
Sorry Rocoteh, my mistake;it is the pedia thing again. I was clicking on the 'Aa' button on the main screen to get to it; from there the terrrain files section lists rivers as 0% defense. I just had the wrong information. 60% is fine.

I will continue to play China some more and see if I can give you any good feedback with it. One thing I have seen is the French & UK are bombing the heck out of Hainan Island for some reason. On turn 1 it was just a single french fighter; by turn three about 6 UK aircraft have joined in. Don't know what they are trying to do actually,but I am enjoying the show. :cool:

You have a really good balance between the Chinese and Japanese Infantry. I'm no threat to them but if they attack, especially in good terrain they are risking death. In the open they pretty much always win. Btw, does artillery have lethal bombard in this scenario? It will make a big difference for me.

So far the Japanese have made only moderate infantry attacks with a steady increase in bombing of my cities. If they show up with any artillery or offensive ground units I am in BIG trouble. I was wondering about the Communist Infantry...were you ever considering allowing China to build more of those? I am planning on building a few ships in Foochow, and maybe a bomber or two to support them; I want to tweak the Japanese's noses a bit. ;)

Oh, and I REALLY could have used being able to spend my gold on rush buying, I will be looking forward to that in the next version, believe me! Although it might throw off the balance a bit... You are right about the cities defaulting to marines, it happens every time in China at least.
Bob1475 said:
First, many thanks to Rocoteh for the efforts.

I am playing Germany at Emperor level which has proven relatively easy. I am at week 22 of 1941 and have taken British Isles including Ireland, France, Poland, Gibraltar, Belgium, Netherlands, Romania(after the Russians took it) and East Russia including Leningrad and Moscow. Next targets will be Stalingrad and the rest of Russia. Interestingly the Russians were fairly easy until I approached Moscow and lost a little ground against a tremendouse tank counterattack. For a while I thought it was too realistic! However, I destroyed them with my overwhelming airforce.

A few interesting experiences - In mid 1941 Venezuela declared war on Britain! Must have been a stray submarine or are the British looking to take on South America? U.S. Marines took a British city from me in early 1941 but of course had insufficient forces to hold it too long. Russians not using their defensive positions effectively. Perhaps they need some "Fortress divisions" around Moscow and Stalingrad????

While Russia keeps making peace with my allies I keep the war going via espionage activity. My intention is to win with "house rules" by the end of 1941.

Meanwhile, however, my allies are not doing well. Italy has lost all of Africa (I presume to the British but not sure since someone wiped out all of the Italian cities in N. Africa), and the Americans have taken some home island cities of Japan. Therefore, while I am winning on "house rules" the Allies are winning on official scenario rules.

Rocoteh - I can live with the Italians losing to the British but something needs to be done to improve the Japanese situation, otherwise the Americans will become too dominant too fast.. Can you preposition Japanese carriers to Hawaii and give them Pearl Harbor in 1939? I have had to sink numerous US battleships in the Atlantic that should have been sunk in the Paciifc?

I think any reduction in razing cities will help the Japanese as they did not take advantage of the Chinese cities they took.

Thanks again!


Thank you.

Very interesting report. I think you will be able to win
with the goals that house rules set.

Air-units are crucial. That is intended.
Its very positive that it seems to be good reflected in the scenario.

AI not to smart is really a problem. On this this scale its really obvious.

Once Japan get the correct submarine-force balance will
be much better.

Rocoteh said:
Thank you for the report. When Japans submarine force is added
in version 1.2 it should make a difference.

It will be interesting to see AI-reactions if your forces reach India.

With regard to AI I hope Civ 4 will give a "never declare war" option
that can be assigned to specific Civs.

The Japanese army in China was never strong enough to win the
war there. A deadlock situation with Japan gaining ground now and
then, I think is rather realistic.

New sources are always welcome.

I intend to rework the Japan Order of Battle in the future.
There are no names on destroyers now. Overall I think some things
can be changed.

Best Regards


Hi again Rocoteh,

The website for the IJN I found is very good;
it seems to be down at this minute, I hope it will be back up in the future. I was reading it during the turn-rollovers while playing WWII Global. It gives every IJN ship from Capital ships down to destroyers, by class. It has names, performance, armaments and dates for launch. Hope it helps.

As to my Emperor Japan game, it will be taking a break for a few days while I visit my mom. I have an envelopement strategy to take the Indonesian archipelago and then Australia. My massive carrier task force which has just taken Hawaii and destroyed all the US carriers is turning sw to strike at Port Moresby (historical echos!). My land forces in China have taken all the Chinese cities in the North and swept down the Maylay. They will cross over and island hop east across the Dutch Indies. When the two forces meet they will drive south and take Australia.

But that will wait till the new year. Thanks for all the great scenarios you have been doing this year. TGW, and Barbaossa are also favs for me.

Happy New Year,

Nick :goodjob:
I like the scope of this scenerio and it seems great fun. Although I am not able to get the full load of this game, I will play with the US save. My problem is astetics, I like to play as the US and my figure head is always Ragnar. This wouldn't bother me so, but he has all that makeup on! Am I suppose to have him as the leader head for the US? or should I correct this in the edit game? If I can change it, will it cause errors later?
I thought Ram mattered the most...

You could be right but from my experiences its the processor, after i only have 256 mb and im able to play this scenarion as well as write this message.

oh and rocotec, I've already started on the civpedia and something struck my eye. near the bottom the units section it has an entry for "the king" and then it says "yes hes back some 25 years after his death..." am i the only one that has this because that is a weird freaking entry.
Rocotec, so far ive only been able to find the units that are based on units already in the game in the civpedia (ex: german infantry, italian infantry) i cant find any of the units you made from scratch in here. Are they here and just need to be filled out or do i need to make them?
Ok, now i see its because you used alot of the generic entries for almost all units of that type (ex: renault R. 35 has the civpedia entrie PRTO_Tank)
I cant seem to find the Pz 2 and Pz 3 entries though
I meen that when I start to play as(?) Japan -hiro****o.sav-.. the game stop in downloading as ERROR: Can't find #ANIMNAME_PRTO_Gato.. I'd look at PEDIAIcons in the WWII Global and #ANIMNAME_PRTO_Gato was there so I'm very confuse coz I can't understund the problem..
It may not be the same problem bogtan, but make sure you are using Conquests version 1.22. If you aren't, get the patch from this site, then delete the old save games and DL them again, and restart your computer. That solved my problems for me.

Update on my China game Rocoteh: I am up to week 11 of 1940. Japanese are very quiet, except for the occasional raider and one rogue tank that came to visit. :p Once I got flak in my front line cities I started to beat up on their air via attrition. If you don't get the flak/fighters going they just mangle your cities! I have killed at least a dozen air now. They seem to love to attack heavy artillery if it comes out of a city. I took some bad losses and lost an artillery due to not having enough protection. I have them now since I have it with a big stack and a flak unit. I am slowly using bombard to destroy their infrastructure.

I chose to build up my economy first so not a lot of advancing on my part. I will be ready to start building serious offense soon though. We'll see how tough the cities in China they are holding will be.

A couple of weird things. after UK declared war on Thailand they must have made peace at some point; since Thailand attacked UK and I got dragged into it via MPP. I was not really looking forward to it either as I have been stretched pretty thin the whole time since I have not been building units except out of Chungking. I marched 3 infantry in to just support and sit on their food squares...and their cities were empty??!! :eek: Even the capitol was empty; I finally found one Infantry sitting in the southernmost city. Just one! Once I got my first tank unit I put them out of their misery, but I have no idea why UK did not waltz right in since I KNOW they had troops there and were at war...very, very odd. I am not complaining about 3 free cities, I just have no explanation as to why they left them empty like that.

The other thing is my allies have been declaring war on Portugal... Argentina... Chile... Greece... Turkey.... Norway!! I almost feel like WE are the axis powers! :p They seem to be nothing wars, but Spain just got WRECKED, and is down to two cities. Yugoslavia somehow ended up east of Stalingrad and has razed 3 Russian cites there so far. Other then the Japanese taking a couple cites in the Phillipines and some damage in Europe it seems pretty static. Africa hasn't seen any city change hands other then the Spanish morrocan city being razed.

So far I am doing great! :goodjob: Now I just have to finish up the economy(mining all those Mtns is a pain!) and to start beating on them. My first army via the Military Academy comes in six turns....

Thank you for a very interesting report.

Its very positive for me to read it, since my intention was that
the war between Japan and China should be like this:

A bitter stalemate with changes in the front now and then.
The point is (as you mention) that no side can a mass enough forces
to achieve a real breakthrough.

On communist infantry. Its possible I will make autoproduction of them.

Despite that aggression level have been set to lowest possible,
it seems like AI is very trigger-happy.

I am looking forward to more reports from you.
Playing China must be very difficult, but its interesting.


"yes hes back some 25 years after his death..." am i the only one that has this because that is a weird freaking entry Volkssturm88

This is included in the standard version of Conquests.

You have to make new Civilopedia-notes with stats on all
the new units.
It will take very long time.


Have you tested the to install like described in Post 1?


Its my intention to change the leadarheads in a later
version of WW2-Global.

If you know how the editor works you shall be able
to change leaderhead. If not its better to abstain.

DrNick said:
Hi again Rocoteh,

The website for the IJN I found is very good;
it seems to be down at this minute, I hope it will be back up in the future. I was reading it during the turn-rollovers while playing WWII Global. It gives every IJN ship from Capital ships down to destroyers, by class. It has names, performance, armaments and dates for launch. Hope it helps.

As to my Emperor Japan game, it will be taking a break for a few days while I visit my mom. I have an envelopement strategy to take the Indonesian archipelago and then Australia. My massive carrier task force which has just taken Hawaii and destroyed all the US carriers is turning sw to strike at Port Moresby (historical echos!). My land forces in China have taken all the Chinese cities in the North and swept down the Maylay. They will cross over and island hop east across the Dutch Indies. When the two forces meet they will drive south and take Australia.

But that will wait till the new year. Thanks for all the great scenarios you have been doing this year. TGW, and Barbaossa are also favs for me.

Happy New Year,

Nick :goodjob:


Thank you for the positive words and thank you for the link.

All the positive reactions and feedback is one reason to why
I continue with scenario-creation even when motivation goes
down sometimes.
I have now worked with scenario-creation for 2 years.
During that time I have seen many creators come and then disappear
after some time.
It feels like much time have passed since I and Procifica worked
with the ACW-scenario.

I am looking forward to follow your playtest. It will be very interesting
to see how well AI can defend Australia.

Happy New Year

and Best Regards

bogdanSUPERIUS said:
Yes Rocoteh I did it like it's described in Post 1! I'd WWII 1.0, so I have all(94mb) files but maybe have to download something else??


Have you downloaded the version 1.1 zip and then installed
the biq-file in the Scenarios-folder of Conquests?

bogdanSUPERIUS said:
Oh :blush: , I'd biq-file in Conquests-folder!!:rolleyes: But I moved it to Scenarios-folder so I'll try to play..


Very good that the problem is solved.

I am looking forward to hear your comments on the scenario.

Axis Update

Playing Germany at Emperor level. As I feared, my advance through Russia slowed considerably due to significant Allied assistance - French and British tanks plus Chinese marines. Nevertheless I reached "house rules" victory when I took Sverdlosk in week 45 of 1941.

British fleet (Canadian?) active in the Atlantic but my airforce and subs keeep them from landing. The Japanese have not lost any more home cities although the Russians have taken a few of the former Chinese cities.

My plan now is to see how far Germany can succeed. I will attempt to make peace with the Russians and via ROPs with Turkey and Persia (or war if necessary) to take Jerusalem to split the British. From there I would clear out Africa assuming the Japanese will keep the other front active.

I want to see if the Allies can handle my air force. Of course, if the Russians don't stay quiet then I will have to drive to the Pacific. Taking on a two front war will be challenging.

Love the scenario and looking forward to 1.2!
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