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WORLD WAR 2: Stage for Supremacy Race

Санкт-Петербург Газета

Coast cities are aware of soviet withdrawn, starting riots against Stalinist Rule with Alexander Volstrov, a defendant of a democracy that has been politically prosecuted but has been release from jail with the withdrawn of soviet troops and police, as their leader. Since Stalin has ordered military and police withdrawn, this riots cannot be controlled and are threatening to expand as soviet armies withdrawn. Coast cities are starting to side with democratic ideologies, giving chances to start a Civil War on the Soviet Union at the time USSR is at war with the world. This situation has Kremlin's eyes under Saint Petersburg, since Moscow is aware that a civil war may arise alike the one that defeat Romanov Dinasty.
On January 1943 we have faced a ultimatum from the mighty Soviet forces but we have decided to follow the righteous path and to make a stand! It was the correct thing to do but, alas, a costly one, as we remember the british soldiers killed and tortured in Berlin, the civilian population of Amesterdam and the children of Istambul!

However, despite the high costs, our resolve to stand is starting to deliver results: Finland, Arabia and Greece have seen their independence re-established! And, even though in the latter case the Government remains influencied by communist infiltrators, we are joyfull to see that our determination has brought freedom and independence to some nations previously opressed by the Kremlin.

We would like to make a warning to some nations, namely the following:

- To Germany, that has committed itself to abandon the Facist ideology and to deliver war criminals to the London courts... none has occured so far so we would advise the German leaders to comply with the agree surrender terms;

- To Argentina, that shouldn't continue to harbour war criminals nor to keep pretending that the Falkland islands belongs to them.

- To all nations that harvour terrorists and criminals.

Our forces are set to defend democracy, no matter where! So, opressors, terrorists and bandits, watch out!

Stalin's death has been announced by Kremlin in last communications. He has been death since 5 days, but his decease was maintained as secret since Kremlin ordered an exhaustive autopsy to reveal his dead cause. Revelation of what provoked soviet leader decease will be announced by Kremlin in the next days, as posted. By now, Stalin has been placed on the Red Square, before being buried in two days. Communist Party has not named any candidate for occupying Stalin's vacancy. Rumors spread that Kremlin will likely conform a new government based on Representation with a Congress as supreme leader and a specific spokesman to speak Congress decisions but without any power, meaning that USSR will undo it's Constitution to place an end to Presidency branch on the Republic as an effort to calm population's unrest to the actual political system as Soviet Union faces an imminent collapse.

As Stalin died, Revolution seems indeed more close than ever, since Stalin was the alpha dog in the Communist Party; and many rebels has appeared fighting for democracy to be established in the USSR. Under Stalin's rule, that was impossible to achieve, but now that the strong communist figure is dead, anything can happen. However, Kremlin has release millions of pages calling the soviet people to remain calm against government and unite against enemy, using the actual war against Commonwealth and United States as the main excuse to prevent revolution in a time that's not needed at all.
Rebels continue its independent advance towards Kiev and Moscow, and San Petersburg is already in rebel control backed by Finland.

The Commonwealth declares war on Germany!​

4 years ago we were forced to declare war on Germany, after they broke a treaty and invaded Poland. After a long and hard war, we were (once again) foolish enough to accept the survival of the Nazi Regime, with their promisses of abandoning all fascist ideologies and to deliver all the requested war criminals to the international courts, regardless of their rank and social status.

Even though they had no other choice and started to arrest some low level officers charged with minor crimes against humanity, Stalin's hostile approach against the democracies gave them the idea that they could keep doing what they did in the period of 1933 until 1939. Infact, after having lost most of their homeland by 1942, the strange support from their hated communist neighbours has allowed the III Reich to survive and to regain it's former territory (similar to the one just before WWII)... and to flourish!

Despite the continuous efforts of the British diplomats, the German Government (backed by the USSR, no doubt) continued to find excuses not to live up to their surrender conditions and gave constant excuses to delay the delivery the international criminals working in their Army or Government. They have also delayed the needed actions to implement democracy in their land. The democratic international community has been more than patient over the last 10 months... but no more!

The Commonwealth is once more forced to declare war on the III Reich. This time no other peace than unconditional surrender will be accepted!

If the feeble Italian forces supports Germany in anyway we will also take actions to make sure that the once mighty Romans are erradicated from the map.
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