• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .



AI US Navy will always send forces on raids. Eventually they will send transports and attack Sardinia - they just love Sardinia! Nothing can be done to make the AI more intelligent - it uses the forces it has but does not handle naval forces well.

They do better in the Pacific where they go for the Kurile.
oljb007 said:

Another thing to keep in mind Eaglefox is that one of the major mistakes Germany made in the war was starting it so late in the summer. the onset of Winter was a bigger challenge to the Germans than the russian army at that time. However, that bought the Russians time to re-arm.

On that note, I was considering implementing some kind of house rule in my curernt game to restrict my offensive abilities to try and emulate the "winter" aspect. I am debating something along the lines of limiting myself to attacking with only 25% of my force during the winter months. I am thinking approximately week 36 or 39 to about week 15 of the following year.

In my game its week 34 and that battle of moscow has just started. The Introduction of the T-34 hasn't really impacted my advance all that much. So the "winter aspect" may be just what the russian AI needs to at least get off her heals! Had I thought of this before I would have started the offensive sooner, as a result the outcome may well mimick that of Hitlers mistakes, starting the war too late in the summer, (week 21 for me) but oh well, it will make it exciting.



I think the house-rule you mention is very interesting.

I doubt that we will be able to implement these types of rules
in CIV 4, so they must continue to be house-rules.

outcast said:
Two other things I notice about the AI:

1.) At the start, the british send some of their battleships to bombard the minefield north of denmark, but it never has enough movement points to make it back. Not only that, they are left with one one or maybe a stack of two battleships. That makes them fairly easy targets. I soften them up with the Luftwaffe, then finish them off with either the Scharnhorst or the Genisenau. Of course my battleships can make it back to one of the minefields. I sent 2 or 3 of them to the bottom before it stopped doing that.

2.) The American AI constantly sends attack groups over, but they always run out of movement points just before they get to my fleet. So almost every single one of theirs is slaughtered. They send nothing for a while (appearently building some more). Then they send over a few more and they get slaughtered too! Are the navy commanders on drugs? I sent 2/3 of the american navy to the bottom because of this, and they still do it. Is there anyway to make it stop doing this?

EDIT: And the AI should know better since it should be able to see my units (one of its cheats).

EDIT2: I dont want to seem like I am spamming your thread, but I'm just posting these observations/questions as I think of them.


1. I will see if I can do anything to change this in version 1.9.

2. AI handle its naval forces in a very incompetent way.
Maybe this is the worst AI-aspect of CIV 3!

One can only hope for improvements in CIV 4.

I hope you will be back with more comments on the scenario.

Rocoteh -

I have been playing 1.8 a lot lately. I note that building Antiaircraft batteries essentially stops Allied bombing.

A few points for your and others consideration -

1. Tone down effectiveness of Antiaircraft batteries
2. Remove airports as a prerequisite for Antiaircraft batteries

I think this will add a little balance to the game as bombers are the major Allied advantage and making them easier to build may help AI defense.

Comments anyone?
DEFINATELY need to tone down AA batteries. They appear to be 100% effective and that shouldn't be the case. In my Russia game, before I declared on the British, I built airports/AA batteries in all of my coastal and border cities. That took the British Air Force right out of the picture (except for bombing invading stacks and newly captured cities).
hey rocoteh. do you have a date by which the 1941 version will be out, or is there still a lot of work that needs to be done on it?
Adler17 said:
SOE will soon be ready. Perhaps you can ask Wyrm to use some of his units in an upgrade, Rocoteh.



It sounds interesting.

I will consider that.

Bob1475 said:
Rocoteh -

I have been playing 1.8 a lot lately. I note that building Antiaircraft batteries essentially stops Allied bombing.

A few points for your and others consideration -

1. Tone down effectiveness of Antiaircraft batteries
2. Remove airports as a prerequisite for Antiaircraft batteries

I think this will add a little balance to the game as bombers are the major Allied advantage and making them easier to build may help AI defense.

Comments anyone?


I think you what you say above sounds good.

I will look at version 1.9 today and make changes.

eaglefox said:
hey rocoteh. do you have a date by which the 1941 version will be out, or is there still a lot of work that needs to be done on it?


No date yet.

There is still much work to do and during summer I will be
away many days without computer.

A lot of bugs have been corrected in version 1.9.

Some minor changes have also been implemented.

This version will be released several weeks from now
since I want to include more changes.

Great Wonders will be added to all cities in British India to
prevent Japan-AI fom razing them.
Colombo have been added, so Ceylon is now a part of the empire.

OgrePete said:
Just wanted to say this scenario rocks! I've enjoyed playing 1.8 SID and have started a PBEM multiplayer 1.1 with a buddy. Thanks for the hard work!


I am very glad to hear that.

Thank you.

I am going off-line now and will be away for a week
without Internet-connection.

I hope the discussion on the scenario and its future will continue.

allin1joe said:
DEFINATELY need to tone down AA batteries. They appear to be 100% effective and that shouldn't be the case. In my Russia game, before I declared on the British, I built airports/AA batteries in all of my coastal and border cities. That took the British Air Force right out of the picture (except for bombing invading stacks and newly captured cities).

In my games I have seen the occasional bomber get through, but its rare they are probably in excess of 95% effective. They need to be toned down and AI encouraged to build 'em, but why doesn't the AI get them as a starting build in all the cities it holds?
Germany vs AI (special version, sid level)

house rules
No tech stealing
no war time economy
conscripting from two cities only (only done it about 6-8 times total)
**Siberian Winter

**simulation of the winter in Russia and the effects it had on the German military. This is done by only attacking with 25-30% of "in theatre" military, (Russian front Only) ie 25 panzers in "area" i only attack with 6, same goes for all other units!

Week 51 1939:

France is off the continent
Belgium, Brussels, the Poles, (that lone city in the north, the lone city in the south) all under german control

week 2-5 1940:

Greece falls including crete

week 21 1940:

Egypt is ours
Gibralter is ours
Algiers in French morocco is ours

week 39 1940:

*winter begins* would have started a little earlier but that is when i came up with idea!
Russian lines extend to moscow which is surrounded on 3 sides and the siege begins.
control of the atlantic is growing, nothing leaves the UK via sea and lives.
I have about 40 panzers total and about 33 in theatre so i attack with about 7-8.

week 9 1941

Survived the russian counter offensive in the dead of winter! Saving grace was the luftwaffe, even at reduced levels!
took jeruslum, damascus and mut
winter will let up in a month or so (thinking week 13--mid april)
began taking control of sea in the mediterranean
also took out frances oil supply in N africa, haven't seen a tank in a long while!


Japan has made a little progress against Russia. took out two thirds of the middle east, after taking north india. and is slowing making progress in the s. pacific. all of the philipines, thailiand and a few cities of the dutch.
I have noted Japan consistently does better in the Germany vs AI special version. This does not make much sense to me since Russia, Britain and France are beefed up but not Japan. Or is it?

Any idea why Japan is so much more agressive and successful in this version?
Bob1475 said:
I have noted Japan consistently does better in the Germany vs AI special version. This does not make much sense to me since Russia, Britain and France are beefed up but not Japan. Or is it?

Any idea why Japan is so much more agressive and successful in this version?
In my game, Japan had done very well till mid 1940. They had conquered upto Calcutta and Kuala Lumpur in the south. They had actually taken and held one of the eastern cities of India. But then the British hit back and took about 6 cities from them. Currently Japan has taken back Hanoi from the brits but have lost Marcus Is, Marshall Is, Fakfak, and Sarmi to the Americans and Labuan to the Brits. They haven't been able to take back Kurile Is from the Americans which they had lost very early in the war. They also lost one city to the Russians (razed) in our first war. So, in my game, they haven't done all that well. Both chinese civs still survive (barely but still around). So I don't think Japan doing well is a case with all the games. Perhaps it happens more often, but not always.
Germany vs AI - Sid Level
Week 37, 1941

Operation Typhoon begins!
The final German offensive of the year has begun. In the 35th week, Germany has launched another big offensive agianst the bewildered Russian forces in an effort to finally break them and defeat the evils of Communism once and for all. 135 Panzer IIIg's crossed the international border and broke the Russians at Izmi in Turkey and also captured Novgorod, Kalinin, and Tula from the Russians. The still impressive Russian production has failed to dent the German spirits or the drive towards Moscow. Another push is already on the drawing boards - this time for Moscow itself. Although the current tank strength has come down to 80, German soldiers are drawing pride and hope from the fact that the Russians now have less tanks - T-34 and KV-1 combined. They had 173 tanks to begin with and now they have 79. Millions of Russian soldiers are dead or on the run. It seems nothing can stop the Germans now. The German field marshals are confident that the war will be over by Christmas, and the campaign will also finally open the doors for the push into India and the Middle East.
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