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Would alien life eat us?

Eating and digesting are different.

We could taste like veal (if you like veal) :drool: but cause them a bad case of wind and be of no nutritional benefit.

Since when has that stopped people eating junkfood? Or tacbobell.
Since when has that stopped people eating junkfood? Or tacbobell.

I have never seen a tacbobell are they eaten in Roswell
If they could, they might. Humans are also biologically suited to creating fat, which is a proven fuel source. The question is, are aliens eating humans currently?
I agree that they it probably wouldn't, deliberately, because it'd be more inefficient than eating other stuff.

But beware, they might come after our horns! :eek:
I think the relevant question is probably why would they?

I mean, inventing interstellar travel and sending off a bold party of noble space travellers in a hugely-expensive spacecraft at the very pinnacle of technology at an enormous cost of energy and time, on a legendary odyssey across the very stars themselves, just to chow down on a bit of meat that will probably give you really bad indigestion anyway?
I'm not a physicist, so I can't work out the whole energy in/energy out equation on that, but I reckon it would leave you significantly in the negative.

That said, if it was on my plate, I would totally eat an alien cow steak.
If aliens came here they would probably keep us as pets.
wow, I remember a time when people actually read the thread instead of jumping to post their reply and hoping it was relevant.

And also, where have all the smart people gone? Perfection, i'm a little disappointed in your response. :)
Assuming life everywhere is the same, DNA and sugar based, I think I heard there is a 1 in 4 chance we (earth) would fit into their diet. It has something to do with "spin direction" that are possible with these chemicals. However if we were compatible I don't see why they would not enslave us and eat our cows.
There is a thing with left and right handed molecules but that would not stop them wanting to eat us if they were the other hand.
Russel's Teapot.

Invisible Pink Unicorns will eat us first.
wow, I remember a time when people actually read the thread instead of jumping to post their reply and hoping it was relevant.

And also, where have all the smart people gone? Perfection, i'm a little disappointed in your response. :)

There's no particular reason to assume that we would be biologically un/suitable for their nutrition, so it's more of an ethical question of whether humans should be used for sustenance (if possible) and labor, or left to their own devices. If human history can be a sufficient guideline, they would not be anti-speciesist as a whole, so the answer is probably yes (at least for labor).
Assuming biological compatibility, it would likely be more effort than it is worth to consume humans on a large scale. Any alien with interstellar travel would be in a far better position to eat the meat that we do. Cows, pigs, goats, sheep, etc are far more docile and easy to maintain and slaughter large populations of. Though if humans taste good, being a delicacy is not out of the question.

I also have doubts about such an advanced species using extensive slave labour. Simply because their technology would povide much greater efficiency using a few of well educated and motivated individuals than masses of slaves doing manual labour. Of course, being exploited without actual slavery is another option.
Assuming biological compatibility, it would likely be more effort than it is worth to consume humans on a large scale. Any alien with interstellar travel would be in a far better position to eat the meat that we do. Cows, pigs, goats, sheep, etc are far more docile and easy to maintain and slaughter large populations of. Though if humans taste good, being a delicacy is not out of the question.

Not so true: Bread and Circuses (and humans may be more nutritious than cows/etc).
Been a long time since I posted here, but I have been working on something that needs this question answered.

You've probably seen many times alien species chasing down humans for something to eat, but would that really happen? Considering our biological make-up would be entirely incompatible with their digestive system. Another interesting note is how would their senses react to how we smell/look/taste, would it be instantly bad, or completely neutral since their senses have no experience of us or any Earth life?
They would make scarfs or stuffed hummies of us, and I think that's the most deserved way to deal with humanity. :devil:
If they did want to eat us, they'd probably pick the tastiest man and breed him like we do with our food anyway.

That guy would be the unluckiest or luckiest. imagine all the forced breedings! He better hope hot chicks tastes good and alien prefer their meat lean.
Assuming biological compatibility, it would likely be more effort than it is worth to consume humans on a large scale. Any alien with interstellar travel would be in a far better position to eat the meat that we do. Cows, pigs, goats, sheep, etc are far more docile and easy to maintain and slaughter large populations of. Though if humans taste good, being a delicacy is not out of the question.

I also have doubts about such an advanced species using extensive slave labour. Simply because their technology would povide much greater efficiency using a few of well educated and motivated individuals than masses of slaves doing manual labour. Of course, being exploited without actual slavery is another option.

What if Slavery is part of their equivalent of a Caste System?
Why do aliens always have to be enemies? Why can't they be friends?
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