
Adler17 said:
Week 45 part 2:
New CV: Albert Dossenbach.
Nothing happens except the spotting of a US CA C2. I wonder why they switched the production to them, appearently at least.

Week 46:
New CV: Julius Buckler, Hermann Köhl
BB: Lüttich
CVE: Madrid

Singapur taken. To be continued.



Thank you for the report.

Interesting: Its not often that AI produce CA C2.

Welcome back.

"I think I'll hold off on my Great Britain report.

Instead, I think I'll read all the ones we already have going on here. Looks to me like we already have quite a few, maybe after a couple people finish, I will start a new one.

I did decide to try Great Britain on Sid though, I dont expect it to go incredibly well. Should be fun though."

OK I see.

Good luck.
Deity level is not easy.


Thank you for the report.

"Italy did not survive the new year. Completing the road near Venice has now linked up all my resources via Yugoslavia - Greece - Turkey road net. The Alpine forts surrendered peacefully after their last city fell. That one in the city killed two tanks though. Germans and Soviets are sort of stalemated now that I brought in the allies against USSR. Soviets keep trying to take Namur, and exchanging the city north of that with Germany, Germany has STILL not got the -G model, and has less then 15 Panzers on any given turn,Soviets up to 170+. France, by way of comparison, has about 12."

I guess Soviet soon will be your major problem.

"Soviets have taken Meshad, Prague, and two more Finnish cities. They appear to be slowly winning. Japan is taking out C.China but China proper is doing well, with over a dozen tanks. Japan has about 20 Yamatos, and are using them to crush anything that tries to enter their territory. My squadron that I sent all the way there from France was nearly wiped out; nothing left but subs and DDs."

Still it seems like Japan-AI has severe problems with expansion.

"It is pretty much stalemated in the Far East. UK is not free from African distractions so we'll have to see what they do now. I see some units are fighting in Persia. I have some offensive force built up and with the demise of Italy I am planning on using it a NE direction, but am not sure which city will go first. Probably Freiburg, but I want Innsbruck to anchor my north Italian front. Great terrain, but LONG front! I actually want to leave most of the Germans alive for now, they are a good buffer vs. the Soviets. I want to drive the Soviets back from their coastal conquests and am gathering Navy and marines for that purpose. Soviets U-Boats are not a good thing."

Yes I think you are right. You have to focus on Soviet now.
For sure this is not an easy strategic situation to deal with!
It will be very interesting to follow how this evolves.

Thank you and welcome back.


Thank you for the report.

"Turkey 2.2 on Monarch

Currently Week 29 1942:

Has been very boring most of the time, improvements and building some forces. I have noticed that research is bad for Turkey, unless I go to 90% or 100%, techs are max research. Not able to afford that rate so have run at 10% the whole time and built treasure and rushed things."

Playing Turkey is very, very hard.
It will be interesting to follow though.


Did manage to take Thessaloniki and Athens from Greece in war with them.
Also manage to take and hold Baku and Gronzy from Russians, attacked them while they were at war with Axis.

Got Wines from Greece area and Oil from Russian cities, so don't have to trade for them anymore and have a surplus to trade to others of them."

That is very good results.


Germans have taken W Europe except for Spain and a couple russian cities.
Japan took China and then lost most to Britain.
Russians took a good chunk of Denmark, Fin, and Sweden areas and are now working on some of Germans holdings
Italy seems to be not a factor currently, only holding Italy now.

Not much action but always worried will get jumped by one of the big dogs wanting my territory"

Germany AI is to weak.
I will make some special AI versions of the scenario in September.

Thank you and welcome back.

William GBTW,

Thank you for the reports.

"Finland, Regent, V. 2.2, MA (ie Most Aggresive)
Poland falls.
Week 40, 1939:
War time mobilizaton.
Germany declares war on Denmark.
Week 41, 1939:
All Axis Powers declare war on Denmark. Kemijarvi's culture expands. Turku builds Tank.

Germany takes Antwerp.
Week 42, 1939:
Argentina demands 20 Gold; I refuse and we don't go to war.
Denmark falls to Germany. Germany takes Brussels"
William GBTW

Finland is seldom playtested. It will be interesting to follow how
hard it is.

"Week 43, 1939:
Namur falls as does Belgium, save African Colonies.
Week 44, 1939:
Germany takes Lillie.
Week 45, 1939:
Make loan from USSR.
From Cities: 172
From other Civs: 2
Total Revenue: 174.
Scince: 121
Corruption: 4
Maintance: 59
Units: 2
Other Civs 89
Total Expenditures: 166
Total Net Revenue: 8"
William GBTW

It should be of crucial value to avoid an early war with Soviet.

Norway demands gold, I refuse and we keep peace.
Kemijarvi falls into Civil Disorder
Turku builds Hydro-Plant.
Week 46, 1939:
Kemjarvi builds Colessum. Vassa's culture expands.
Week 47, 1939:
Turku's culture expands. Germans take Verdun and Paris."
William GBTW

Rather good play from Germany-AI so far.

Kuopio builds Barracks. Kemijarvi builds Barracks. Germans raze Bordeux, I highly doubt

Germans would raze Borduez in reality since it is a major port; add a wonder I recommend."
William GBTW

There is one already.
This must be a case of auto-razing.

"Week 14, 1940:
I make huge loan from USSR. They give me 2000 gold for 120 gold per turn."
William GBTW

A very good move!

"Week 21, 1940:
Helsinki builds 1939 Destroyer. Petsamo builds Harbor. Gilbrater is razed"
William GBTW

Auto-razing again.

"Week 26, 1940:
I finally declare war on Sweden and begin my noble and just quest to unit all of Scandinavia. I loes one 1939 Destroyer to Swedish submarine; move my 11 tanks and 7 or so Finland Infantry near Lulea. Sink one Swedish Costal Defense Ship (ie Pre-drednought). I lose one bomber bombing Sweden. I bomb lulea. I loes one 1939 Destroyer to a Swedish Costal Defense ship (CD for short).
Sweden bombs my CD's and sinks both, losing three of there CD's in the process. They loes one 1939 Destroyer and one Submarine, they sink the CV Turku. USSR moves 2 Soviet Tank Divisions into my terrirory I sit in fear as I wait for the forgien advisor to announce USSR declare war. Helsinki builds Hospital."
William GBTW

The Swedish Navy is rather strong.

Swedish 1939 Destroyers sink 4 of my noble Costal Submarines. They loes one 1939 Destroyer. They bomb Tornio and loes two bombers bombing my AA Cruiser (dummies...don't bomb an ANTI-AIR Cruiser); they sink the AA Cruiser with a sub. All other Axis powers declare war on them with the Luftwaffe giving aerial support I cannot fail! They send 2 puny and pathetic infantry units near Lulea. Soviets send MANY POWERFUL tanks and Motorized Riflemen to Murmansk. Soviets withdraw from my territory *whew* Soviets send transport ship, 2 1939 Destroyers and one WWI Battleship or Cruiser toward Sweden. British take Ansi. Helinski builds 1939 Destroyer. Turku builds Airport.
Week 28, 1940:
I sink Swedish submarine. 2 Tanks die in battle for Kiruna. I only have 6 tanks left; I will bypass Kiruna since it is so hard to take and take it after I take everything else. The war 'tis going well! I have screenshots to add soon."
William GBTW

A very good start.
Looking forward to see the screenshots.

Thank you and welcome back.

At first just remarked that the graphics of the map in my game is still the normal civ III map. But this one is modified. Where is my error?

Anyway report of Week 46 part 2:

Salisbury is mine. Made aerial landing at Palang on Sumatra. The Conquest of Pretoria costed 6 Pz IV F2 due to that bloody Matilda 2 and the fact the city is on a hill.
Off Halifax a US CA C2 was sunk by the loss of a Uboat. Also a British 1941 DD was sunk off Dakar by my DDs there.

PC turn:
The Portuguese crossed the border with a few units, but not so much to become a headache.

Week 47:
New ships
BB: Tanga
CVE: Amsterdam
As I don´t have any TRs in Indonesia at the moment I have to use bombers and paratroopers. So I could now take Padang on Sumatra and bomb Batavia and Banjamasin, where I landed troops via planes.
In Russia Kachinga and Anadyr are mine. Only Pertopawlowsk is still Russian.

PC turn:
A Portuguese attach with two light tanks on a damaged elite Pz IV F2 turned out to be a very bad idea- for the Portuguese as they lost. Also the Belgians lost a bomber to my Flak.
A British KGV class BB and a CVE are spotted off North America while I had to pass a US convoy in the Pacific. I do not have sufficient numbers of Uboats there.

William GBTW said:
When do I get in the credits?
Rocoteh, this scenario is one of the best on this site. i've been following this thread all the way back to version 1.8 over a year ago. the only reason i haven't made an account is because i had no need for one, until recently.

William GBTW: What kind of jack ass would say something like that?^^^ I mean you don't even deserve to be in the credits, you did nothing. You don't know how to spell the simplest of words and make comments such as "evil Italians", "evil Germans". Even if it is a game, you still shouldn't say that.

Sorry if that's off topic Rocoteh, but i had to say something to that kid.
Hehe... Still debating on whether making a playtest or not, I am starting now... I dunno though, don't know if anyone would enjoy reading it, I may.
@ T-34: Rocotech puts people who playtest in the credits, so I do deserve to be in the credits and as for my dramatization, you shouldn't really get to angry over that; Alder is a German and I don't recall him getting ticked, even the Civ military advisor says that. Sure I make some typos but its not cuase I can't spell its becuase I am in a hurry and I don't have time to review for typos.
@ Rocotech: I got more reports on Finland coming...I think that more units should be avaliable to Finland, its almost not worth research scince as Finland.

@ Despair888: I would like to read your playtest.

I noticed that the Canberra Air Trade is a city improvement and not a wonder. I accidently destroyed it by bombing in my upcoming Japan playtest, to be released here after I finish detailing my Italian campaign. Was it your intention to have this Air Trade destroyed upon invasion of Australia?
Italy 2.2, Chieftain

Week 1, 1941
Not much to report.

Week 2 Crete
Got Land 1940 and the M13/40. This is the best offensive and unit Italy gets for the majority of the game. Our marines take Crete, Greece is now eliminated. My spies report that Germany has built a Bismarck and Britain has built a KGV.

Week 3 Alexandria
My tanks take Alexandria, after heavy naval bombardment.

Week 4 Suez
British BB Ramillies returns through the Suez in one last desparate attempt to stop our conquest of Egypt. Our bombers easily sink her. Suez captured. The Med is sealed.

Week 5
Production of M13/40s is gearing up. We should see the first of these in Egypt next week.

Week 6 Cairo
British BBs Nelson and Valliant are seen near Gibralter. I've sent my 4 BBs out to engage them. Cairo taken, Egypt now secure.

Week 7
We will drive south to link up with our Horn of Africa colonies.

Week 8
Japanese eliminate the Communist-Chinese. Germany takes Kuweit and razes Chah Bahar. Only Persian city left is Ahvaz.
UK, Sid Level:

Week 36, 1939:

- Position Forces to move to Hanoi
- Reposition some of our elite Air Force to London and other various airfields and cities.
- Dutch Submarines move back toward the British Channel.
- RoP with France is made.
- Various repositioning of troops is made, Infantry in Africa are moved in an attempt to occupy Italian territory.
- We are now in the process of researching Sea 1940.

Pre-Turn Week 37, 1939:
- About 7-10 German ships are positioned near London.

Week 37, 1939:
- 5 Bombers are lost in our attempt to weaken the German navy.
- 2 Subs are lost attacking German ships.
- RoP with Thailand is made to allow me to move my Infantry faster through their territory. This will allow faster transportation of Indian troops to the Hong Kong area.
- 5 German Ships are sunk near London.
- 1 Italian Infantry is killed in Africa. Artillery proved effective in weakening that unit.
- 4 of our 1939 Destroyers were lost
- Still moving forces to the Hanoi area so they can help China against the war-machine known as Japan.
- 2 German U-boats are sunk by our 1939 Destroyers.
- Several British Militia Divisions are are deployed.

Pre-Turn Week 38, 1939:
- About 5-7 Dutch Subs are sunk by the German naval fleet.
- Italy repositions much of its Navy in the Mediterranean.
- France bombs German ships, none are destroyed.
- Germany bombs London with several bombers, nothing is lost.
- 4 of our 1939 Destroyers are lost to the German Fleet.
- Hong Kong is bombed by 3 Japanese planes.
- 2 German Destroyers are lost attacking our Royal Navy.
- Germany destroys what appears to be almost all of the Dutch Fleet.
- About 20 German ships are sitting in the British Channel
- Most of are European Navy is in position to launch a massive counter-attack and destroy the entire German Navy that is in the British Channel. Several U-boats along with a few of their Royal Ships are currently are going to be attacked.

Turns with the UK are extremely long, pre turns can take about 20 mins at least sometimes, and moving all those forces can take a while. I'll try to do 2 turns per night.
I was at week 29 but civ got screwed up and I had to load the Sav. from my backup which was week 15. Damn it!!!

So anyway, my North African campaign is almost complete, the only cities left that I want to capture are Dongola and Kartoum. After this I am going to slowly give all north Africa to Italy (exluding Suez, Alexandria, Cairo, and Agadir) I'm going to use Agadir for a naval base and Egypt for a route to the east. I might just send a bomber force and panzer III G's to take Gibraltar but this is not decided yet.

In the middle east (week 16) I have made an airborne/naval landing just west of Damascus. I landed about 6 Panzer IIIg's and a whole bunch of marines, paratroopers and SS infantry, and some Hungarians. Damascus was taken with ease and on turn 18 I took Kirkuk, which I softened up with a few Stuka's. There are around 20 British Indian troops just east of that city and 5 Matilda's aproaching from the south. I just brought in some more Stuka's and 88's to destroy their offensive. Also I found a harbor in Damascus, don't know if it has already been fixed in 2.2 though.

In the Atlantic I am getting beaten back, although I will regain control within a few turns. My subs on the eastern seaboard are almost non-existent. In the Caribbean I had about 15 Subs and now there are 4 with 1 hp each. The US is sending huge amounts of DD's and Subs through Panama. But they just brought in the California(it was sunk by my Bismark) and my spies tell me 5 more BB's are on the way. Hopefully my Gneisenau's and Bismarks arrive in time!!!

London still hasn't been garrisoned with even one unit since early 1940; same with Portsmouth. Plymouth is sending in 4 skua's each turn, even though non get through my defenses.

In the east I am building up massive defenses. There are fortresses, Infantry and 88's everywhere. My goal is to keep peace with Russia until they declare war, then use my defenses to absorb their attack. While this is happening I will send 10 panzers, 10 infantry, 10 German Army HQ and 10 Mot. Inf along the Baltic to take Liapaja, Riga, Pskov, Tallinn, Vlinius, Novgorod and possibly Leningrad if my troops are up to it. This is the same plan for the south: except taking Odessa, Sevastopol, Rostov, Dniepropetrovsk and Kharkov. Of course, my massive Luftwaffe will pave the way for my small forces.

As for Japan: They are doing really well. They have captured all the east indies, including Port Moresby, Solomon Is. and New Caledonia. They have just recently taken Mandalay and Colombo which was a surprise. They razed Kuala Lampur, Sinapore, Urumtsi and Darwin.

BTW, when you do leave over the summer, we will miss you!!!:cry: :sad:
@ Despair888: WOW :eek: I thought France was long!!?!?! Imagine USSR. Well Finland is short turn times :)
Finland, Regent, V. 2.2, MA
Week 29, 1940:
Move forces near Sudsvuall.
Swedish loes two infantry in a FAILED attack on my army near Sundsvual. They bombard & bomb Turku. Sovites move HUGH super-powerful army deeper into my terrirtory; at this moment I am scared. They [the USSR] move MANY MORE tanks into my territory. The Soviet N. Sea fleet goes West. The South Chinesse take Yenan.
Week 30, 1940:
Two POWERFUL tanks can't kill infantry at Sunsuvall.
I loes one infantry near Sundsuvall. USSR passes Kemijarvi *rejoice and saints and angels sing!!!!* Kemijarvi builds Tank. Lulea falls into Civil Disorder.
More to come after I type it up :)
LOL yes, the first turn, I had already played, it took me 30 mins to position all the ships where I wanted them, of course I was going a bit slow, but....

In between turns took 20-30 mins alone too :p Partially because I have it set to watch their moves also, but if I don't watch them, hard to tell exactly where my losses are, or where they're sending troops, especially since I'm playnig on Sid. Have to be careful.
It took me almost that long as France, I bet it gets shorter as thier are less units, as Finland average AI turn is 3 mins and your turn is like 2 mins.
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