Yet another Orbis PBEM

'Another mining accident?!'
'Yes sire. The very same as all the others.'
'Seemingly. And this time we are absolutely sure, there was nothing flammable in the mine. The fire was, like... by itself.'
'How come?!'
'Really there was nothing to fuel the flame. It was a copper mine, sire.'
'Coal dust?'
'Not a chance'
'So what?!'
'Magic. Foul magic.'
'Any suspects?'
'Do you remember the case of triplets born several years ago? People are saying, that...'
Orthus is marching On The capital it seems, troops are being sent there for added defense.
hmmm I thought I sent it...Ill double check when I get home
The Lizardman Raiders assaulted Tarantum, and Orthus turned from the capital and turned toward the weakened city. Rather than fortify our capital with additional forces, we had to turn and attack Orthus in the open. A few Units were lost, but The Threat of Orthus is gone, and his Axe is ours!!!. Mechanos is safe again!
Perpentach declares an era of national debauchery! All Balseraph is partying! Revelry has been cast! HOORAY!!!

[party][party] :band: [party][party]

Save mailed to Szpilman!
speaking of Orthus' Axe...Im playing a SP game where Im the Malakim and I ran into a Lion carrying it :D with a Hunter doing recon. Who Knew Lions can carry Axes?!...needless to say My Hunter was massacred and The Lion now is Level 6 (obviously he killed a few others before me ;) )...

thought Id share this interesting side development in a different game.
So now that lion is probably nastier than Orthus!

speaking of Orthus' Axe...Im playing a SP game where Im the Malakim and I ran into a Lion carrying it :D with a Hunter doing recon. Who Knew Lions can carry Axes?!...needless to say My Hunter was massacred and The Lion now is Level 6 (obviously he killed a few others before me ;) )...

thought Id share this interesting side development in a different game.
Bambur, one of the First Dwarves and the Great Hero of a dwarven race, emerged from the Underdark to join our cause. He showed us a hidden entrance to the legendary mines near Gal'Dur, where the purest iron ore was once mined. Rejoice! :)

That means a great victory of a dwarven industry over cunnings of the world. Patience is a virtue and debauchery is not, do not forget it!

Same time in a distant location our expedition found Pepin's body and buried it according to
dwarven tradition. The tombstone stands on one of the cliffs of the North Sea.
Beware! Gravediggers will be cursed forever!

(gps to Mike)
a few years of uneventfulness....gps to Perpentach
'Sire, Gog and Magog, two of the three brothers, are not a problem anymore. When an angry mob rushed them, there was no way to stop the lynching. Finally both brothers ended up pushed into a chasm.'
'Can you confirm they are dead?'
'Sire... The chasm is fifty fathoms' deep...'
'The third one?'
'Strange thing, the third one, named Thufir, found shelter in the temple. The priests refused to give him back. They say he is a faithful follower of Kilmorph.'
had a long day at work yesterday, and some errands to do this am...played it when I had the and as Perpentach says...he sent it on already. :D
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