
Well done Baldurslayer. :)

I've played a bit over a year and a half of this version with a houserule that tanks, bombers, fighters, artillery, and mechanized infantry can only be built in one city each. Quite interesting, so say the least. Definitely more of a challenge on offense (what with very limited numbers of fast attackers and bombardment weapons), but a bit easier on defense (having several hundred infantry divisions forming a continuous defensive line on your front eliminates pesky raids on your workers, and ensures that you will almost never lose a city).

I've been keeping my notes on notepad on a comp that isn't connected to the internet, so I can't give my report yet. Perhaps next weekend.

Roco, I know you're not around, but I hope you enjoy reading the results of this experiment. They are not, so far, what I had expected when I first started out on it.


It sounds interesting.

In fact I am around now and then but bad health and constant
severe pain causes problems.

Still its my intention to resume work on projects and answer posts
as usual when this ordeal have ended.

WWII Global 2.4
AI Aggression one level above normal
House rule: Arty can only be utilised against Fortifications and no further production of these units.

It is Week 31 1943 with 57% of the worlds surface and 79% of the overall population living in axis controlled territory I do call it quits.

US resistance has basically collapsed, 234 ground units had arrived from Europe as reinforcements and the same number just embarked for the US again.

Overall notes:
  • Production costs (2.4) increase had not been as profound as I expected.
  • The trade wonder in DC survived the German invasion unlike the ones in Toronto or Reykjavik. In earlier games (2.2 or 2.3) I had tried over and over again for the Wonder in DC to survive but was never successful. In contrast the Dutch trade wonders in Batavia and Padang always survived.
  • The cultural gap between Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur became something of a nuisance, two Japanese Infantry units blocked any supply towards Singapore. A small city might fill this gap but then again cities are in short supply ;)
  • Perhaps using airforces and arty only defensively might help to make it more of a challenge (fortresses being the exeption)

All the best


Thank you for the reports.
I have read them all with great interest.

Will return with an analyse later on.

God's speed and a complete recovery!

I've played a bit over a year and a half of this version with a houserule that tanks, bombers, fighters, artillery, and mechanized infantry can only be built in one city each. Quite interesting, so say the least. Definitely more of a challenge on offense (what with very limited numbers of fast attackers and bombardment weapons), but a bit easier on defense (having several hundred infantry divisions forming a continuous defensive line on your front eliminates pesky raids on your workers, and ensures that you will almost never lose a city).
This does sound very intriguing! Playing in such a way, what is your stance on unit upgrades. Since mech. infantry only applies to the Soviets and Germany I suspect you play these nations.
In Version 2.4 German tank upgrade is off, would this be a major impediment to your approach? What about the 88s (air defence) units, can you build them at will (88s serving as Paks, which [Paks in generall] was the low-low cost approach to tank shortages)?
With limited "ground mobility" how much use did you make of paratrooper planes?
I suspect you must loath those Mathilda IIs:lol:
All the best
Yes, I figured the experiment would be best to start as Germany, as they have the most interesting unit line.

Re: tank upgrades... I don't mind them not being there. I have yet to invade England, so I use a few obsolete tanks to guard the French coast from invasion. Also, they're still very effective against minor civs with weak units (Turkey, Spain, Yugoslavia, Greece...) They are, thus, still useful to have. They don't fight on the frontlines of Russia except in an emergency, however.

88's: I limited those too, seeing how incredibly powerful they are at the start. Once I research the StuG, Jagdpanther and such other heavy defenders, I will stop producing 88s.

I do build a lot of Flak's though. In only one city (I limit production of those too. In fact, I've limited production of every unit except infantry). Because my number of fighters is limited, and the Brits are really harrassing me over France. They send an average of six to eight bombers over every turn. Almost all of them are shot down by a combination of flak and fighters.

Haven't researched para-planes, but I plan to make great use of them, especially in Russia where the road system is none too efficient. Of course, I'll have to limit my production of those planes, too. ;)

Still haven't come up against the Mathilda's, but in the past they gave me trouble even when I had the use of large numbers of tanks. I'm not looking forward to the invasion of England.... :(

I should add, the longer the game goes on, the more tanks I've got. I hoard them and use them very carefully, making sure that I don't lose any, aside from the occasional fluke. At the moment, my OOB is and estimated 200 infantry, 50 pzIIIe, 20 pzIIIg. Not too shabby. I've even got five or so elite pzII from the conquest of Poland and France, and I still get decent use out of them. :D
Re: tank upgrades... I don't mind them not being there. I have yet to invade England, so I use a few obsolete tanks to guard the French coast from invasion.

Hi there,

did anyone of you guys made the experiance that the Brits or the US landed in france?
It´s sad, because i always waited for even one small transport :(
Hi there,

did anyone of you guys made the experiance that the Brits or the US landed in france?
It´s sad, because i always waited for even one small transport :(
The UK did sent over some troops at an early stage in several games I've played (right about the Franco-Belgian border).
The US seems to be more preoccupied with Sardinia and Corsica.

I do remember an amphibious attack on Brest but I do not remember by what nation

All the best
Hi there,

did anyone of you guys made the experiance that the Brits or the US landed in france?
It´s sad, because i always waited for even one small transport :(

yes, the Americans sent several transports over the course of 1940, but never were able to land. The British landed near Amsterdam once, but it was only 2 infantry units which were destryed immediately. Every one or two weeks British Infantry units come from Gibraltar through Spain, they have a right of passage agreement, but a Panzer II and a Panzer IVf2 are quite adept at eliminating these minor threats.

Here is the report for the last 5 weeks of the war:

Week 13, 1941
Jaroslavl was captured, no major fighting elsewhere, American transports destroyed by Uboats off the coast of Florida

Week 14
The drive on Stalingrad began, as well as several other operations at the cities of Omsk and Tver.
Week 15
The Aerial bombardment of Stalingrad was initiated. We will have to wait one more week before attacking, no counterattacks. Tver was taken with almost no resistance. Finally the first three Ju 188(B) bombers rolled off the production lines, and production of the Stug has begun.
In a surprise move, the United States declared war on the Soviet Union, while the other allied forces did not. British Indian Infantry is spread all over Russia, trying to reach our border, but usually are bombed to hell by our bombers, and destroyed by single Panzer divisions. Same for Communist Chinese cavalry and infantry.

Week 16
The talent of our bombing crews is unbelievable! Two weeks of massive bombing of Stalingrad (now Wolgograd), left the infrastrucutre almost entirely intact, and enabled our tanks to take the city without losing as much as one division! Astrachan fell soon after our troops marched throuhg the streets of Wolgograd, as well as Omsk, Perm and Kotlas.

Week 17
We have had contact with Persian troops. The Soviet Union is now the staging point of agressions against the fatherland, for many a nation, but the foes are too weak to be of real concern, as of now.
Panzers are now at the city limits of Sochi and Aralsk, waiting for the order to attack.

Military intelligence has shown that the SU has only 4 T34s left. They are doubtless producing more somewhere, but as these are the only units which are really a threat to our over 120 Panzers, of which 70 are the new Panzer IVf2, we consider the Soviet Union as defeated, all that is left to do is to pacify the rest of the country, or finally find peace, which we have offered, but which was rejected by Stalin. Africa will not wait forever.

That's the report on the last month or so, new reports as the war progresses.
Hi there,

did anyone of you guys made the experiance that the Brits or the US landed in france?
It´s sad, because i always waited for even one small transport :(

In several games the Brits have always made repeated attempts to invade through the course of the game. A AI USA player never has. My current playtest has them conquering Europe in mid-1942 from an invasion.
Place a Victory location in Brest to Have the Americans attack there.
I remember back in v1.3, I, as Germany, had taken all of the British Isles, and OUT OF NOWHERE, the Americans showed up, and took the southern half of the island from me in one turn! AI America is quite aggressive, but they have a set of priorities. From my experience, they concentrate on Japan and the Med before anything else.
launched some new ships into my American navy since i got Sea 1940 :) I added the Sodakota, NorthCarolina, and Des Moines classes, i hope you don't mind rocoteh...

Heres the grand american navy of the pacific:

Ships that may rest in peace:

Pennsylvania (hymn)
West Virginia
Original Utah (North Carolina class)
Original Flordia (North Carolina class)

Still active in the Pacific Fleet:
New Mexico
New York

and welcome the Newbs:lol:


North Carolina (BB-49)
Washington (BB-50)
New Hampshire (BB-51)
Utah (BB-52)
Florida (BB-53)
South Carolina (planned, scrapped, hull used for South Dakota)
South Carolina (BB-59 PLANNED again)
Nebraska (once name of Utah (see Utah))


South Dakota (BB-54)
Alabama (BB-55 PLANNED)
Massachusetts (BB-56 PLANNED)
Indiana (BB-57 PLANNED)
Vermont (BB-58 PLANNED)
Louisiana (BB-60 PLANNED)


Iowa (BB-61)
New Jersey (BB-62)
Missouri (BB-63)
Wisconsin (BB-64)
Illinois (BB-65)
Kentucky (BB-66)
Minnesota (BB-67)
Montana (BB-68)

more will be on the list as i keep going :)


Intrepid (built)
Nimitz (built)

Des Moines Class Cruisers (credit, vingrjoe)

Des Moines

this navy aforementioned gives all of its credit mainly to rocoteh, the skinners, and vingrjoe for making this all available :)

This navy has sunk all of the IJN Carriers, DD's, starting battleships, cruisers, heavy cruisers, and at least 8 Yamato Class battleships. :goodjob:
@ Rocoteh
You are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you a speedy recovery.


Thank you.

Hopefully the worst situation is over now and I will return to
business as usual within some weeks.

Interest for CIV 3 seems to be be sharp down.
I am concerned.

Best Regards

The last weeks have been tough, very tough.

Now things seems to be much better.

Thus within 5-6 weeks its my intenion to work on my projects again.
With regard to WW2-Global first priority will probably be to complete
a new special AI-version.

I dont think interest in Civ3 is down. A Special AI version sounds very interesting I look forward to seeing what you plan for that.


Yes, maybe interest for CIV in general took damage from the fact
that Warlords did not become what most people expected.

With regard to to the special AI-version I plan to focus on

Glad to hear you're getting better Rocoteh! :)

With regard to to the special AI-version I plan to focus on

My playtest might be able to shed a bit of light on that subject..

I am very glad to hear you are getting better.
A full and speedy recovery to you Rocoteh.

I have been very busy lately and have not had any time to play test and it does
not look like I will in the near future.

A week or so ago I finished my Mod to test some Ideas I had about how to improve the scenario. But I have not had the time to test it. So I the uploaded file please take a look at it and tell me what you think.

If someone has some extra time could you do a playtest?

Here is what I did in the Mod
1.Put fortress in Tripoli.
2.Cut the following cities to free up slots.[ Puerto Acre, Fort Chipewyart, Broken Hill, Gao, Teffe,
[Note this does not afect borders that much]
Added the following cities [ Midway, Cebu, Palau, Wake, Tarawa.
3.Renamed Soloman Islands Guadalcanal .
4. 2 BF109s to Switzerland 1 to Yugoslavia.
5. 2 I15s to natl china 1 to commie china.
6.1 Light tank to Poland 1 sub to Poland.
7.Added new unit called declare war invisible and imolble def 1 atk 0. This will have a controlled sub bug effect. The Declare Wars Germany v Denmark Norway Germany v Greece Germany v Yugoslavia. Japan v Thailand. China v commie china
8.Added victory locations. Manila,Cebu,Davao,Palau,Tarawa,Palembang,Batavia,
Singapore,Hong Kong,Brest,Portsmouth,Palermo,Malta,London,Bordeaux,Plymouth.
9.Unlandlocked Philadelphia and Riga.
10.Added mines west of Malmo so sweden cant attack Copenhagen and cut off
the tip of Dennmark @X194Y50 so sweden cant block the way to Norway.
11. Germany cant produce 88s Cologne wonder auto produces them every 4 turns.
Germany always wastes its resources on them I think this way is best.[GET THE NO RAZE PATCH.] Düsseldorf Wonder auto produces ME109E every 4 turns. BTW this helps to simulate the industry in the Rhur. IMHO I THINK THIS WILL HELP THE GERMAN AI X2 and it does not need speicial AI version. IMHO THE MAIN GERMAN AI PROBLEM IS it wastes all its resources on 88s.
12.Mines get 20 bonus AI will not charge them.
14.US airbase in UK.
15.Hungary Infantry @X205Y85 is owned by Germany I fixed that now owned by Hungary .

P.S. @Rocoteh
If posting a mod of your scenario bothers you I will take it down.
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