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World War 2 -Global Conflict

I have just purchased warlords 2 days ago so I need to remake the whole scenario again unless their is a file converter somewhere. So I should have this compatible with Warlords in about 3 months. As far as installing the Scenario it doesnt need installing if you have standard Civilisation 4 it should just play from the file once you have unzipped it of course using winzip. Unzip the file then click on the Scenario and it should just start from their.
Is this scenario an forever lasting war between the major powers? I have gotten to 1950 now and Nazi Germany are still at war with Britain etc
I was wondering if someone could tell me how to use this mod or if its for warlord or something because i cant seem to it to work.
im currently just using 1.6 patch and thats it normal game.
It's an ambitious idea, and you've definitely got a nice start on it, but I just wanted to point out that the placement of cities in Canada is extremely innaccurate. You have the river of St. Laurent under control of the US, and Boston right up on the coast of New Brunswick. Toronto is up in Northern Quebec when it should be down in the Great Lakes. I think you have Winnipeg next to one of the Great Lakes when it should be next to Lake Winnipeg, I think Vancouver is too far North, and so on.
think of it this way vancouver is 30 misn away from seattle and toronto is about 1:30 away from buffalo
great scenario! Especially the beginning is interessting where you have to try to get some oil(i took the oilressources around bagdad). But then I think it becomes too easy(playing noble). I fear that russia is too weak. While i was preparing an invasion of great britain russia suddenly declared war on me(germany). But nothing really happened...they sent two infantry- units and after four turns I stood at the borders of moscow. I think, Russia should get at least some more industry/factories in the cities behind the ural so that russia could stop you even after losing its actual main cities in the west(/as happened in ww2 i believe). Or( I dont know if this is possible) a cheap and easy produced russian infantry...maybe weak but in masses...

greetings sviothid
yes I concur Russia is very weak I will work on Russia's Industry. They need more grit. If the war is still going in 1950 and your playing as Britain -did you get the US or Russia involved in the war. It should be possible to be the British and defeat Germany by importing troops from all over the empire. Yes Canada does need working on my geography of Canada is poor.
I just started playing and just noticed three things I wanted to mention - in Russia two cities have their names wrong, St.Petersburg should be Leningrad and Volgograd should be Stalingrad.
Churchill´s first name was Winston not Winstone.

I love the scenario so far - It´s just like the one I wanted to make.
Hi thanks for the scenario. I played as the English and a couple of points, if you nudged Cairo one square across it would mimic Suez and make the city more important even if it's not as accurate. The annoying thing about the AI in this scenario was that all three axis powers were more than capable of making a push for oil but not of them did, they just attacked everywhere untill I was just facing wooden ships. Is there any plan for an update to this scenario with the feedback in this thread?
i played this mod as germany on the fifth difficulty and i think that while overall the game was awesome, that there are a couple of MAJOR issues that should be solved. First of all Germany got its oil from Rumania--being cut off from the middle east was important but not that important.

Second, and most important of all, the colonies are weighted WAY too heavily. I don't know how you could solve it besides making another civ which starts with no cities but all/most english colonies are rioting---the reason this is a big deal is because while by 1941 i (as germany) had taken all of europe--france, greece, poland, all of UK..UK was still the most powerful because places like sydney had a population of 9! London before i took it only had a pop of 10....and remember even today all of aussie has like 8million people (just an educated guess) whereas England alone has around 60mil. You need to figure out how to stunt the growth of the various colonies, and or make them rebel...
Sorry to be picky, but I want to point out that the East Asia setting is quite inaccurate.

The game starts at 1939 September. By this time, Japan has already captured Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and most coastal cities of China for nearly two years, which include the then capital of China, Nanking (the well-known event, Nanking Massacre happaned on Nov 1937). Not to mention Manchuria has already been captured for 8 years and Taiwan for nearly half a century!

May be you could add some cities in western China, and place Chongqing as the capital of China, and give out those Chinese coastal cities to Japan. Also, by this time, Chinese army was already fairly strong, thats why China and Japan were at stalemate and so Japan turned away its greedy eye to somewhere else.
mokeysonice said:
and remember even today all of aussie has like 8million people (just an educated guess) whereas England alone has around 60mil.

Mate, we have more than 20 million people down here :sad:
In my opinion, one of the three strongest neutrals is missing: Turkey. (the others being Spain and Sweden)

If you dont have Turkey, after conquering the balkans, Axis will happily blitz into

1) Britain's precious middle east. Then Rommel won't have to fight so hard at el Alamein, because Egypt will fall to the other panzer divisions coming from the east.

2) Caspian oil. No more need to take that troublesome Stalingrad then.

In the war there was a vicious diplomatic tug-of-war over Turkey due to both its strategic location and military strength. It certainly belongs to a ww2 scenario more than Ireland or Portugal.
I think Germany is too strong in this scenario. They start with about a dozen panzers, and when I invaded Russia, they faced a grand total of 2 enemy tanks. So far I've only seen 1 british tank. Not to mention the fact that panzers completely dominate the regular tank unit. I would suggest reducing the number of panzers that Germany starts with, and maybe increasing the forces that Russia starts with.

As it is, the lack of oil was never a problem for me, because the only unit I needed to build was infantry to garrison all the cities that I was taking with the starting forces.
havent downloaded, but in the screen shots there is no islamic holy city

and at the start of WW2, brazil and *insert south american coounty name* declared war on germany after romania and bulgaria joined the axis

it looks nice, but for me, its a bit too small, all these world maps. good scenario though :)
Hi, I like the map, but feel there's some changes it NEEDS.

A. Germany Needs access to at least 1 oil resource, I sugest adding one to the Balkins (Serbia area) or at least giving them plastics so they can access the north sea one.
B. Those Portugese cities in Southeast Asia should actually be Dutch, so trying giving them to another ally.
C. Havana should be American
D. Much of China and Tawian for sure should be Japanese Occupied
E. The games needs the players on teams! If you plan on leaving the Wars as is, the teams should be
1. Germany, Italy, Japan
2. Britain, France, Poland, Norway, Greece, & China.
However, to be more Accurate it Should be
1. Germany & Italy
2. Britain, France, Poland, Norway, & Greece
Japan vs China, but neither of them vs anyone else.

That's all I have for you for now, but I must also reply to another poster:
"and at the start of WW2, brazil and *insert south american coounty name* declared war on germany after romania and bulgaria joined the axis"

I'm sorry (and I'm not trying to be rude if I seem as such), but that's completely inaccurate. Brazil, the first of any South American nation to join WWII, did not declare war until August 22, 1942. 3 YEARS (less 2 weeks) after the war started and over 17 months after Romania & Bulgaria were in the axis.
Please, do some research before passing along information as fact.
he is right...Brazil only joined in august 1942 and only fought in some places trhough italy....the president Getulio Vargas was kind in a doubt to which side he would join, he was friendly with both sides...until some brazilian ships got sinked near the coast...some say americans did it...some say it really was germans...who knows...great scenario!

im brazilian just wanna add that to the game =)
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