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Turn 8 week 43:
I bombed Edinburgh with ships and planes and sunk 2 CL and a TR there. Also 2 planes were destroyed there. My Luftwaffe bombed a British landing force of BB HMS Resolution, BC HMS Renown, CA Sussex and a TR. U 24 finished off the BB, U 12 sunk the CA, U 15 was sunk by the attempt to sink HMS Renown but therefore U 13 finished the job. It also sank the TR in that group. U 23 sank CA USS Tuscaloosa after the ship bombed Brest unsuccessfully. U 28 sinks CL 47 USS Boise.

I have to stop here.

eaglefox said:
how are the russians behaving in your game? They don't seem to be very aggressive. Have they been at war with the allies? If so who declared the war on whom?
In my game they took all of Norway, Turkey, had a couple of wars with the allies and also one war with the axis. And they are freaking powerful always amassing huge stacks of T-34/76, T-26's, Mot. Rifle Divs, and Kv-1's to fight me. I just wanted to now if this is how they are behaving in all the special AI versions at SId level or just my game.

Russians are very polite :D They are not agressive at all. If axis stupid AI do not make peace with them I probably will be in Chelyabinsk already.
The key to the russians is to attack them on 2d turn. I have take on first turn main land Poland All Benilux and Ugaslavia. And declare war to the Greek but do not have tanks so just moves infantry in.

On a first turn you place you destroyers around Sevastopl' so Russian baltic fleet could not move out. Then on a second turn You should take it It quite simple because only Odessa requires Armors. If after the Odessa you have remaing tanks (I did) you should take the Minsk, You also ignore all airfields. With artillery smashing walls and infantry you should take Lublin, Lwow. As a result all Russian avaition are DEAD.
Then fighting all this 14/5/2 russian tanks is simple.
The problems I have face is to take Leningrad Moscow. Kiev also tough because the attack on it places on a turns when most of you units are healing. The Leningrad is pritty simple to get after choping main communications with taking Smolensk, Novgorod and Kalinin, the only problem you should build short cut road near by Novgorod.
The south direction is quite problematic because of railroad lack.

I have ignore all French infantry Stupid AI moving it around and have killed all they tanks on second turn when they have jump in my territory with air and conscripts :crazyeye:

Good luck Vlad.
German vs AI SID
After closing India campaign I have take London and Moscow in around 40th turn. Africa campaign goes smooth.
Germany v1.8 SID

It is now week 52 1942 - the Axis holds all of the mainland of Europe, Asia and Africa with the following exceptions - Norway(3 cities), Sweden, 6 Soviet cities, Portugal(and its African colonies) and Greece (2 cities). Also holding out in the Med are Sardinia (USA), Cyprus and Crete(GB).

Japan has been back and forth with the US on the Kurile Islands currently held by the US. All home islandsa are held by Japan. Nothing else much unusual - Japan holds Davao and Labuan with the Americans, Dutch and GB holding the rest. (Of course, Japan has all of China and bits of India and Soviet Russia).

The British Isles fell under the crush of Panzers by the 15th week of 42. Africa was a long but easy fight and due to shortage of transports I kept going until I took all of it by about week 40 of 1942.

In the meantime I launched an attack on North America by landing 72 units near Chimo. They advanced and were supported by another fleet bringing 50 units. City was taken after hard fighting but massive US counterattack led to loss of city. total units lost (including air transferred to Chimo) was 92 units!. Nevertheless a beachhead was held and quickly reinforced. By week 51 we had secured Chimo and are holding our own against US and minor Canadian units.

Right now we have 56 units in the city plus 16 air. In addition there are 64 units holding the beachhead and the road to Chimo.

60 US units are immediately outside the city but we will knock this down with Rockets and Air bombardment. Unfortunately there are another 120 US and GB units within two squares of the city. Continuous reinforcements will be needed to hold this area. It will be a bloody fight. At Emperor level I would be confident - at SID it is questionable. 60 units are on their way but two weeks out.

Meanwhile the Atlantic is basically a German lake. Have not seen any real opposition for 10 weeks.
America 1.8 Demi-God

It's June 1941 and I have liberated all of France and almost all of mainland Italy. The scary part is that I haven't even gotten any of my Shermans over to Europe yet. This has been done with M3s, and 1939/42 Marines (I upgraded from 1939 the second I had the opportunity). I did have one surprise though .. Germany sent an army full of Panzers against me. It took almost all of my artillery to weaken it enough to take it out with my army.

I figure Germany is pretty well shot at this point, as I am continuing my drive forward. South America is also falling at a good clip. Brazil only has 4 cities left. The other cities are starting to produce as Caracas can build Shermans once every 2 turns. I figure this game is just a matter of time.

So, I have started a 1.8 SID Russia game. My goal is complete world conquest. Should be interesting to see how this develops.
After a nice hiatus for real life, I've started a Soviet 1.8 SID game, with all the new challenges therein. So far, the only "bug" I've found is that the Pe-8 (Air 1940) is available before the Pe-2 (Air 1941). A simple switch would fix.

As for the campaign, the option to be at peace with everyone is very very nice. The first couple years of the war have been spent building up tech and infrastructure (oh, and snatching Comm-China, Turkey, and Greece), such that almost all my cities are at full production, and almost all tiles are fully improved (250 workers does nicely). A minor skirmish with the UK ended up losing them most of central Asia to the Japanese. I was careful never to attack their territory, as I wasn't ready for all the allies yet, but bled their army dry, leaving them wide open. Sadly, Japan has torched most of those cities, leaving most of Persia a smoking ruin.

Now I'm trying to decide who to kill next. Scandanavia might be nice, but the logistics through Finland are awkward. Or there's always a three front war against the Axis (shudder). Perhaps it's time to see what parts of the British Empire I can take before Japan has it all. :)

One minor complaint/worry: no battleships. I hate letting troops land if I can help it, but in the UK war, they sent a number of convoys, some protected by KGV's, into the Arctic Ocean to land in the less protected parts of Siberia. The singleton units landing were easily swatted, but it is irksome to have nothing that will EVER be capable of taking out the BBs that all the other powers can deploy. Something like the Sovietskii Soyuz or Krasny Tovarisch, for instance, at least to get the navy within spitting distance of the others by the later years? Okay, maybe not totally historical, but this is ME running Russia, after all! ;)
I will be posting more about my Russian campaign in a bit. I decided to take on the Axis and I think I've broken the German/Italian counter attack. The Japanese sent in a couple of Marines and raized two cities (I forgot about one on the mainland and the other was an island city). But, the Fins have been more bothersome then the Japanese have been so far.

Sorry you made the AI Special Version then didn't get any response. I had to take a break from playing as I became busy with moving and all that.

Anyways, I played the special AI version a couple of days ago and heres what I got for you.

I took Brussells and amsterdam on the first turn. I lost the closest city to france though on their counter attack (brussels i think) Second turn I took polland out. then moved all military to French front as they inandated me with infantry. 3 and 4 turns have been massive air strikes against infantry with counter infantry attacks hitting their weekend units. all cities are finishing infastructure upgrades then switching to military. The first build was a worker out of about 6 cities, so i am improving some land too.

I liked the fact that France and Britain both bombed heavily, which forced me to put 109's on superiority missions. I read the french unit improvements but was still quite suprised to see so many infantry come across the border. The french have also moved artillery to the magninot line which is good. I like what you have done. I will give you more thoughts down the road. I try to mimick history and take Paris as quickly as possible. so we'll see how fast I can get them.

Thanks, Rocoteh, im enjoying it!
Russia SID 1.8

Week 10, 1940

This is the turning point for Soviet Russia. Up to this point, we have not produced anything to enhance our army. We have been building 100% infrastructure and workers in an attempt to improve our economy and our research capabilities. After having to bow to demands from Britian, US and Japan, we decided to let loose our espionage units who had been training for the last few months (Intelligence Agency was built). We planted spies with the 3 largest empires: US, Britian and Germany. We assumed they would be the most technologically advanced. We were right. Our spies were successful in stealing improvments to our Air, Sea and Ground forces (Light Land 1940, Air 1940, Land/Air 1940, Land 1940, Sea 1940). With this new knowledge, we started production of the T34/76 and KV1 tanks in cities who were capable. Those that weren't focused on production capabilities so they could (Factories and Plants). Unfortunately, our research capabilities are still woefully inadequate, so we continue to save all of our money to help fund our espionage units.

Week 33, 1940
After amasing a large army of T34/76, KV1, and Heavy Artillery Units in Lublin and Odessa, it was time to strike. Even though it was very tempting to punish the "Allies" for their insolence, we decided it was best to attack the Axis instead. The production of their cities would be a great addition to the Motherland, while opening up the Baltic states for invasion by taking out Finland. So, we declared war on Germany and in the first week alone, we took Bucharest, Konigsberg, Warsaw and Dansig. Unfortunately, our units did not get the order to destroy all roads and tracks into Dansig to slow down the German counter attack, so they took the brunt of the German assault. After fierce fighting, Dansig held as did Bucharest and Lwow. Our next attack took out every unit that attacked us which seemed to break the German's back. Italy decided to join the show at that point, sending over 20 tanks and artillery, but they were no match to our superior firepower. Germany was able to send small skirmishes with Panzers after this, but nothing major. The only setback was on the Japanese front. They were able to slip in a couple of Marines and destroy 2 cities (1 in the Kurile Islands, one on the mainland .. I forget the name but it's close to Nomonhan).

Week 50, 1940
Present Day

Germany is fading fast. Their only remaining cities are Munich, Lyon, Paris, Bordeaux and Gibralter. Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito have all set emissaries pleading with us to stop our attack but we've rejected all of them. We have taken Tirana, Venice and Milan from Italy and Helsinki and Tampere from Finland. So far, we have not attacked Japan. We've killed any Marine units that have ventured into our territory. Once Italy is defeated, we will move that army over to our Eastern front and start to push the Japanese off the mainland.

Our workers are starting to work on connecting our new cities to our existing rail net. They aren't able to get too close to the front, but they are still making considerable progress. There is much work to be done in our new territories so we are adding to our worker numbers, mainly from our newly captured cities.

With Europe pretty well secured, we have turned our production back toward research & our economy in an attempt to become research self sufficent. Right now, we are only able to divert 40% of our economy to research which reduces a 40 week task to 24. We want to be able to increase that to 70%, but that will require an additional 691 gold per week to sustain. Our current army/navy is as follows:

124 workers
3 Paratroopers
104 Subs
28 1939 Destroyers
3 Battleships
5 Armies
4 Soviet Cavalries
96 Russian Infantry
86 T 34/76
2 Light Cruisers
14 I-16s
3 Fortresses
3 PE-8
36 KV-1
2 Mig-3
74 Heavy Artillery
2 Garrisons
3 Heavy Cruisers
5 T-26
17 RU I-15
2 U-Boat Type IX
23 Special Fortresses
1 Hungarian Infantry
3 Romanian Infantry
10 Motorized Infantry
1 Bulgarian Infantry
56 Soviet Garrisons

Let's compare that to what our spies tell us about Japan (our next "full strength" target)

11 Workers
1 Paratrooper
4 YamatoC
3 Transports
1 Carrier
5 1939 Destroyers
4 Battleships
1 Carrier B1
70 Japanese Infantry
1 Light Cruiser
10 Ki27 Nate
7 B5N Kate
12 Japanese Marines
40 Type 99 Machinegunners
1 Heavy Cruiser
55 Special Fortresses
10 1939 Destroyer Flotillas
1 Otsu
4 Special Transports
2 Japanese Militias

Kicking them off the mainland should not be a hard task at all. Next will be the allies with Great Britian being the primary target. That should be interesting as they have 135 Matildas, 48 Spitfires and 107 British Infantry among other things.
Just a bug report, M 36 jackson and US Heavy artillery have the ability to be airlifted.
Another suggestion, is that possible to give the british or the allies power jet fighter that is comparable with the Me- 262
Russia 1.8 SID

Week 5, 1941

All of Europe and Northern Asia are mine. Germany is gone and Italy only has Sicily left. The British surprised me and took most of China before I could divert enough forces over to that front to do anything. I was able to take about 7 cities before I decided to sue the Axis for peace. I tried to get Chihfeng from the Japanese in the peace deal, but they wouldn't go for it. So, I got Cyprus from Italy instead. The next turn, I demanded Italy leave my territory so all the left over special fortress units will not be in Sicily. Best of luck to the AI defeating that one :)

I am healing my army and moving them East. I am going to break my troops up into different armies. The 1st Army will drive south and west to the Suez Canal. The 2nd will polish off Saudi Arabia before moving into Africa. The 3rd will drive into Tabriz and push east. It will join up with the 4th that will drive into Meshed. The 5th will start at Kabul and again go due east. Last but not least, the 6th will start in the Far East and work their way south. This army will be the largest of the 6 with the most support from my 16 armies filled with T34/76s. I am figuring this one will get the most resistance since Britian already has their troops in this area fighting the Japanese.

In preperations for this war, I have built airports/anti-aircraft batteries in most of my cities. I went a little over board here, but I built them in cities that were important to me, even if the British have no chance to get at them now. Their air superiority over me is huge, so I am trying to counter that as best I can. The best I have to throw at them are Mig 3/Yak 1 which will probably be no match for their air force. I am research Air 1942 which will be done in 2 turns, but I don't think I'll have any of those fighters built before the war starts. I plan to declare in about 4 turns. I have cities that are still building airports/anti-aircraft that are definately in range of British bombers. I am also building up my inventory of mobile rockets in an attempt to get a large artillery force that can move as fast as my tanks.

Here is how we compare with the British. I am just going to list the important units.

Russian Army:
1 Marine
3 Paratroopers
5 Mobile Rockets
16 Armies (all filled with T34/76)
98 Russian Infantry
101 T34/76
14 I-16
13 Yak-1
40 KV-1
78 Heavy Artillery
16 RU I-15

Great Britian:

11 Artillery
107 British Infantry
48 Spitfires
2 Hurricanes
27 Blackburn
167 Matilda 2
11 Halifax
2 Lancaster
153 Vickers HMG

They have 135 cities compared to our 115 so I am assuming my production will be better then theirs. Also, all of my cities are on Mainland Asia while theirs are on other continents (and we all know how well the AI handles transports). So, I figure I have a pretty good shot. If I can take and hold the Suez Canal, that chokes off re-inforcements from Africa until I can divert some forces to deal with them.
I attached a couple of screen shots. The first is my far east from with Britian. The 2nd is Russian controlled Europe.


  • british progress in Asia.JPG
    british progress in Asia.JPG
    245.4 KB · Views: 121
  • russian europe.JPG
    russian europe.JPG
    296.3 KB · Views: 115
Germany v1.8 SID

Week 52 1943

We had established our beachhead in North America at the end of 1942. We were counterattacked and lost Chimo to the US but they had not killed all units. Unfortunately we lost a lot of air units in Chimo. Nevertheless more transports were already on the way and we did eventually take the city. Fighting was fierce for weeks around Chimo as the Americans and Canadians threw forces at us. However, the large cultural boundaries made their movement limited and we killed most units. By week 14 we took Ottawa. By week 20 counterattacks had weakened and we began to roll up the continent.

After rolling through North America we entered Mexico and punished them for declaring war with our new atomic bomb. Of course most remaining countries declared war which allowed us to swallow all remaining European countries.

As of the end of 1943 the Axis controls all of Europe, Africa, continental Asia, North America, Mexico, Venezuela, Georgetown and we are closing on Lima.
A fleet is on the way to Honolulu and we prepare for the invasion of Indonesia and Australia.

Our forces are vast - as an example we have 54 armies and 231 SS Panzer 1944 . Axis controls 58% area and 83% population so expect to reach our domination victory in a few months - would have been earlier except for Japanese razing.

Rocoteh - A few minor issues. You can research Air 2 1945 before Air 1 1945.
Also, uranium becomes visible too early. Also, A bomb does not need transport - it can move between airports without A bomb transport.
Adler17 said:
ArvIn, there was no real opponent which could cope the Me 262 in normal combat since 1950. Even the P 80 was worse.


well at least something better than spitfire or mustang for the Allies. It does not have to be as good as Me 262.
Wrong thread. Oops...

This scenario looks VERY cool. I just need more time (which I'll hopefully have soon) in order to play it.
Adler17 said:
Turn 7 week 44, part 2:
Bordeaux and Marseilles taken after heavy fights. HMS Nelson, 2 DD and a TR sunk in the Atlantic west off Ireland by the Luftwaffe. Also Belgrad is mine. The losses here are a bit higher than expected...
A Greek CDS is sunk by the Turkish BC Sultan Yavuz Selim while covering an invasion force. A Uboat and an Italian submarine are sunk by a US BB. Here is the bug again. The British bomb the North sea minefield.



On the British bombarding the minefields:

I will see if I can solve this problem.

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