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Cowabunga,Tantor and Adler,

I plan to include an allied jet-fighter in the next version of
WW2-Global, although it will of course be available later than Me-262.

oljb007 said:

"Its a surprise that its still possible to crush France so early in the game." Rocoteh

--I like the way france falls now, its very close to actual history. Not to mention it took all my luftwaffe and every able body to accomplish that!

However, Russia seems to have to much offensive so early on. in my game it was week 21 1940 and she already had amassed nearly 110 T-26's. and that is after taking Norway and hammering on Turkey. Are T-26's upgradeable to T-34's? I believe they are, but cannot recall for sure. if so, it seems a tad strong. Possibly a starting force of t-26's that are not upgradeable, then a t-26 that can be built that can be upgraded. or no upgrade at all but i am not sure about this idea yet

in my game if she upgrades those 100+ t-26's Russia will go from just "****", to "the ****" in a heart beat.

just some more thoughts for you.

As for Japan, ya the AI is amazing with Japan. Lets see what happens with the Russian front! Now that I have opened that can of worms.


Yes, maybe the fall of France in the AI-version comes at realistic
point now. It must not be June 1940.

You can not upgrade T-26, still its possible Soviet have become
to strong.

Japan is really a surprise.

skanar said:
The Soviets going after Turkey makes at least some broad historical sense. There has often been a Russian nationalistic idea that the Russian nation ought to have control of Constantinople as heir to the Eastern Orthodox tradition. The Crimean War was fought partly for this reason.

Thus, while it is ahistorical (in WWII terms) for Russia to go to war early, keeping them at peace may not be possible, and war with Turkey probably makes the most sense.

Just a few thoughts to consider before wholesale changes are made to affect Russia AI habits.


Yes, I agree.

I do not plan any changes on Turkey for the moment.


Thank you for the reports and screenshots.
This is an very interesting playtest.

Looking forward to follow if you will be able to defeat Soviet AI.
It seems like a very hard mission!

Welcome back.

Then I think you should add the Gloster Meteor for the Brits and the P 80 for the US. These planes should be available later than the Germans and not so powerfull like the German counterparts.

Adler17 said:
Then I think you should add the Gloster Meteor for the Brits and the P 80 for the US. These planes should be available later than the Germans and not so powerfull like the German counterparts.



I think that it sounds like a good idea.

bkwrm79 said:
Wrong thread. Oops...

This scenario looks VERY cool. I just need more time (which I'll hopefully have soon) in order to play it.

Thank you.

I hope you will post more comments when you have playtested it.

Germany vs AI (special addition--cause its always against the AI ;) )

wk 24, I decided not to recreat the german mistake at Dunkirk so I pulled Panzers from the northern front and "aided" the luftwaffe in the south repulsing the Russians. Absolutely tore them up! What I wasn't able to finish off, the Italians did!!! ya, the Italians! Not 1 Russian unit made it back to Russian soil. We (italians too) dropped the Russian's T-26 by 40%, from 100+ to 66, in only 1 week!
oljb007 said:
Germany vs AI (special addition--cause its always against the AI ;) )

wk 24, I decided not to recreat the german mistake at Dunkirk so I pulled Panzers from the northern front and "aided" the luftwaffe in the south repulsing the Russians. Absolutely tore them up! What I wasn't able to finish off, the Italians did!!! ya, the Italians! Not 1 Russian unit made it back to Russian soil. We (italians too) dropped the Russian's T-26 by 40%, from 100+ to 66, in only 1 week!


That is a very good result.

Italy AI a real surpise!

Well, after a brief respite, I've decided to continue a previous game I was playing as Russia. Here's my previous report:


Having finished off Turkey, and finishing up most of the countryside improvement with my massive worker force, I began to build up a large treasury and start spying for tech. This incited a few small wars with the Italians and British, but through careful management, I avoided drawing in the rest of the allies. As soon as the AI's were ready to iniate diplomacy, I attacked everyone within range of my borders, ending the fighting with a peace treaty (defenitely taking advantage of the way fixed alliances work, to be sure, but very effective)

The first attack only allowed me to grab Damascus, Petsamo, and Warsaw, but after about 10 turns of building and a couple stolen techs, the second run allowed me to grab 14 cities in the Mid-East. Everything west of Iran, all the way to south and west of Egypt, in one turn, no less. (Gotta love blitz attacks!) In the interim, I have also captured all of scandanavia, and now I'm just waiting for the Italians to offer peace, so that I can seize Finland and eastern Europe.

My current force strengths:

375 Workers
2 Marines
3 Paratroopers
5 Submarines
21 1939 Destroyers
3 Battleships
6 Armies (one with both Marines, the other 5 with KV-1s)
197 Russian Infantry
59 T-34/76
82 KV-1
93 Heavy Artillery
2 Garrison
3 Heavy Cruiser
5 Heavy Cruiser C2
8 SB-2
15 Special Fortress
12 Soviet HMG
12 Soviet Garrison

Some other points:

1. Everyone other than Germany seems to be building only Destroyer Flotillas (still) I'm also seeing lots of Special transports being used, resulting in many attacks of only 2 units. I would suggest taking them out, and leave only the normal transports.

2. Japan razes *lots* of cities in the far east. Most reports I've been reading confirm this. Perhaps wonders in those cities are called for?

3. more as I think of them...

Thank you for the report.

It seems like you have achieved a very good postion.
The tank-force and 93 heavy artillery are impressing!

Looking forward to follow this playtest.

1. On special transports:

I will probably implement such a change in the next version.

2. On Japan-AI and city-razing:

Yes I will add more wonders.

Thank you and welcome back.

I am going off-line now and will be away for 5 days.

I hope you will continue to post playtest-report and comments.

German vs AI SID.
Week 50 1941.
Domination victory.
Britain has only New Guinea. MY transports was in 1 turns of it.
Argentina has only 2 towns.
I have just declared war to Chili.
Others gone and all is my.
Population 97% territory 70%.

The best German unit is Panzergrenadier!!! It could be airlifted and can go over jungle and mountains.
Fantastic - The Americans must not have had many troops home to enable you to make such progress. Also surprise you moved through SA so fast!
Russia 1.8 SID

Here I thought I was doing very good, then Vlad comes along and humbles me :) I have attached a screen shot of Asia. As you can see, my jaws are just about to close. I have also driven into Africa a bit further then I wanted too in order to destroy the British Air Force that was bombing the crap out of me.

I researched 1 tech, but I just wasn't researching fast enough to make it worth it. So now, I'm just stealing from the Americans and British. I've stopped building research buildings and am just building financial buildings and power plants now. If I can get my economy strong enough to support 50% research, it might make it worth it.

Once I eliminate the allies from Asia, I will polish off the Chinese (both of em), then I'll throw everything I've got into Africa. While I am polishing that off, I am going to start build up my navy to prepare my invasion of the British Isles. My amphibious units stink so I need to have plenty of bombard units to open up a landing spot for my tanks. So, I'm building Battleship C2s, Heavy Cruisers C2s and 1941 Destroyer Flotillas for the fleet. I am currently harrassing Allied shipping with my Mark IXs. I love that auto production :)


  • russian asia.JPG
    russian asia.JPG
    213.3 KB · Views: 209
Bob1475 said:
Fantastic - The Americans must not have had many troops home to enable you to make such progress. Also surprise you moved through SA so fast!

I have bomb American troups out.

It was not that fast. I attacked them almost the same time as US. The US and Canada gone but SA was still there.
Germany vs AI (special)
wk 26 1940

took Minsk and two cities on the black sea, one of which had 39 subs (Rocoteh--isn't it odd to have 40 subs in a port that is landlocked? that is probably why russia goes after turkey, trying to get her subs a route to open sea)

Russia is on her heals but it is producing T-26's at an astonishing rate! Nearly as fast as I can destroy them, the last turn alone netted at least 15 in their second ill fated counter attack. Yet she still is only down 7 from 3 turns before!

As a result I am pushing the offensive with tanks till they are redlined. I need to gain as much ground as possible before Russia puts this astonish production capacity onto T-34's

We are also holding egypt and el agliers in french moroco, both are attacking heavily but loosing as I am dug in! We are not on the offensive, just letting them waste their troops.

Some observations I have had...

US doesn't get involved in european theatre. There is a US airbase south of wales however, US never bombs or attacks Germany via air. is it too far to "relocate" to that base and or is the air field to far from germany for the US planes? (part of me thinks that the game can be decided before US gets up and running. I'll see in my game)

I like the flow so far in the special version; france falls quickly but its tough! Russia goes on her heals immediately but maintains capacity. To what extent I am in the process of figuring out. We'll see when the AI starts building the T-34's and what the capacity to build them is... Overall timeline aspect is good, time that it took to take france is just about perfect. However, seems as though the game starts about 3-6 months early. I finished off France a full 6 months early (this is nitpicking ;) )

Japan AI (special version) is amazing and makes a B-line for india in everygame I have played; goes for the south pacific but the focus is obviously on India.

So, thats some of my observations.

btw--we discussed the implementations of the Ural mountains back in the day and you said it would be implemented in the next map change. any thoughts on that?

have a good weekend everyone

oljb007 said:
Japan AI (special version) is amazing and makes a B-line for india in everygame I have played; goes for the south pacific but the focus is obviously on India.

In my game they did not. Because German was who take The India :D, As well as Havai.
I think If you put railroad movement to let say Not unlimited it will slow down entire campaing. I was able to fight on 5 diferent directons and it gives huge effect on result.
I fight together on Russia, France, Africa France, Africa Britain, and India. You have 4 tiles for road, unlimited for railroad. If you reduce it to 3 road and 10 railroad it could be more realistic.
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