Thinking about the Fortification bonus of units.

Do/should pioneers integrated in my army give
a bonus on fortification?

Should they lower dmg of enrmy attack’s or maybe even lower enemy fortification bonus while sieging strongpoints?

Maybe experiencend pioneers, could swap to military engineers as their profession and with some additional muskets.
Hello again,

attacking an enemy cargo ship with my pirates, while having a royal ship of the line on the same stack, I captured a boarded weapon smith.

I tried to follow this „accident“ with a carrack integrated in my pirate swarm and it seems to work. I rescue all those poor guys from the sure death in the ocean and they are happy to live in my colonies afterwards.
I always swim in a bunch of pirate Galleon because the Galleon holds the most times and it has a relatively high speed, as it is the only ship able to capture the treasure, and carts (once I managed to capture the treasure worth 1500 gold.
Is it possible to add a message when the ship sank which people drowned? but it is not clear that the ship, whether it is empty, or with people.
Also I wish that the capture of the ship had the opportunity to choose a product which is loaded onto the ship, if not watet place, and then for example goes the Carrack on her Board 2 1 manufactory of cotton and 100 gold. And that my pirates will take the manufacture and the cotton and the gold will sink, is not logical?
If Cavalry should be strong vs. cities depends on what Cavalry is.

In the original Colonization Cavalry was just Settler+Muskets+Horse and in that very simple system Cavalry was always stronger than Infantery as Cavalry could lose one fight (meaning that it lost the horses) and fight on as Infantery. And simplified systems are good as long as the AI is not able to use more diverse units to their full advantage against the player.

For a historical reason why "Cavalry" should be strong vs. cities too - it could just be mounted Infantery instead, that travels on horse but fights on foot.
The mod doesn't want to load and after loading half way it mentions something about "There are more silbings".
I just downloaded WtP and extracted it to the MODS folder of Colonization.

Colonization starts fine. When I select the last version of the RaR mod it starts fine. However when I chose "Advanced" and "Load a mod" and select Mod- the game crashes to desktop.

Edit: Problem has been solved - I did not have the .dll file moved to the assets folder.
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Why do people keep downloading the oldest release? :confused:

Because I have no experience with Github and it’s confusing.

If you click the release link, you will see a page with all the releases. The newest is, which is on top of the page. Next is 2.7.1 and last is 2.7.1-beta6.

I redownloaded WtP, with the downloaded file now named "", after extracting the changelog txt now states "Version" - but the CTD whenever I try to load the WtP mod remains.
I can start normal Colonization and RaR without a crash, but when I select to load WtP it crashes.
First I clicked on Enter Worldbuilder and then I selected some units to edit,and then out of curiosity I clicked the Add Script button(as in the picture). When it asked me to "Enter your script name" I just hit the Enter key and it gave a message stating DEBUG Event WBScriptPopUp. I 'm worried that I could have done something which might affect the normal gameplay. Is there some sort of long lasting bad effect after clicking all those?


  • Debug.jpg
    277.7 KB · Views: 242
I've the same problem. It crash while loading the xml files [Mod-] Init xml (uncached)
Have you moved the DLL file?

install instructions.txt said:
3) Install the DLL file:

It's possible to have either 1 or 2 plot radius for colonies, but for the time being it's set at compile time.
Because of this you have to add the DLL file of your liking before running the game.
They are placed in the folders 1 city plot and 2 city plot.

- Copy the file "CvGameCoreDLL.dll" from the folder "1/2 city plot" into the folder /Assets.
Have you moved the DLL file?

No. I had browsed the FAQ and did understand it like back in RaR to mean that if I want something different than the standard plot I would have to move the dll.
I did not expect at all, that the download comes in a state that does not work until one of the plot-dlls has been chosen and manually moved.

Did it now and the mod starts fine. Thankyou.
If you started the Worldbuilder during a game and then changed something, then left the worldbuilder you are back to your game.
If you then exit the game without saving all the changes that might have been made are lost.
Is anyone still playing one plot? How about making two plot the default so people can just copy the unzipped release file into a folder and easily start it (see above)
Hey, it's so great to see that development is continuing with this mod! I really love it so much. I'm also a programmer, web developer, etc. so I'm looking forward to being able to help out more now that this is open source.

However, I still have a problem with the game crashing regularly. I'm not familiar with how to capture and analyze core dumps on Windows. (I've done it on *nix systems kind of a lot.) Can someone point me to a tutorial or other instructions? I'm assuming I'm going to need Visual Studio and a bunch of other stuff; I've really never developed for Windows before.

Thank you!
This is not a bad idea. I would implement it by adding a pioneer action "build fortification," which just makes the military unit on the same tile gain fortification faster. So for example on turn 1, it will have 2 turns worth of fortification.

I don't think military engineers are necessary since their role in real life is to build forts (pioneers do this) and breach walls (cannons do this.)
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