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Week 37, turn 2:
Heavy dogfights above the French invasion forces. 7 French fighter were shot down by my Me 109. No losses. After crushing the fighter cover my bombers attacked the column with tanks. The red lined rest is taken by damaged units of me. One of them is generating a new general. It is amazing to see myself in a strategy game. Ego shooter or RPGs- no problem. But strategy???

I have to stop here.

Rocoteh -

I too think that v. 1.8 is great and further tinkering not worth it.

While people speak of 1941 my preference would be January 1, 1942. By this date the Japanese have already attacked Pearl Harbor and the Eastern Front is well-developed. This may be near to the high-point of the Axis advance - not sure how easy it will be to get accurate OOB but that is something that I leave to you.

From the beginning I would look for two versions - one for Axis and one for Allies although not limited to one country. Let me try and be clear about that - one version should be for human players as Great Britain or US or Russia and another version for human player as Germany, Italy or Japan. The base game is the same but you can adjust Wonders or OOB or even unit strength depending upon human or AI player.

I say this because much of our adjustments and readjustments related to someone feeling that an AI country was over or underpowered. However, adjustments are then changed when a human has that country. By defining the human vs AI player we will make fewer adjustments and provide a more challenging game. Of course, this is more work for you up front but I think a better structure for adjustments.

In addition I think a Readme file needs to accompany the scenario. I am working on one for 1.8 which will outline the modifications to the base game to give a new player a fair chance (Mobilization, power plants, etc)
What ever happened to the WW2 Global 362x325 scenario, Rocoteh?
Hi all, first post here.
I downloaded this scenario and put everything in the right folder, but when I start it, it gets stuck on "Configuring Scenario ...".
Tried several times, happens every time. Any ideas how to fix it? Because the scenario looks really sweet and I can't wait to play it. :)

Edit: Or is it simply long loading time?
Germany - v. AI - Emperor
1939 Report

Proceeded somewhat cautiously in light of higher unit count for France and Russia. Took Poland (keeping only Warsaw). Blockaded the Italians so they will focus on their own French and keep some French units occupied in defense of Marseilles.

Huge stack of French units in German territory in second week (80+ units).
Reinforced cities and radar squares and let them get out of fighter range before hitting them with air power.

They retreated with losses. Same for a smaller stacks of Renault tanks.

Eventually I took Copenhagen, Brussels and Amsterdam. Built artillery to help knock down these units and of course Panzers. French continued coming (and getting killed each week). Only week without incursion into my territory was last week of the year.

With the French line holding I started the attack on Russia in the last week of the year. Took five Russian cities (razed two) and expect fierce counterattack. Will be using lots of airpower given the poor state of Russian air defense. I hope to get to tale the Baltic cities and the Ukraine and straigten out a line just outside of Leningrad before peace breaks out. The real goal here is to grind down the additional Russian units.

Elsewhere Italy is holding out in Africa (would have expected Britisht to move more air power here) and they did take Cyprus.

Japan has taken four Chinese cities and Hong Kong. I had traded with them for oil and rubber so perhaps that is why they bypassed Communist China.
They have also taken Fakfak, Sarmi and Davao so their progress is about average.
Germany vs AI - Sid Level
Week 4, 1940:

I now have 5 cities producing the Panzer IIIe tanks. Waiting for at least 30 before I attack Paris - so probably mid 1940. Took out Yugoslavia. Had a few casualties even with their weak infantry. So I have become a bit cautious. Am also making a Bismarck battleship and a transport to take Iceland and take out Denmark totally. Russia has declared war on turkey and has taken 3 cities in two turns. Doesn't look good for the Turks at all, which means it won't be too good for me if by the time I launch my attack on them. I'll need atleast a force of 150 tanks. Don't know how I am gonna get it. The Russians will be stronger with the added Turkish cities so all in all not good for Germany. France has been sending their usual stacks of 3 to 4 Somuas. Not too much trouble getting rid of them. The British have been sending 3-4 bombers on Brussels for the past 4 turns. Ample air cover there so again no problems. The Italians have managed to destroy a British and a French city in Africa. That's gotta remove some pressure off them - for now. They have also taken Cyprus. Nothing more than this has happened. More reports will follow, but will be slow in coming.
Germany vs AI Emperor
Weeks 1-26 1940

As stated above, as we ended 1939 we started the Russian campaign. This went better than expected due to AI inability to mass T-26s. We did see many of them but not in groups larger than 10. We pushed quickly through the Ukraine and handled counterattacks easily. By week 10 we had reached our goals with a line from Tallinn through Minsk, Kursk to Rostov and Krasnodar. At this point the Russians made peace with one of our allies. However, the Russian sent units into our territory after peace broke out. We demanded they leave and Russia declared war again.

Again we pushed forward taking various cities including Leningrad (much tougher due to stronger defense). Ten turns later peace broke out again followed by Russia not leaving our territory. We told them to leave and they declared war again!

Now at the end of week 26 we have a front which includes us holding Kem, Archangel, Kazan, Magnitogorsk and Aralsk. Accordingly we have taken Moscow, Stalingrad and various other cities. This is all being done with air power and Panzer IIIgs. Moving planes and infantry in support is the only thing slowing us down.

On the western front the French eventually grew tired of sacrificing unit to our defenses and turned on the Italian. They did take Milan and fortunately Venice which has given us a route through the Italians. We obviously took back Venice and Milan and have taken Lyon. It is now a question of time to take all the remaining cities of France although Russia remains the top priority.

Nothing exciting in the Atlantic. Our subs control most of the north Atlantic and we have sunk many British transports operating without convoy - strange!

Meanwhile the British are making good progress in Africa - only two Italian cities left there. Britain also eliminated Thailand in early 1940.

Japan had taken Hanoi before the Russians attacked and took it and Nanning and Kumming. Japanese have taken back Nanning. No changes in the north.

No sign of the Americans.

One thing I failed to mention - NO AI wars. Spain, Turkey, Portugal, all South America, Norway, Sweden, etc not attacking each other. How is this possible?

Other than that I see little difference from a 1.8 game. Extra units don't seem to help the AI much at least at Emperor level.
Playing as USA in 1.8
I noticed a lot of changes from the previous version, well the last version I played is 1.4. I like the addition of extra units in the game. I have one question regarding the units.
Why Iowa class battleship come out in the game pretty late comparing to Bismarck and hidenburg class battleship. It is very difficult to sunk those ship with normal battleship. It took my entire atlantic fleet's carrier to sunk bismarck?

There was no unecessary war between the neutrals( very good excellent!!)
France fall pretty fast and Japan almost destroy China and I lost all my Philliphine possesions.
Germany vs AI - Sid Level.
Week 12, 1940.

Although I planned to wait to get 30 Panzer IIIe tanks, I had to launch my attack on France early (23 Panzer IIIe) because the Italians had been broken at Milan. To my surprize however, I was quickly able to take Paris, Brest, and Leon in the first turns itself, and didn't even take that many casualties. The bad news is Turkey has fallen to the Russians and that is going to cause some trouble for me if I launch my attack in mid 1941. They will have some really good cities producing T-34/76 and KV-1 tanks for them and they can send them directly into Germany. I'll have to launch my attack on Istanbul first and then try and liberate all of turkey before going into Russia. I am gonna have to wait for at least 150 tanks if I am to survive their counterattacks in the first two turns.
The Italians have lost Murzuk to the French in Africa. I don't know if I can help them in Africa and I don't know If I want to have two fronts. I am thinking, maybe I should invade the British isles first in 1940 itself, and see how it goes from there. Thailand has fallen to the British. 2 of their bottom cities razed. However the Japs now hold the other two cities. They have also taken Davao, Panay, Fakfak, and Sarmi in the Pacific.
All in all, I think the special AI versions might actually end up being better than the regular versions, so I think you should now focus more on special AI versions that start at 1941. They would I think be a lot more interesting.
Germany vs AI Emperor
Weeks 27-52 1940

Numerous peace treaties broken by Russians in next turn leading to them having only six(6) cities as the year ends. They will be eliminated soon.

France knocked off the continent by hordes of Panzers.

Attack on British (long-delaged due to continued Russian harrassment) in the last 7 weeks of the year. We have successfully split the British by taking Tehran, Meshed, Kerman, Bushire and Gwador. British air pounded and killing Panzers but our numbers keep us moving forward.

We took half of Norway due to their declaration of war but peace broke out before we could finish them off.

Nothing unusual in the Atlantic. Our Uboats dominate the Northern Atlantic.
We have built a small fleet to attack the British Isles in the future.

Japan had knocked the Russian out of China and had moved forward and taken Hanoi. Howeve, British did take the offensive and have taken six Chinese cities including Hong Kong. Presumably our offensvie against the British will slow them.

American have taken back Davao.

I will continue this but assuming I can take back Asia from the British I will then stop as the tipping point is clearly here.

My next game will be to go back to 1.8 and try Sid.

Extra units not being used effectively by the AI. Rocoteh - if you want to try to improve the AI version I have a few suggestions -

1. Eliminate or severely reduce production of Hungarian and Romanian infantry. These units help Germany by serving MP function freeing up their superior units.
2. Reduce a few cattle from Germany.
3. Take Iron Works away from opening position Ruhr.

Not sure this will help much.
I am playing Demi-God Americans v1.8. I have a new computer now that can process an entire turn in about 5-10 minutes so I will actually make progress this time :) Nothing to report right away. I gifted my unprotected cities in the Far East to Argentina, and Japan took Midway. No attack on Manila yet. My fleet is anchored off the West and East coasts waiting for my buildup to be complete before I go anywhere. I have hordes of workers improving the mainland and finishing our rail net.
Bob I disagree with all 3 points.
1. The Ruhr area was the main industrial area of Germany and so they should still have the Iron works.
2. Bulgarian and Romanian troops did take part in the fights. So why to keep them out? It is good so in the time they are produced.
3. Less cattle, why? cattle is also good for shields and this adds a production bonus. Germany has to face Russia, France and Britain as well as the US and needs this. of her allies only Japan is of value but too far away facing the power of the US, UK and perhaps Russia. Italy has many mali.

Turn 2 week 38: I reduced the French forces and sank 3 CV, 1 CA, 4 CL and 3 DD for the loss of one Uboat. The French and British lost by bombings 3 planes however Amsterdam is bombed to pieces. I will try to retreat from this site and hope the RN will no longer bomb an empty town. As it is a too good base for the operation Seelöwe I can´t raze it.

try playing at sid-level, since computer can't offer any challenge on emperor
Turn 3, week 39: Heavy dogfights over the French invasion army in Belgium. 5 British ülanes downed, no own losses. I attack another stack out of the British fighter cover with bombers. I could then finish off the French forces in my territory. I am in position, because of a Stuka attack, to attack the enemy near Paris, two different stacks.. This should give me time to prepare an attack, first on the British airfield, then on Paris.
U 53 sinks HMS Emerald and Aurora, two CL.
The French counterattack cought me on the wrong position losing two garrison divisions. But both tanks are now in perfect position to be anhiliated. The French and the British started strategic bombing runs on an iron tile S of Munich. 7 enemy planes were downed here and above Brussels. But the allied bombers were successful. U 53 is also sunk by a British submarine.

A last remark on this game. The AI is much more challenging doing things I missed the games before. Nevertheless it is annoying that they bomb minefields without the chance to catch the attacking ships. I think a bigger map is indeed a very good choice!

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