

Work on the new version is well-advanced... hope to have it out in the not-too-distant future.
Well you have made a couple of changes- though they've been good changes. (moving Cannons to Chemistry and giving Grens city attack made perfect sense to me)
Well you have made a couple of changes- though they've been good changes. (moving Cannons to Chemistry and giving Grens city attack made perfect sense to me)
Yeah... honestly I forgot I did that, but yeah... I thought Cannons took too long to show-up and Grenadiers were always siege specialists.
Nice mod, thanks for putting it together and thanks for pointing me here from the other thread.

I'd recommend adding in Bhruic's patch, as this mod appears to have the "vassal declares war on you when you create a colony" bug, and also military academies can be created before Military Science.

Also, ranged bombardment would be nice. :D
ur mod is amazing i love it!
ur mod is amazing i love it!
Thanks... but talk about bringing back a thread from the dead!...

This thread is for the old v1.x Wolfshanze Mod... which I no-longer really do anything with... I'd prefer folks to check out the much newer v2.x thread.
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