• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


Adler17 said:
Sorry Rocoteh, I have loaded the AI version of the game but much to to on other things. I have had no time. Hopefully in the next days.



I see. Looking forward to hear how your playtest turns out.

I think increased initial Order of Battles was the best way to go
for the special AI version. An auto-production solution would not
have worked.

Welcome back.

I'm playing with Japan on sid diff. level and i can't do diplomacy with Turkey, i always get this error :cry:

I wish I could help you to solve this problem, but when I run
the scenario on my computer it will not crash in this situation.

Do you use a pediaicons file that is not a part of the
regular scenario but have been uploaded by a individual at this thread?

No, i think a have that pediaicons file that came with the main ww2global instalation :twitch:
Crash757 said:
No, i think a have that pediaicons file that came with the main ww2global instalation :twitch:


OK, I see.
I have no solution right now.

Anyone else who have seen this crash in WW2-Global?

Maybe it has to do sth with the fact that the latest ww2global version takes a lot of pc resources ? I mean, the loading is quite long, so maybe the scenario can just be to heavy for some systems ? :rolleyes:
Crash757 said:
Maybe it has to do sth with the fact that the latest ww2global version takes a lot of pc resources ? I mean, the loading is quite long, so maybe the scenario can just be to heavy for some systems ? :rolleyes:

I wouldn't think that it would crash during diplomacy (as a consistent crash too) if it was resources. I would expect crashes here and there, or a crash during the load process, but not at a repeatable spot. What are your system specs?
P4 2,8ghz, 256mb ram, GeForce 4 256mb.
The weak spot of my pc is the fact i got only 256mb ram... Because of that i can't play some games normally.
But 'bout that bug... Civ seems to crash on every large scenario when i'm going to diplomacy screen :( Probably i should reinstall the game... if only i haven't lost conquests cd somewhere :wallbash: :cry:
Crash757 said:
P4 2,8ghz, 256mb ram, GeForce 4 256mb.
The weak spot of my pc is the fact i got only 256mb ram... Because of that i can't play some games normally.
But 'bout that bug... Civ seems to crash on every large scenario when i'm going to diplomacy screen :( Probably i should reinstall the game... if only i haven't lost conquests cd somewhere :wallbash: :cry:


As you say, I think the problem is related to RAM.

I think you will have problems with less than 512 MB RAM
with regard to CIV 3.

I am going off-line now and will be away without Internet-connection
for 10 days. Will probably return May 8.

I hope you will continue to post playtest-reports and comments
even if I will be absent for some time.

It would also be interesting with an discussion on these issues:

Where shall WW2-Global go from here?
Is there a need for more regular versions?
Should an June 1941 version be more interesting than updates
of the regular version.

I hope there will be discussion on these and other issues.

Rocoteh said:
I am going off-line now and will be away without Internet-connection
for 10 days. Will probably return May 8.

I hope you will continue to post playtest-reports and comments
even if I will be absent for some time.

It would also be interesting with an discussion on these issues:

Where shall WW2-Global go from here?
Is there a need for more regular versions?
Should an June 1941 version be more interesting than updates
of the regular version.

I hope there will be discussion on these and other issues.


These are some interesting questions that you have asked.

1) I think you have made enough changes to the regular version of WW2-Global to make it as good as it can be with the limitations of the game engine. 8 versions are a lot for any scenario, in fact I don't think any scenario has had these many versions in such a short time. I actually haven't completed a full game in any of the versions. The closest I got to completion of my German game of ver 1.7. In that too, I had only managed to get to mid 1942.
2) I think the only way we can help WW2-Global now is to start working on the 1941 version. I have always held the view the Russia should be at war with Germany right from the start. Yes it would also put Russia at war with Japan but maybe you could put some special terrain along the Jap-Rus border and make it impassable. And the Himalayas could also be made impassable. Now that we also have the special AI version for Germany, you have a base to start making a special AI versions that start in 1941 itself, instead of making regular scenarios that start at 1941. This would definitely give the humans the challenge that we yearn for, and it will cut down your work somewhat, as you wouldn't have to make regular 1939 or regular 1941 versions.

So I suggest that you scrap verison 1.9 and just start work on 1941. We have already gotten as far as we could with the regular 1939 version. I think a 1941 version is now the way to go.
I haven't played very much lately as life is VERY busy, and I'm waiting on my new computer. However, I would think that the regular version is as good as you are going to get it. A 1941 version would be very interesting for a couple of reasons:

1. The game should be faster as a lot of the little guys in Europe would already be gone (and even a "big guy" in France).

2. Russia would be in a locked war with the Axis. Right now, they are too much of a wild card. Also, if done right, they are too easy to beat since they start off pretty weak. It would definately make playing Germany more challenging, even with them not having a Western front.

3. The American Navy should be modelled post-Pearl Harbor. This would make America that much more challenging as the human player would have to worry about re-building the Pacific Navy on top of everything else.

So, my suggestion would be to move to the 1941 scenario. Once the "global" version of that is out, come up with AI versions off that scenario. This way, you don't have to maintain WW-II Global any longer in any form (unless any new bugs are found).

I also have never finished a game in any of your versions. So, seeing v1.8 become stable would be a nice thing for me. It was always troublesome trying to figure out if I should finish a game, or upgrade. If you make it so that we can have v1.8 and v2.0 (assumed version # for the 1941 version) installed at the same time, people wouldn't have that worry this time around.

Thanks again for all the hard work. Have a safe trip!!
I think you should make a new graphic expansion (including flag leaderheads) for the regular scenario before moving to the 1941 version, Rocoteh.
Rocoteh said:
I am going off-line now and will be away without Internet-connection
for 10 days. Will probably return May 8.

I hope you will continue to post playtest-reports and comments
even if I will be absent for some time.

It would also be interesting with an discussion on these issues:

Where shall WW2-Global go from here?
Is there a need for more regular versions?
Should an June 1941 version be more interesting than updates
of the regular version.

I hope there will be discussion on these and other issues.



Something I have been working on, you may find this interesting:

"Hinge of Fate (HOF) is the title for my global WW2 scenario. The name
comes from the title of one of the five volumes of Winston Churchill's
war memoirs. That volume dealt with the events of the years 1942-43,
including such decisive battles as Midway, El Alemain and Stalingrad.

I had originally though of doing a mod on Rocoteh's WW2 Global scenario
adapting the naval-air system for my TOS scenario to WW2 Global. After
taking a long look at it I decided that map was just not what I wanted,
Europe is just too small. So I decided to use El Menecy's 362 by 325
world map. Although the map is larger than WW2 Global, there are fewer
cities and hence the game runs faster. There are no neutral countries
and where possible I used one very large city to represent 2 on more smaller

Also the political situation in 1939 was just too complicated so I decided
to start HOF in December 1941. That way every country is at war at the start
of the scenario. Russia can and sometimes does declare war on Japan on the
first turn, but those conflicts tend to brief and indecisive, more of a border
clash than a war."

The last rev of WW II is about as close to ideal as you could want. There are only minor changes that could be made outside of radical changes.

1941 seems to be a favorite place to start. I would actually say that January 1942 would be a more interesting place to start. One could argue that the third wave of Vals and Kates may have made a difference or that Germany might have been able to do more before the icy clutches of the Russian winter took their toll, but starting in January 1942 would be a good chance to set the game pieces at a stage where realities were being set and decisions could greatly influence the course of history.

Just my 2 cents. With respects to WWII, the only mods i've made are unit naming consistency and the addition of Prague as an industrial center. As I recall, the Prague Skoda works produced superior tanks to the PzKpfw II and III Ausf e's.

Eric A,

I would love to see the larger map and your restrictions around coastline movement applied to the global setting. Not sure if you both plan on working together, but that possibility in conjunction with the El Justo input to this scenario and Global-WWW III, sounds mighty good to me.

I think we should go for the 1941 variant after a last update of the current variant. More graphics, especially from the SOE units, and then going for the big map (362* 256). This would be the final version of the standard game roughly (only perhaps small bugs and a bit correcting some stats). Then the 1941 version should be made.
Also I suggest to let all countries sleep the first turn except the Axis of course. This would be much more historically correct.

German AI Version, Sid level, week turn 1:
My operations against Poland and the Benelux countries were sucessful with only minimal losses. The French counter attack was not very successful. Despite loosing or being damaged their tanks could only destroy 2 88 FlaK and an elite infantry. For the costs of at least a dozen tanks. Nevertheless I have now to cope with 73 French units in ex- Belgish now German territory south to east of Brussels. Seems they learnt from history... 3 Uboats were lost but they sank at least a CL and 2 DD damaging 2 CL heavily. The RAF bombed my units and did only minor damage. However they lost at least 6 planes over Hamburg. The RN sent again 3 unloaded carrier into the North sea. The Kriegsmarine is awaiting the prey. I suggest to place them near North America filled with planes.

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